Gotei Thirteen Division Headquarters.

"The situation is very urgent. Two of the captains of Goutei's [-]th squad have already fought against Luka, without any gains. Captain Saraki is in charge of investigating."

"It's no longer something that can be solved by the lower-level team members. In this situation, I don't care about Ichimaru Gin's solo actions just now."

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni stood on the main seat, his tone was as serious as ever.

"Thank you."

Ichimaru Gin responded with a smile.

The meeting was temporarily interrupted because Saraki Kenpachi left the venue midway.

However, after Ichimaru Gin rushed back to report the situation, Motoyasa Shigekuni immediately took the matter seriously.

After all, although Kuchiki Byakuya was seriously injured by Lu Yan in this world, it was after all under the condition that the spiritual pressure was restricted.

But now, under the environment of Seireitei, Ryoka was able to escape easily from Ichimaru Gin, which proved that the other party really possessed the strength of the captain.

Now choose to reconvene the meeting.

Glancing at Ichimaru Gin, Motoyanagi Sai Shigekuni continued to add: "From now on, the senior officials, including the adjutants, must carry the Zanpakutō at all times in the court, and you are allowed to be fully liberated when fighting. "

Hearing this, a middle-aged man with brown slightly curly long hair and a little beard on his chin said lazily.

"Do you always carry Zanpakuto?"

The captain, who was wearing a pink feather embroidered with patterns and a straw hat on his head, was called Jingle Chunshui.

It seems frivolous and lazy, but its actual strength is quite terrifying.

"Speaking of which, who didn't stop the travel disaster to get to the current situation?"

A captain who didn't look like a human in a black and white two-color mask turned his head to look at Ichimaru Gin and questioned him bluntly.

Ichimaru Gin turned his head away with a smile, and he didn't know whether he pressed his palm on the handle of the Zanpakuto intentionally or unintentionally: "Captain Nirvana Yuri, this is not important anymore."

Yuan Liuzai Zhongguo ignored the open and secret struggle between the captains.

Instead, he tapped the ground twice with a cane, and directly concluded: "In order to prevent the incident from getting worse, everyone, please go to the front line to command the battle."


A clean and elegant garden.

This is a noble mansion.

Unlike the Seireitei, which was in chaos due to the travel accident, the inside of these noble mansions looked completely unaffected.

What needs to be mentioned is that Seiling Court occupies a very large area.

In addition to various institutional buildings and some quaint streets inside, those noble residences are also built inside.

After all, the famous Spirit King is actually just a stabilizer of the world, and the real controllers of the soul world are actually these few nobles.

Of course, saying that the number is rare is actually only a relative term.

To be honest, in addition to the top four nobles, there are also some middle and lower nobles.

The mansions of these nobles are generally relatively close to each other, and they are a large adjacent area.

In addition to the regulations in the Seiring Court, the Shinigami cannot enter the noble mansion without permission.

Lu Yan naturally chose to hide in the courtyard of the noble mansion, and generally speaking, there is basically no danger.

He picked a big tree with lush branches and sat on the trunk.

After confirming that there was no danger, he directly switched body control with Ishida Uryu.

Because he needed to talk to Ichimaru Gin about something at that time, he blocked Uryu's perception of the outside world.

At this time, the sudden switch of body made Yulong feel a little uncomfortable for a while, as if he just woke up from a sleep.

He almost fell off the tree trunk.

Fortunately, Yulong was not an ordinary person, and his body control ability was not bad, so he managed to stabilize himself.

He observed the surrounding situation, and silently shouted in his heart: "Mr. Lu, are you still there?"

"what happened?"

Lu Yan returned to the pure white consciousness space, and responded with a smile.

"Do you know what happened just now? I lost my sense of the outside world in the consciousness space..."

Yulong honestly talked about his experience.

In fact, if this happened when switching the control of the body the first few times.

Ishida Uryu would probably suspect Lu Yan immediately, and he was determined not to switch his personality again.

But after getting along for so long, now he has already believed that Lu Yan is his second personality.

I was already trusting, and the battle was really fierce at the time.

Under the preconceived situation, Yulong really didn't suspect that the cut off of senses was caused by Lu Yan.

Lu Yan originally found some excuses to prevaricate.

Unexpectedly, Yulong did not doubt himself.

Naturally, he said kindly: "So that's the case, I said why you couldn't hear you at that time."

Yulong pinched his chin, lost in thought.

"Is it because there are too many spiritual seeds accumulated in the body this time?"

Mainly before that.

The Quincy masters will lose the power to control spirit particles after using the Eucharist.

With such a high price, the number of appearances of the Holy Body is certainly not much.

Basically no reference value.

This is the first Quincy Master like Lu Yan to use the Holy Body as a regular ability. Maybe after absorbing a certain amount of spirit particles in the body, it will lead to confusion in the body's perception?

After thinking for a while, I still have no idea.

Yulong didn't dig into the horns, but turned to look at the middle of the Lingling Garden in the distance.

"Mr. Ritsu, let's meet Kurosaki and the others now."

"It's better to wait until dark to send out."

Lu Yan sat cross-legged in the consciousness space and stretched.

Although the purpose of their visit this time was to rescue Kuchiki Rukia, after Lu Yan made a fuss, the entire Seiring Court was put on high alert.

Let alone going to join Kurosaki Ichigo and the others, even if he is alone, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be discovered.

Yulong thought about it, and it was true.

He looked up at the sun that was already slanting in the sky, and hid in the branches and leaves with peace of mind.


The corner of the alley.

A team of Reapers equipped with medical kits hurried towards Baidaomen.

They are the fourth team responsible for rescue and logistics.

Hearing that the [-]th and [-]rd teams suffered heavy losses, they naturally had to rush over as soon as possible.

Wait for this team of dead nerves to pass, and it will take about ten seconds.

The cover on the ground was opened, revealing a head with orange hair.

It was Kurosaki Ichigo and his party.

He scanned the surroundings, and after confirming that it was safe, he lowered his head and waved downwards.

Yeyi took the lead in jumping to the roof of the roadside house to look around.

"The spiritual pressure at Baidaomen disappeared, did Yulong win?"

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