The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 914 Is the second personality fake?

Chapter 914 Is The Second Personality Fake?
The old man in Saraki Kenhachi's mouth is the strongest shinigami in the millennium, the captain of the Goutei [-]th division, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni.

Of course, it is said to be learning kendo.

With Zaraki Kenpachi's temper, he didn't actually learn much.

It's just that in front of his terrifying talent and huge spiritual pressure, even if he only learned a little bit, the power he can display is beyond the imagination of ordinary death gods.

"I'm quite interested in you, don't die, Quincy Master!"

The voice just fell.

Zaraki Kenpachi raised the Zanpakutō high, and then slashed out from top to bottom.

The moment he swung his knife.

A bright golden sword rushed out from the body of his Zanpakuto.

The pressure of this golden sword rose in the wind, and finally expanded to a height of nearly [-] meters.

The spiritual pressure giant cut crashed down.

Even though it was far away, some of the officers showed horror on their faces.

One of the female vice-captains with an extremely hot figure couldn't help but said: "Is Captain Saraki crazy? Using such a move in Seireitei?!"

scold to scold.

The work of control still needs to be done.

The power of this slash almost surpassed the level of the captain. If left alone, half of the Seiring Court would disappear directly, and the entire Seiring Court would definitely be affected.

There were even a few figures wearing the captain's haori and rushing around, still chanting ghost ways.

Under such movement.

Kurosaki Ichigo and his team, who were still proceeding carefully in the underground waterway, couldn't help but lift the cover and got out of the waterway.

The movement of this battle is really too exaggerated.

Even if they hide in the underground waterway, they can clearly feel it.

With Kurosaki Ichigo's mind, he can guess that this is most likely caused by Ishida Uryu.

The pillars of light in the sky are so obvious that you don't even need to identify the direction.

Yihu is going to help with Zhanyue.

Ye Yi hastily grabbed his trouser legs, preventing this stunned young man from running to seek death.

On the roof of the Gotei [-]th division headquarters.

In that quaint attic, Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto leaned on a cane and silently watched the battle in the distance.

The two deputy captains of the first team behind him seemed to want to say something, but they forcibly endured it.

The main reason is that there has never been a battle of this level since the establishment of Seireitei.

If this battle is allowed to continue like this, and Seireitei is turned into ruins, then what are they going to do with the Goutei [-]th Division?
It's just that there are reasons and the ability to prevent this battle in the thirteenth team of the guardian court.

Probably only the general captain and Captain Unohana of the fourth division are left.

It's a pity that neither of these two people seem to have any plans to make a move now, but just maintain a wait-and-see attitude.

Perhaps he also wanted to see if Saraki Kenpachi could get further improvement under Lu Yan's pressure.

the other side.

The golden spiritual pressure giant slash finally landed.

Following a buzzing sound that shocked the world, the huge dust explosion and air wave directly blocked most of the sight.

Facing the spiritual pressure fluctuations sweeping away in all directions, those gods of death who took the initiative to control the impact of the battle, including several captains, all looked solemn.

Fortunately, after all, this place is Seireitei, the center of the soul world.

Powerful gods of death can be seen everywhere, and with their concerted efforts, they forcibly limited the impact of this battle to a huge square.

The smoke and dust filled the sky, and it lasted for nearly a minute before it gradually began to dissipate.

Almost all Reapers focused their attention on the central area of ​​the battle, and they couldn't wait to know the result of the battle.

After all, no matter how crazy Zaraki Kenpachi is, he is also a captain of Goutei's [-]th Division, and the gods of death naturally hope to see him win.

However, the picture in the central area of ​​the battle disappointed all the gods of death.

Except for the damage to the pure white clothes on Lu Yan's body, there was no sign of any injury at all.

As for Zaragi Kenpachi, his upper body is completely exposed.

The wounds on his body, large or small, were simply innumerable, and his whole body was dripping with blood.

Seeing this scene, anyone with a discerning eye would know that it was Saraki Kenba defeated.

When he saw Lu Yan holding the giant Lingzi sword and walking towards Saraki with a smile.

A Shinigami with an iron bucket on his head, a figure as tall as three people, and wearing the captain's haori, directly cast Shunpo and rushed towards Saraki Kenpachi.

And the other captain who had been standing with him and wearing sunglasses also rushed over.

They wanted to prevent Lu Yan from killing Saragi Kenpachi with a single blow.

But Lu Yan, who had already walked in front of Zaraki, had no such plan.

He looked dying, but also insisted on Saraki who did not fall down.

He chuckled lightly and said, "I'm telling the truth, you are still too weak now."

Zaraki Kenbachu Zanpakudao raised his eyes and glanced at Lu Yan, and said angrily.

"What nonsense, you won this time, kill me with one knife."

in the space of consciousness.

Ishida Uryu, who was dumbfounded the whole time, also reacted now.

After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Mr. Lu, since this god of death has conceded, let him go."

This time, he spoke in a negotiating tone.

After so long, if Yulong still didn't realize that something was wrong, he would be too stupid.

Before, I just didn't want to believe it.

After personally experiencing the holy body this time, even if he can't perform it, he can still feel where the limit of the holy body is.

No matter how strong the second personality is, can it reach this level?

Seeing that Lu Yan didn't do anything outside, Yulong then added: "Mr. Lu, you are actually not my second personality."

"Although I don't know the reason, you should be able to forcefully occupy my body, right?"

Lu Yan from the outside world raised an arc.

He was not too surprised that Ishida Uryu was aware of the fact.

This gifted Quincy was already a very perceptive person.

Not hearing Lu Yan's response, Yulong continued talking without hesitation.

"However, I can feel that you don't have any malice towards me. If you need help, maybe you can tell me."

From Lu Yan's appearance till now, Yulong feels like a carefree old man with nothing to do.

No matter how you think about it, such an old man cannot be a bad person.

And it didn't cause any harm to Yulong, on the contrary, it has been helping him all the time.

He, Ishida Uryu, was not a beast who didn't know how to repay his kindness, so he naturally wanted to find a chance to repay him back.

Lu Yan smiled casually.

"There is indeed something that needs your help, but let's talk about it after leaving here."

There are already a large number of death gods around, and many of them have vice-captains and even captain-level death gods.

After all, it was a matter of reshaping the body, so we had to find a quieter place to talk about it.

(End of this chapter)

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