Chapter 915 Hot Hell
Lu Yan didn't want to fight Yuan Liusai Zhongguo, but he was worried that Ishida Uryu's body would collapse with too much force.

But this doesn't mean that Yuan Liu Sao Chongguo can unscrupulously launch attacks in front of him.

Surrounded by the unique bright blue aura of Quincy Masters around him, he could notice that Lu Yan's skin exposed to the air gradually began to turn red.

Eight Dunjia formations.

The reason why this ability is only at the purple level is because the burden on the body is beyond imagination.

It would be okay if Lu Yan came by himself, but if Ishida Yulong's body was used to use the Eight-door Dunjia Formation, not to mention opening the door to death, even opening the fourth door would probably disable Yulong for life.

But in the face of this full-blooded captain, it really can't be dealt with by just relying on the holy body.

Yuan Liuzhe Chongguo raised the flowing blade in his hand like a fire, and slashed across it horizontally.

The moment it was cut, a tornado-shaped sword pressure purely condensed by Chi Yan rushed towards Lu Yan.

The dazzling light almost illuminated the entire sky above the Seiring Court.

Before the slash arrived, the hot air wave had already hit Lu Yan.

His exposed skin began to curl and crack.

It is no exaggeration to say that such a seemingly random blow by Yuan Liu Sao Chongguo can turn ninety-nine percent of the gods of death into ashes.

Lu Yan turned the giant Lingzi sword in his hand so that the tip of the sword was facing down.

While infusing spirit particles, he directly inserted into the ground without any hesitation.

Blu-ray masterpiece.

The giant sword with spirit particles inserted into the ground is still replenishing spirit particles in all directions.

The huge spiritual pressure abruptly propped up an inverted bowl-shaped space in this sea of ​​flames.

In the bright blue Reiatsu area, heat is forcibly driven away.

The place where the battle is fortunate is the world of souls.

Otherwise, even if Lu Yan could quickly mobilize such a huge spirit, there would not be so many spirits in the air for him to absorb.

And in this Lingling Court, everything around, including the stone brick floor, and even the soil, are actually made of spirit particles.

Lu Yan can absorb and use it at will.

This also means that he will not have enough spiritual seeds at all.

As long as the opponent's attack does not exceed the upper limit of Lu Yan's Lingzi output, even a delay can drag the opponent to death.

After all, Yuan Liu Zhe Zhongguo was too old, and it was impossible to surpass Lu Yan in terms of durability.

However, the problem is that the captain's attack power is precisely the strongest in the soul world.

Seeing that the battle was about to be dragged into a protracted state, Yuan Liuzai Chongguo's eyelids only slightly lifted.

"Then the old man will get rid of you as soon as possible."

He clenched the Flowing Blade Ruohuo in his hand, and turned the blade upside down like Lu Yan did, pointing it down.

After a brief brewing, he plunged the blade in his hand into the ground.

"Hot hell!"

next moment.

The surrounding ground suddenly cracked, and blazing flames rose into the sky.

There are dozens of pillars of fire reaching the sky, each of which is thicker than ten meters in diameter.

In such a high temperature, even if those gods of death fled far away, they were still sweating profusely, and couldn't help looking back at the situation over there worriedly.

Kyoraku Shunsui carried Saraki Kenpachi who passed out, and couldn't help turning around.

He picked up the bamboo hat he was wearing on his head.

"Are you actually using such a move in Sei Ling Ting? Really, I don't know how troublesome the repair work will be."

As a disciple of Yuanliusai Zhongguo, Jingle Chunshui is well aware of how terrifying his teacher is.

Naturally, he also knew that "Hot Hell", the strongest skill that Ruo Huo had unleashed.

Gather those dozens of fire pillars together and detonate them instantly.

Its terrifying power can even turn the ground several times that of Karakura Town into dust.

Even if Seireitei was much bigger than Karakura Town, it wouldn't be much better if it was blown up like this.

in this period.

Dozens of sky-reaching fire pillars have gradually begun to gather, seemingly slowly but actually quickly.

It was obvious that Yuanliu Chu Chongguo had no intention of destroying Lingling Court.

On the periphery of those pillars of fire, a complete wall of flames has already condensed, this is to limit the area affected by the explosion to an acceptable range.

in the space of consciousness.

"Mr. Law, you should have other options, right?"

Although Ishida Uryu didn't feel the heat personally, just looking at it like this was enough to make his hair stand on end.

Looking at the dazzling pillar of fire, his mouth was dry for a while, and he said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Don't worry about it, use it quickly."

Lu Yan was not as nervous as Yulong in the outside world.

He sighed helplessly, ready to open the fourth door of the Eight Door Dunjia.

at this time.

A woman with long purple hair and brown skin suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yan.

"Great, you brat is too courageous, you dare to fight Captain Yamamoto."

This familiar tone was exactly the same as that of the black cat.

One night at Sifeng Courtyard.

Probably only she, the God of Death who has cultivated to the peak of Shunbu, dares to come here.

Lu Yan was not surprised that Ye Yihui came to rescue Ishida Yulong.

Lu Yan responded with a smile: "Kurosaki Ichigo asked you to save me?"

"That kid Ichigo is going to come to help, you really will find trouble for me."

As Ye Yi was talking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Lu Yan's arm, saying, "Now is not the time to talk, let's leave here first."

"Instant coax!"

The next moment, a white mist of Reiatsu erupted from her body, gushing out from her back and shoulders like steam.

Without too much delay, the whole person directly used Shunpo with all his strength.

Bringing Lu Yan out of the encirclement of the scorching hell as if teleporting, and then hurried away.

The power of the surging sea of ​​fire is indeed great, but it also quite affects the line of sight.

Yuan Liuzai Chongguo could only judge the situation inside by relying on his perception of Reiatsu.

When Lu Yan and Ye Yi left the area of ​​the hot hell, he felt it immediately.

Then he slowly put away his Zanpakuto.

Of course, he would not fail to recognize the spiritual pressure of Ye Yi, the captain of the second team a hundred years ago.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the direction where Lu Yan and the two left, as if he was wondering why Ye Yi chose to help Lu Huo.


In the dark underground sewer.

Yeyi had brought Lu Yan and Kurosaki Ichigo to join them.

No, it should be said that he brought Yulong.

In fact, when Ye Yi dragged Lu Yan away, he had already switched control of his body with Yu Long.

At the same time, he has already told Yulong about his need for righteous bones and righteous souls.

Now Lu Yan can't wait to reshape his body and go to Yuan Liuzhe Zhongguo to settle the score.

It doesn't matter whether the task is completed or not, but being so embarrassed by an old man is unacceptable.

After hearing the request relayed by Yulong, Ye Yi said thoughtfully.

"Those things the Technology Development Bureau should have."

(End of this chapter)

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