Because everyone present was attracted by the sudden outbreak of fighting.

When Lu Yan walked out of the dry forest slowly, not many people noticed.

Even if someone saw it, they were just a little puzzled as to why there would be a strange god of death rushing to such an occasion.

But for Ishida Ulong, who was fleeing in a panic, Lu Yan's appearance made him overjoyed.

"Hey! Hey! How dare you be distracted."

Zaraki Kenpachi looked unhappy, and slashed towards Uryu again.

After leaving a terrifying knife mark on the ground, he reprimanded depressedly: "What are you still dawdling about, quickly show your true strength, or I will really hack you to death!"

Yulong took advantage of the gap between Zaraki's words and quickly opened the distance between the two.

He could feel Geng Mu's strength, obviously stronger than when he fought Lu Yan last time.

Uryu was not the opponent of this lunatic in the first place, let alone Saraki Kenpachi became stronger. If the opponent hadn't been releasing water to force out Uryuu's so-called hidden strength, the battle would have ended long ago.

Even so, Yulong looks quite embarrassed now.

The whole person was gasping for breath, and the pure white Quincy uniform had already become tattered and stained with a lot of mud.

There is simply no ability to continue to delay time.

Just when he was about to ask Lu Yan for help, Saraki Kenpachi charged over again with his sword.

And because Zaraki Kenpachi was very dissatisfied with this kind of battle, this time Zaraki didn't even hold back too much, preparing to make Uryuu close to death, trying to force Uryuu to be able to defeat him in this way. strength.

This suddenly increased the fighting intensity, and Yulong had no time to dodge.

All he could do was point the spiritual bow in his hand at Saraki, and shoot an arrow with the remaining strength in his body, hoping to temporarily repel Saraki.

But what kind of crazy fighting maniac is Zaragi Kenpachi?
Ordinary injuries, not only can't make him retreat, but will lead to a rise in combat power due to the more emotional relationship.

Facing the oncoming Reiko arrow, Zaraki Kenpachi did not dodge or dodge, and directly resisted with his body.

After a new arrow wound was added to his body, Saraki's whole body had already arrived in front of Yulong.

The Zanpakuto in his hand slashed down.

Seeing that Yulong was about to be divided into two.

at this time.

A figure galloped across the field.

The ear-piercing hiss of the blade resounded throughout the audience, attracting the attention of everyone present.

Standing under the double platform, Yuan Liu, who had been squinting his eyes, subconsciously opened his eyes.

Even Ichigo, who was being violently beaten by Jingraku Shunsui, stopped for a while, and looked towards the place where the hissing sound sounded.

Lu Yan stood sideways, without even looking straight at Saraki Kenpachi.

Just using that extended finger, he moved Saraki's jagged Zanpakuto a distance away.

No one can clearly see how he moved to the position where the two are fighting, but the current picture...

It was the strange Shinigami who appeared suddenly holding the Zanpakuto, but deliberately blocked Saraki Kenpachi's angry sword with a finger.

Seeing this scene, everyone present, counting one by one, showed expressions of disbelief.

Receiving Zaragi Kenpachi's attack with his fingers is enough to shock people.

Not to mention that the person who made such a move was a god of death who had never seen it before.

Except for Yulong, who survived the catastrophe, no one could accept this fact.

Especially Saraki Kenpachi, he knew very well how terrifying the power of his sword was, but in the end he was taken so lightly.

Of course, Zaraki Kenpachi was astonished as he was surprised, but it wouldn't be so if he didn't dare to continue to do it.

Rather, he became even more excited.

"Although I don't know who you are..."

Zeng Mu grinned a very ferocious arc: "Then you will fight with me instead!"

Hearing this, Lu Yan raised his eyebrows, turned his head slightly and glanced at Saraki.

Ignoring it, he looked at the side again and sat on the ground, Yulong teased: "You are too embarrassed."

Yulong patted his chest with lingering fear.

"Mr. Lu, if you come later, you may not see me."

Zaraki Kenpachi just likes to enjoy fighting, it doesn't mean he is a fool.

In the current situation, it is clear that these two people did not take themselves seriously.

Saraki laughed back angrily.

Immediately swinging the saber again, slashing horizontally from left to right, it seemed that Lu Yan was about to be cut in half by the waist.

Uryu, who had been paying attention to Zaraki, turned pale with fright, but he hadn't waited for him to remind him.

Lu Yan had already reacted.

He flipped his wrist over, and the Zanpakutō of the Zanpaku style that he was holding was deftly blocking the trajectory of Saraki Kenpachi's attack as if he was moving his fingers.

After a dull sound.

Zaraki Kenpachi felt as if he had been slashed on a thick steel plate by an ordinary person, and he couldn't shake it at all.

Only at this moment did Lu Yan turn his head to look at Zaraki with a smile.

"It's quite difficult to fight with you."

As soon as this remark came out, Zaraki took it as a mockery.

Bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes: "You really know how to say..."

Saragi withdrew his Zanpakuto again.

Taking advantage of the situation, he took off his blindfold, and violent Reiatsu spewed out from his whole body.

"Then show me next time!"

This time, Lu Yan didn't even use Zanpakudao.

He just raised his hand and pinched Saraki's Zanpakutō precisely, even though Saraki had such a burst of Reiatsu, he couldn't pull it out from his fingers.

Like an old man, Lu Yan said with a smile, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't praise you."

"The difficulty of the battle is high, but I'm just worried that if I'm not careful, the world will collapse."

The situation here made all the gods of death present stupefied.

They really didn't quite understand what Lu Yan said to Saragi Kenpachi.

But what they could all see was that during the two brief confrontations, Zaraki Kenpachi was completely crushed by this strange god of death who appeared suddenly!
"Who is that god of death?"

"Why have you never seen it before?!"

A tall captain with a metal mask on his head silently clenched the handle of his knife.

Although he doesn't like Zaraki Kenpachi's style of conduct, there is no doubt about Zaraki's strength.

To suppress Zaraki so easily, presumably even the captain can't do it?

Such a dangerous and strange god of death, the captain of Komamura Zuojin with a strong sense of justice, couldn't just watch.

Zanpakudao was unsheathed on the spot.

"Roar, God damn it!"

Komamura's left team slashed in the direction of Lu Yan.

The next moment, an armored arm holding a giant knife appeared from the void.

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