The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 924 Absolute Power

In nature, size often represents strength and destructive power.

Although the Zanpakuto of Komamura Zuojin did not change in shape after the initial release.

But when he swung his sword, he could make part of his spirit body gigantic.

For most gods of death, the sense of oppression brought about by such an attack is like divine punishment.

However, Lu Yan was no ordinary god of death.

The shadow of the giant spirit arm has already covered both Lu Yan and Saraki Kenpachi.

The next moment, Lu Yan just waved his hand.

A sword light flashed!

The huge spirit arm was cut off in the middle, and the section was as flat as a mirror.

Blood flowed profusely from the arm of the spirit body, and it fell to the ground and dissipated.

Komamura Zuojin held his arm in the distance and let out a cry of pain.

But he didn't give up on it. The more dangerous Lu Yan behaved, the more he couldn't tolerate it.

After a blow was frustrated, he no longer held back.

"Solution! The black rope scourges King Ming!"

A huge black-armored warrior over [-] meters in size appeared behind him. The face of the black-armored warrior was covered by a red scarf, exuding a mysterious and majestic aura.

The swastika of Komamura Zuojin belongs to the type of swastika that infuses one's own life.

No matter how badly damaged it was, once Komamura regained his health, the Zanpakutō would automatically repair itself.

But correspondingly, when the black-armored samurai is attacked, Komamura will also bear the corresponding damage.

Relatively speaking, such a swastika solution is more suitable for group battles rather than single duels.

Lu Yan didn't care who the opponent was, he planned to settle accounts with Yuan Liuzhe Zhongguo, and of course he had to settle all these captains.

He kicked Zaraki Kenpachi flying with one kick: "I should be called Shijie..."

Then he raised his right arm holding the Zanpakuto, and said softly.


boom!boom! ! !
An unimaginably violent aura surged out, and thick dark clouds quickly gathered in the originally sunny blue sky.

The bipolar hill standing under his feet couldn't bear such a huge force, and dense cracks like spider webs gradually appeared.

On the edge of the bipolar hill, boulders even began to crumble and fall one after another.

A golden whirlpool engulfed Lu Yan, and blood-red steam surged around him.

The Zanpakuto in his hand, which looked shallow, had also turned into a pure black stone tablet.


The sky turned from bright to dark, and golden lightning bolts pierced the sky one after another.

The incredible sense of oppression shocked all the gods of death present.

Kurosaki Ichigo, who has always been an iron-headed boy, now has uncontrollable beads of sweat on his forehead.

He's just an iron head, it doesn't mean he has a problem with his head.

Such a destructive aura, is it really possible for a human being to emit it?
With such a sudden change, Jingle Shunsui has no intention to bully Ichigo.

The Zanpakuto in his hand has been pulled out.

"Hey, hey, is this a joke?"

He pressed the bamboo hat above his head to prevent it from being blown away by the violent air waves.

And said in an extremely unbelievable tone: "I heard that right, that guy said this is just his initial interpretation?"

Yuanliu Che Chongguo, under the double stage, could no longer maintain his composure.

His crutch has been split, revealing the Zanpakuto hidden in the crutch underneath.

Such an aura, even he is not sure that he can do it.

And who is sure that this is the ultimate power of that strange death god?

Ishida Uryu is located the closest, so he feels a stronger sense of oppression.

He swallowed hard, his mind went blank.

Komamura Zuojin was wearing a metal mask, but no one could see his expression.

However, judging from his sudden stiff movements, he was obviously frightened.

Fortunately, most of these captain-level gods of death are not afraid of the enemy when they are too strong.

What's more, I have already solved it, and I will admit defeat without even taking a single blow?

Komamura Zuozhen gritted his teeth, holding on to the extravagant hope that Lu Yan was merely imposing, and controlled the black-armored warrior to make a slash.

in the face of such an attack.

Lu Yan just raised the giant sword like a pure black stone tablet in his hand.

It seems that nothing was hit.

Just the next second.

The huge black-rope Heavenly Wrath King Ming immediately disappeared into nothingness.

Zuojin Komamura felt a void in his body, and fell to the ground weakly.

And no matter how he called, he could no longer get a response from the Black Rope Heavenly Scourge King Ming.

Just like his swastika...

Completely disappeared!
Before he could figure out what happened, a complicated and chaotic feeling came to his mind.

Komamura Zuojin collapsed to the ground, screaming uncontrollably.

Lu Yan frowned slightly.

"Should this be the effect of the light and the dust and the raving of the wronged soul?"

After mastering "Wu Shuang", all his powers are defaulted to the same ability.

The most important thing is that these kinds of human town clan skills are all passive, and Lu Yan does have some abilities that he hasn't used much. When he uses them, even he himself is not sure what the situation is. .

Lu Yan was just a little puzzled.

But such a scene, in the eyes of these people present, is frightening.

From their point of view, Lu Yan just swung his knife.

Just letting a captain-level god of death lose his combat power, such a scene is so powerful that it can be called weird.

Even though there are still a few captains present at the scene, no one dared to go to help Komamura Zuojin up before they figured out the situation.

Jingle Chunshui landed behind Yuan Liuzai Zhongguo secretly, and said in a somewhat awkward tone: "Captain, can you see what happened?"

Yuan Liu Zhe Zhongguo also showed a solemn expression after a long absence, and did not give a reply.

In many cases, no answer is itself an answer.

Jingle Chunshui really started to panic now.

Even Yuan Liuzai Chongguo, who has been the strongest god of death for thousands of years, can't see it. The significance of this is self-evident.

Yuan Liuzai Chongguo was silent for a moment, and took off his white feather weave.

Without turning his head, he said to Jingle Chunshui: "Go and inform the Zero Division and Central Room 46, if the old man loses..."

"You are the next captain."

Hearing this, Jingle Chunshui planned to say something.

But after finishing speaking, Yuan Liu Zhe Chongguo walked towards Lu Yan.

The Zanpakuto in his hand was also unsheathed on the way.

"The blade is like fire!"

Fierce heat filled the entire bipolar hill. At least he was the strongest Reaper in the millennium. The Reiatsu that had been released by Si had already reached the level of other captains.

However, compared with Lu Yan's devil-like aura, there is still a big gap.

Looking at Yuan Liuzhe Zhongguo who was walking towards him slowly but firmly, the corner of Lu Yan's mouth curled up.

"Don't let other captains test my strength?"

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