"Should I praise you?"

Lu Yan glanced at the seemingly unremarkable Taidao in the hands of Yuan Liusai Zhongguo.

Yuan Liuzhe Zhongguo subconsciously took back the flowing blade Ruuohuo in his hand.

Taking advantage of the heat of the Rising Sun Blade hadn't faded away, he slashed out with an unbelievable knife.

This time, he looked very carefully.

But because of this, his heart sank directly to the bottom of the valley.

He could see very clearly that his blade was flowing like fire, and he clearly and clearly slashed across Lu Yan's body.

But there is no feeling of being cut into the entity.

It's as if the other party is just an illusion, and this world doesn't exist at all.

If it's just an illusion, it's fine, as long as you can find the other party's entity and solve it.

However, it is not that simple.

Under such a close observation, Yuan Liuzhe Zhongguo could feel the unimaginably huge and heavy spiritual pressure emanating from Lu Yan.

He can be sure that the other party is an entity, not some so-called illusion.

The sweat dripping from Yuan Liuzhe Zhongguo's forehead turned into green smoke and dissipated in an instant under the high temperature.


He held the blade like a fire, as if he was asking Lu Yan, or talking to himself.

"what is the problem?"

Not only Yuan Liuzhe Zhongguo was full of doubts.

Everyone present, one by one, all showed the same shocked expression.

Especially Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu who were closest to the battle, it was even more difficult to understand what was going on.

Even though they don't know exactly how strong Yuanliu's Chongguo is, but judging from the blazing high temperature and aura shown by Liu Jianruohuo, no matter how they think about it, it can't be a silver-like pewter gun, right?

Kurosaki Ichigo swallowed hard.

He asked Yulong with a somewhat difficult tone: "This... he, Mr. Lu, who is it?"

Yulong stared blankly and pursed his lips, but he didn't answer Ichigo's doubts immediately.

Not to mention Ichigo, even Yulong himself didn't know exactly what happened to Lu Yan.

Saying that Lu Yan is his second personality at such a time would be too ridiculous and generous.

It seems that because Lu Yan didn't act immediately, Yuan Liuzhe Chongguo had a glimmer of hope for a peaceful solution.

He frowned tightly and asked, "What is your purpose for coming here?"

"Who knows."

Lu Yan responded with a smile.

While speaking, he gradually raised the huge sword in his hand that looked like a pure black stone tablet.

"Probably there is no purpose, let's cut you off first."

The voice did not fall.

Yuan Liuzhe Zhongguo's complexion changed dramatically.

But before he had time to distance himself, Lu Yan's sword had already slashed down.

Too late to dodge, carrying it hard is the only option.

"Remnant Fire Sword·West-Remnant Sun Prison Clothes!"

The Reiatsu around Yuanliu Sai Chongguo's body turned into tens of millions of degrees of high-temperature flames, and the high temperature, like the sun, wrapped his body and Zanpakuto in the blink of an eye.

The whole person directly turned into a human-shaped little sun, only a bald head was exposed, which was also so red that it was black.

After all, it is the Zanpakuto with the strongest attack, even its defensive ability is similar to that of anti-armor.

Relying on the scorching high temperature, it evaporates and melts all approaching objects.

If it is an ordinary opponent, it can be said that there is no way to deal with Yuan Liuzai Zhongguo in this state.

But Lu Yan didn't care about this.

No matter how high the temperature is, if it doesn't affect you, then it doesn't make any sense.

His sword was still slowly but firmly slashing towards Yuan Liuzhe Chongguo.

What happened next was something that all the gods of death present would never forget.

Slashed down with the pure black giant sword.

All the blazing flames under the blade were instantly disintegrated.

It is as if the frozen mountain spring water on the high mountain melts quietly after the beginning of spring.

Lu Yan's attack seemed to speed up the process countless times.

There was no unnecessary sound, as if these flames should not have existed.

Under the pure black giant sword, all fluctuations were subdued.

The incomparably blazing flame coat dissipated out of thin air.

Lu Yan's giant sword made a dull knocking sound that was slightly shameful on the head of Yuan Liuzhe Chongguo.

No way, this Wushuang is not so much a Zanpakuto, it is more like a thick stone tablet.

Although under the gaze of so many people, he was knocked on the head.

But Yuan Liuzai Zhongguo is obviously not in the mood to consider the issue of face now.

He could feel that most of the spiritual pressure in his body had disappeared.

Instead of being consumed, this part of spiritual pressure is permanently lost.

Moreover, he could no longer sense his own swastika, and it was even difficult to accept the fluent response.

That is to say, he completely lost his power!
After realizing this, Yuan Liuzai Chongguo turned pale.

It is almost impossible to bear such a blow.

He is indeed prepared to be defeated and die, but this is completely different from losing his strength.

Yuan Liu Zhe Chongguo raised his head tremblingly, staring straight at Lu Yan.

"You...what did you do?"

"That's it."

Lu Yan raised the pure black giant sword that he had placed on Yuan Liuzhe Chongguo's head again: "Your moves are too loud, please be quiet."


In a fit of rage, Yuan Liuzhe Zhongguo raised his own blade that had lost its flame, Ruohuo, and slashed in the opposite direction.


Lu Yan's eyes gradually narrowed.

He didn't think the captain went crazy so easily.

Besides, in his old state, he did feel two hidden auras.

Ignoring Yuan Liusai Zhongguo who was slashing his knife wildly at the air, he moved his gaze to the open space on the other side.

"Captain Aizen, if we don't do anything, the battle will be over."

Playful voices sounded in the air.

The next moment, the open space was violently torn apart like a canvas.

The figures of two captains wearing white haori were revealed.

Those were the two captain-level gods of death who had been hiding from the beginning.

The captain of the third team, Gin Ichimaru, and the captain of the fifth team, Aizen Soyousuke.

Aizen walked out of the air, and Gin Ichimaru followed behind him step by step.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yan wasn't very surprised, he just smiled and praised: "Your ability to hide is very good."

Aizen also showed a refreshing smile.

He spread his hands and said gently: "I heard that Mr. Quincy over there said that your name is Li, right?"

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows: "So?"

Aizen laughed dumbfoundedly, and slowly pulled out his Zanpakutō.

"Hehe, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything malicious, I just want Mr. Li to show me my Zanpakuto."

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