In addition to Yuan Liuzhai Zhongguo, who was deeply in the mirror, there were also many captain and vice-captain level death gods present.

After they saw Aizen Soyousuke and Ichimaru Gin appear, they were all dumbfounded.

In their impression, Aizen should be dead.

And Ichimaru Gin, who was following him, has not been completely ruled out as the murderer.

But now why are these two people appearing together?
And judging from the position, Ichimaru Gin is more like Aizen's subordinate.

"Captain Aizen!?"

"What exactly is going on?"

"Isn't Captain Aizan dead?"

Facing the inquiries one after another, Aizen did not respond.

In fact, his current mood is not as calm as it appears on the surface.

The execution of Kuchiki Rukia was indeed developing as he had imagined at the beginning.

But after coming out of this strange god of death, something is not quite right.

No one in Goutei's thirteenth squad was able to stop the opponent, and even Yuan Liusai Zhongguo made a move, but he was still flatly pushed by the opponent.

Seeing that the Soul Society lost its ability to resist, and Rukia was about to be taken away so easily, Aizen couldn't sit still in the end.

He has carefully designed it for so long, and his purpose is to obtain the collapsed jade in Rukia's body.

How could he accept that he was about to fall short?

Even though he clearly felt Lu Yan's terrifying and incomprehensible strength, he still had to stand up and stop him.

He slowly unsheathed his Zanpakudao, trying to slow down his movements so as not to anger Lu Yan.

The Zanpakuto with a light green handle and a shallow appearance was held in Aizen's hand.

Slowly but aesthetically, the point of the knife is brought towards the ground.

After doing all this, Aizen continued to speak gently: "This is my Zanpakuto."

"The so-called water-type Zanpakuto?"

Of course Lu Yan knew what Lan Ran was going to do, and looked at him with a half-smile.

Such an attitude made Aizen slightly startled who was about to use Mirror Flower and Water Moon.

With a scrutinizing gaze, he looked Lu Yan up and down again.

With a dumbfounded smile, he said, "I'm being rude."

There was a crisp metal crash.

Aizen put the knife back into its sheath.

He still had a refreshing smile on his face, and turned to ask: "Mr. Lu, your strength is astounding, why don't we cooperate."

"Your transformation is really fast enough."

Lu Yan just smiled casually, noncommittal to Aizen's proposal.

"It has such a powerful power, but it has never appeared in the records of the world of corpses and souls. It really makes people curious."

Aizen spread out his hands, and the broad captain's feather weave swayed under the blowing of the mountain wind, exuding an inexplicable elegance all over his body.

"Mr. Li, you are confused."

"You have the power to subvert the world, but you don't know what to do, right?"

"So, Mr. Li, why don't you try to do something?"

"For example, together with us, transform the world, this world ruled by decadent nobles, into an ideal appearance?"

"We are absolutely invincible ahead of us."

Aizen's tone sounded like a poetic chant, which made people involuntarily convincing.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Aizen is not the god of death, relying on such a charisma, he might be able to start a war when he goes to give a speech.

However, before Lu Yan could give a reply, the captains around him immediately went crazy.

They were still shocked by the fact that Lan Ran was resurrected from death, and then they heard that Lan Ran invited Lu Yan to overthrow the rule of the soul world.

The gods of death present were completely stupefied. How could this Aizen Soyousuke be completely different from what they had imagined? !

After listening to Lan Ran's invitation quietly, Lu Yan twisted his neck.

"You have a good eye for people, I will really consider what I need to do next..."

Speaking of this, Lu Yan's face gradually curved: "However, I need to remind you that when facing something you don't understand, it's best not to make judgments in such a hurry."

"Mr. Li is really a very stubborn person."

Aizan shook his head with a smile, and added: "No one stands in the sky from the beginning, we still have time to understand each other."

From the beginning of the conversation between the two, none of the gods of death present dared to stand up and break the situation rashly.

The seemingly harmonious atmosphere between the two made the captains present feel uneasy.

However, there were not only normal people present.

And the mind is full of fighting...

Zaraki Kenpachi!

Although he was kicked off the bipolar hill by Lu Yan not long ago, he finally met such a strong opponent.

Even if Zaraki knew that he might be killed if he ran back, he didn't have the slightest scruples.

He landed heavily on the bipolar hill like a meteorite, and then raised his Zanpakuto and rushed towards Lu Yan with a roar.

"It's such a power, I'm completely excited!"

Seeing Saraki Kenpachi who was rushing straight towards Lu Yan, Aizen snapped his fingers gracefully.

Then Saraki naturally regarded Yuan Liuzhai Chongguo as Lu Yan, and the two gods of death who had been affected by the effect of the mirror flower and the water moon started a fierce battle involuntarily.

Aizen smiled: "Mr. Li, this is my sincerity."

"It doesn't matter if you're sincere or not."

Lu Yan slowly raised the pure black giant sword in his hand: "Do you think it is really necessary to find someone to cooperate with me if I want to do something?"

Before he finished speaking, the pure black giant sword in his hand fell towards Lan Ran.

Under this sword, even if there was a distance between the two of them, Aizen felt a strong sense of crisis after a long absence.

He raised his left hand subconsciously.

"Bindao 81, Duan Kong."

A huge air defense wall appeared in front of him, which was strong enough to resist the powerful defense ghost road below the 89th broken road.

However, such a defense cannot give Aizen any sense of security at all.

He cast Shunpo at the same time and disappeared in place.

The result of the collision between the sword pressure and Duankong also affirmed Aizen's premonition.

Under Lu Yan's casual sword, the huge air wall was smashed through, and the originally seemingly strong defense was as fragile as a mirror at this moment.

After the sword pressed through the air wall, it flew straight out without losing momentum, leaving a huge sword mark on the Lingling Court below, causing a large number of houses to collapse and casualties.

Aizen's figure reappeared on Bipolar Hill.

Seeing the result of Lu Yan's sword strike, even Lan Ran, who had always been calm, couldn't hold back anymore.

He knew that Lu Yan, who was able to defeat Yuan Liuzhai Chongguo head-on, must be very strong, but shouldn't it be due to that unknown power?
How could it be possible to destroy half of the Seiling Court with just a single sword strike?

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