The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 937 Accept the mission

Of course, no matter what kind of task.

Whether Lu Yan participates or not, what affects his judgment is basically the level of fun of the mission.

As for whether the task is difficult or easy, it really doesn't make any sense to him.

By the way, after Lu Yan possessed the ability to transform into a super race, he ranked first on the reincarnation combat power list on the spot.

Although he was tough before gaining the power of super race transformation, as long as the opponent doesn't run, he can still consume the top [-] to death.

But the ranking reference of the reincarnation combat power list doesn't care about this.

After all, the reincarnation system is ridiculously rigid in many cases.

Regardless of whether it is the will of the god of death or the abilities of the Eight-door Dunjia Formation, in the judgment of the reincarnation system, they are all means of fighting for life. Normally, they are gone after beating people, and they do not belong to conventional combat power.

Even if it is included in the combat power evaluation system, the proportion is not high.

But the strange thing is that Lu Yan's own special situation makes these abilities a routine method for him.

Therefore, Lu Yan's ranking at that time was indeed quite different from his actual performance.

However, after he acquired the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan, he was naturally ranked first only by relying on the exaggerated increase and the ability to dodge seriously.

This incident also caused a commotion at the time.

Fortunately, when Lu Yan was in the ranking match and divisional confrontation, the strength he showed was indeed real.

Naturally, no one questioned it, it was only a little delayed when the reincarnation system was queuing up combat power.

So regarding the fact that the Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War suddenly rose to the top of the Samsara combat power list, there was a brief discussion in the forum, and then it calmed down.

Lu Yan did not rush to agree to the task invitation, but continued to refresh the forum.

With the notification of the plundering mission, the number of posts on the forum skyrocketed.

Every time it is refreshed, hundreds of new posts appear, and I have to admit that the quality of the forum built by that guy Bai Buqian is indeed excellent.

Even if the data skyrocketed, the website faltered slightly and did not crash.

drop drop drop
A rapid ringtone rang, and an incoming call screen popped up on Lu Yan's phone screen.

He glanced at the word Gale on the caller ID, but he wasn't surprised.

After all, we have known each other for so long, every time something happens, Kuang Feng will call him.

As soon as Lu Yan pressed the answer button, Guafeng's rough voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Boss Tyrannosaurus, you should have seen the plundering mission, right? Have you accepted the mission?"

As soon as I got connected, a bunch of inquiries came over me.

Lu Yan was silent for a while: "I saw it, but I haven't accepted it yet."

Speaking of it, this plundering task is to select the top [-] reincarnations in combat power, and only when the top reincarnations refuse, will it be postponed to the next one.

However, the top [-] fighters in the entire group of reincarnations are considered the strongest group after all.

Cautious perhaps, but not fearful.

Unless there are other considerations or other things, otherwise, basically they will not refuse.

Kuangfeng didn't call Lu Yan as soon as the plundering mission appeared, but only after Lu Yan browsed the forum for a while.

Obviously, they had already discussed with the official reincarnation side before they had time to confirm the situation on Lu Yan's side.

"Boss Tyrannosaurus, will you participate?"

Hearing Kuangfeng's inquiry, Lu Yan silently pulled out the task interface, and clicked to accept.

【Ding! 】

[The plundering mission has been accepted. 】

[Mission start countdown:]



After finishing, he replied: "Participate, do you have any useful information?"

"There is not much information at the moment. After all, the plunder mission is the first time it has appeared, but judging from the word plunder, our think tank speculates that there is a high probability that this mission will go to plunder the resource planet..."

I still remember that resource planet No. 103 was plundered by the fairy clan not long ago, but the plunder failed.

If nothing else happens, there is a high probability that this plundering mission will be replaced by reincarnators to rob resource planets of other races.

It's normal to think about it, after all, the reincarnation system can't be done by yourself, and so many resource planets can be saved, it is estimated that the reincarnation system is sent to snatch it.

While Lu Yan was pondering the situation, the chattering voice of the wind on the other end of the phone continued.

"...But if you are with me, Tyrannosaurus God, I don't think it's a big problem."

The wind is not a compliment.

Although the tasks assigned by the reincarnation system vary in difficulty, they are generally not the kind of tasks that are absolutely impossible to complete.

The more he got in touch with Lu Yan, the more Kuang Feng felt that this invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War was really invincible.

Since there is such a thick thigh to join, then there is nothing to say, just lie down.

Lu Yan habitually showed an amiable smile, and suddenly realized that he couldn't see the wind while on the phone.

He quickly restrained his smile and said calmly: "Let's talk about it when the mission is about to start."


Feng Feng was in a good mood, and added in a relaxed tone: "Then I will contact you when the mission countdown is almost over."

After finishing speaking, Kuangfeng hung up the phone in a hurry.

Lu Yan glanced out the window, it looks like today will be a sunny day.

Duan Jianhui got up early in the rare morning, cleaned up carefully for a while, and then went out. I don't know if he asked the girl out.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, whether Duan Jianhui is alone or with Zhao Xiaotang, he has to buy the sofa.

Lu Yan also had no intention of going out to find them to go shopping together.

It's just that it will still be in the morning, and when the task starts, it will be around eight or nine in the evening.

There is still plenty of time, but he doesn't have anything to do right now, so he simply continues to browse the forum and watch netizens give advice to pass the time.

Not to mention, because of the notification sound of the plundering mission, not only the first [-] reincarnations received the invitation.

Other ordinary reincarnations also received the same task reminder.

Unlike Lu Yan and Kuang Feng, ordinary reincarnations don't have the option to accept the mission, they can only see how many reincarnations have accepted the mission so far.

Speaking of high emotional intelligence, human beings are such creatures full of desire for knowledge.

The more secretive it is, the more interested those ordinary reincarnations will be.

Even though the plundering mission is estimated to have nothing to do with most of the reincarnations from the beginning to the end, they are also discussing with great interest what kind of reward the plundering mission will be.

Half an hour after the notification of the plundering mission appeared, the discussion on this matter intensified anyway.

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