The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 938 Start teleporting

Lu Yan himself didn't think about being able to extract any useful information from these massive posts, it was more like simply looking for fun.

I cleared my mind and continued to post.

Of course, he mainly reads posts with "blue √" next to them.

This means that the host who posted the post is himself a reincarnation.

It is worth mentioning that ordinary people can also log in to this reincarnation forum that Bai Buqian built regardless of cost.

In order to ensure the privacy of users, and for the reassurance of users, Bai Buqian itself does not authenticate users.

But if the user proves that he is a reincarnator, Bai Buqian will add a blue "√" symbol next to the user name.

Perhaps in order to highlight their superiority, or to make it easier to pretend to be coercive, the vast majority of reincarnations will really take the initiative to submit evidence to obtain reincarnation certification.

Regardless of whether this approach is good or bad, it is indeed convenient for Lu Yan to filter posts.

What he is looking at now is a post posted by a reincarnated person.

Fog in the Sky: "A few conjectures about this looting mission.

First, there is a high probability that the difficulty of this looting mission will not be very high.The reincarnation system has been around for so long, I believe everyone can vaguely guess what the reincarnation means to the reincarnation system, if you don't understand, you can click here to read the post sent by Bai Daxie. (Jump to:

Second, the target of this plunder should be one of the Immortals, Bloods and Monsters.For the division of these starry sky races, I won’t go into details here, Xiaobai will find popular science posts by himself.

I integrated the gossip, and I have a certain degree of confidence in the behavior of the reincarnation system, I guess..."

This reincarnator named Sky Fog wrote a long essay, like a graduation thesis with references, it looks quite hardcore.

People who hate long names the most: professional, top!
Su Huxi: The analysis is in place.

Being deceived by online dating: Speaking of what these starry sky races are, it sounds quite bluffing.

Erer Maiye: I really like the lines of Prince Demacia, "Rongcheng is my home, and Dad is the greatest."


Lu Yan turned down a few pages and stopped.

This thread is very popular, and most of them are discussing information about plundering missions.

Of course, there will be no shortage of guys who pretend to be stupid and pretend to be arrogant.

The more you turn down, the more crooked the building becomes.

Lu Yan skimmed through the post before quitting, and continued to wander the forum.

It is not necessary for him to prepare for the mission in advance.

Even if something goes wrong with bad luck, it can be reckless.

Just looking at these guys in the forum who don't even have the qualifications to participate, but the discussions are in full swing, Lu Yan can't help but look forward to the plundering mission.

Unlike Sky Fog, who relied on gossip to speculate, Lu Yan had obtained a definite answer from the blood clan he casually killed.

He is well aware that the reincarnation system is vindictive.

When the strength of the reincarnation is insufficient, the reincarnation system may converge.

If a race sets its mind on the resource planet controlled by the reincarnation system, no matter whether the other party succeeds or not, once the reincarnation's strength catches up, the reincarnation system will send the reincarnation to recover the place.

Lu Yan can basically conclude that the target of this plundering mission is the blood race's resource planet.

Although the Immortal Clan tried to plunder the resource planet No. 103, but comparing the overall strength, it is clear that the Blood Clan is more like a soft persimmon.

Lu Yan kept browsing the forums, most of the day passed quietly, and the sky outside the window had gradually turned yellow.

Duan Jianhui hasn't come back yet, and he agreed to buy a sofa, but he doesn't know where he bought it.

Lu Yan glanced at the task interface. There was still more than an hour left in the countdown. It is estimated that Duan Jianhui hadn't come back when he started the plundering task.

During this period, Kuang Feng never called.

Apparently, the official reincarnation department is also a little nervous about such a sudden mission. It is estimated that they have been discussing the plundering mission for most of the day.

Naturally, the strong wind cannot be absent.

Although that guy has always acted like a simple and honest fool in front of Lu Yan.

But he is also the branch chief of the Mountain City branch, and he is definitely among the top [-] in the Dragon Kingdom in terms of combat power.

If you really want to say that you have no brains, that is not realistic.

Being able to maintain a good relationship with Lu Yan for a long time, and has not made Lu Yan feel any bad feelings, just from this alone, it can be seen that the guy Kuangfeng can't be really stunned.

The compatibility between people is not so easy. In most cases, if you feel extremely happy with someone, it can only prove that the other person is backward compatible with you.

Of course, Lu Yan was not ignorant of this point.

He just doesn't care.

It is also his ability to make everyone treat him kindly.

Even if this ability is a little hard-core.

Time passed by minute by minute.

There was about half an hour left before the countdown to zero.

Kuangfeng's phone call finally came.

Lu Yan kept playing with his mobile phone, and he answered it before the ringtone rang.

"Boss Tyrannosaurus, I kept you waiting."

Feng Feng's somewhat honest laughter came from the other end of the phone.

Lu Yan responded casually, "Is there anything I should pay attention to?"

"There is no important information, mainly because we don't know the specific process of this task at present."

"It's just that the mission personnel this time are the top 3000 reincarnators. We estimate that the number of reincarnations in Dragon Kingdom will be in the range of more than 4000 to close to [-]."

"If it is sent randomly at that time, if you encounter a reincarnation in our country, I will ask you, the Tyrannosaurus God, to help you."

After all, the number of reincarnations in the Dragon Kingdom itself is extremely large, not to mention that due to the victory of the divisional confrontation, the overall strength of the reincarnations in the Dragon Kingdom division is still higher than that of other divisions.

Under such a premise, it is not surprising that less than half of the top [-] in the reincarnation combat power list are Dragon Kingdom reincarnations.

If it happens, Lu Yan doesn't mind helping out: "Well, but I don't think it's likely to be a random teleportation."

"That's right, the think tank is also speculating like this, but I'm just a big bastard, anyway, I just hang out with you big guys."

The sound of the squall sounds very relaxing.

After all, the task this time is to plunder, not to cultivate reincarnations, so if the reincarnation system has a choice, it will definitely not just send people there casually.

After another brief communication, Lu Yan hung up the phone.

Ten minutes passed in a flash.





【Ding! 】

[The countdown to the plundering mission ends. 】

[Transmission starts! 】

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