The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 944 Gradual Stabilization

In fact, in the elite screening, abilities and equipment will also be banned.

In view of this situation, many reincarnations, especially these top reincarnations.

Will develop their own strength.

Subjective initiative will be brought to the extreme when it comes to your own life safety.

It can improve the survival rate a little bit.

Relying purely on the rewards issued by the reincarnation system, I am afraid that something will go wrong at any time.

The vampire who confronted Xiang Mingxue obviously knew the problem, and all his attacks would be dodged. This reincarnation is not easy no matter how he thinks.

Yet it was too late.

Before he realized this, Xiang Mingxue's clenched right hand had already slammed heavily towards his head.

Even with only the blessing of his own physical fitness, the strength of this punch is quite heavy.

This vampire's head exploded on the spot like a ripe watermelon.

Blood and brains splashed, painting both sides of the passage with such heavy colors.


Seeing this, the long-haired vampire standing in front of the wind not only showed no fear, but expressed strong dissatisfaction with the result of the battle.

They already have a numerical advantage on the scene.

It's fine if you can win the heads-up, since you can't even judge the opponent's strength accurately, why force the heads-up?
Simply relying on the advantage of numbers to pile up these two reincarnators to death will do.

By the way, they are all centurions of the blood clan, and there is no relationship between them.

There are ten blood teams like this in the battleship at this time.

There are only two centurions in total responsible for destroying the shields in the warehouse.

A centurion will die suddenly. According to the blood clan system, the two centurions will be temporarily handed over to the long-haired blood clan to command.

"Give it to me, and get rid of these two reincarnations!"

The long-haired blood clan waved his hand.

Originally, many blood soldiers were still attacking these shielding devices in the warehouse.

Hearing the order at this time, he resolutely gave up the matter at hand.

He rushed towards Xiang Mingxue and Kuangfeng like a mad dog.

"Hey, hello! Old Xiang, this seems a little bad."

The violent wind kicked away the two blood soldiers who were rushing the fastest, and then yelled with a slight headache.

In terms of combat power, they are indeed not weaker than these two blood race centurions.

But the problem is that their current abilities and equipment are all banned.

There is no means of large-scale killing, so it is more troublesome to rely on physical fitness to kill.

They are not abnormal people like Lu Yan. Even if their physical fitness falls into the superhuman category, they still have physical limitations.

The passage is inherently narrow, and it is unrealistic to rely on speed to escape from the encirclement.

So seeing such a situation, the smile on Kuangfeng's face became a bit bitter.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't come down to check the situation.

Speaking of Lu Yan...

sixth floor.

In a room in the rest area.

Lu Yan put his hands on his head and lay upright on the bed.

Instead of falling asleep, he opened his eyes and stared at the milky white ceiling.

He could vaguely hear the screams coming from the lower floors, but that was all.

Abilities and equipment are banned.

Lu Yan had no intention of going out to help at all.

He believed that Yun Changge and those guys would handle it well.

At best, it is to give these reincarnators some strength in advance.

After all, this plundering mission is to rob a vampire resource planet.

If even the blood team can't deal with it, then these reincarnators might as well go back to the second blood guard and die.

It's just that Lu Yan didn't know that the warehouse where the shielding device was placed was destroyed.

Of course, even if he knew, he wasn't too worried.

The main reason is that there are ten small shuttle-shaped warships parked on the seventh floor. When Lu Yan returned to the room, he took a look at it.

Those small warships can carry thousands of people, and they are also equipped with shields.

Even if the number is not large, it is enough to equip each of [-] reincarnations with one model, not to mention that the number of reincarnations has been reduced to less than [-].

In Lu Yan's view, the shields in these small warships may be specially prepared for reincarnations.

Thinking about it, Lu Yan stretched himself.

"It seems that we are almost at our destination..."

After all, it was only three hours away.

It took three hours to break it apart and smash it into pieces, and it won't take long.

I just don't know if those reincarnations can clean up all the vampires in the battleship before arriving.

In fact, Lu Yan didn't know exactly how many blood races appeared in the battleship.

To be precise, from the central hall on the fourth floor up, there are only sporadic blood races wandering around, and as long as the reincarnation sees them, they will kill them quickly.

A total of [-] blood races were basically distributed on the first, second and third floors below.

The number of reincarnations on those layers is very small, but they are also being quickly besieged.

After all, the number of reincarnations is far greater than the number of these blood races.

Besides, the battle strength of many top reincarnators is not inferior to those centurions of the blood race.

Except for a little commotion at the beginning, it's pretty much calmed down now.

It is only a matter of time before these thousand blood races are wiped out.

the third floor.

In a collapsed power room somewhere.

"It's outrageous, are these guys mad dogs?"

An island woman in a kimono walks among the dead bodies.

Behind her were several tall figures wearing cat face masks and samurai swords tied around their waists.

They belong to the island nation's reincarnation affairs countermeasure department.

It is worth mentioning that because the official response of the island country was not fast enough at the beginning.

The department with the official background of the island country, because of its strength.

For a long time, they had to compromise and tolerate those civil reincarnation organizations.

However, after the division match, the situation immediately reversed.

The strongest wild reincarnators in the island country died in the division match, and the non-governmental reincarnation organizations fell into chaos.

Fighting each other for power and profit, there is no idea of ​​suppressing the official reincarnation department at all.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, under the vigorous blood transfusion of the state apparatus, this official background of the reincarnation department took advantage of the wind.

Relying on annexation and absorption, it became the strongest reincarnation force in the island country in a short period of time.

Possesses the ability to integrate the reincarnation of the island nation.

Of course, this organization can only dominate the island.

After all, it has suffered a heavy blow. In terms of top-level combat power, there is still a huge gap with other large organizations.

"Okay, let's go to the central hall quickly. For us, this place is still quite dangerous."

A masked man reassures.

at this time.

The reincarnated corpses on the ground suddenly stood up unsteadily.

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