Chapter 946 Arrival
The big guy in everyone's mouth.

Naturally, it was referring to Lu Yan.

In fact, even if they didn't say anything, Lu Yan planned to take off directly.

He stood in front of the console and took a cursory look.

Probably because the higher the level of technology, the easier the operation method.

There are only a few buttons on the left and right, combined with the patterns on the buttons, Lu Yan can even guess how to operate it.

Without further hesitation, he directly pressed the most conspicuous red button.

A thick bright red electromagnetic laser shot out from the front of the battleship.

The violent power blasted a huge gap in the ceiling on the spot, which was even big enough to support these small warships to pass through.

As the top of the star-class battleship was violently blasted away, the gravity environment inside the battleship underwent extremely drastic changes.

It's like someone is holding a vacuum cleaner and sucking the objects in the battleship out crazily.

Thanks to the presence of some high-level reincarnations, they quickly reacted and managed to maintain their own balance in such a harsh environment.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yan's eyelids twitched.

Obviously this thing definitely doesn't work that way, but it's not a big problem.

He changed a button and pressed it as usual.

There was nothing wrong this time.

The small warship shook slightly, then lifted off smoothly.

I don't know what kind of energy this battleship uses. Anyway, I didn't see any tail flames, so it may be quite environmentally friendly.

Strictly speaking, Lu Yan's operation is not considered a mistake.

Taking advantage of the huge hole he had blasted out, he drove the small battleship and flew out forcefully.

No need to worry about finding your way.

Because Lu Yan was standing on the console, he could already see the emerald green planet in the distance.

Although the appearance of this planet is different from Lu Yan's imagination, there is no doubt that it is the so-called old blood star.

The other reincarnations in the battleship also came to the window to observe. This kind of experience of driving a spaceship through the universe is quite novel to most reincarnations.

With full power, Lu Yan drove the small battleship straight to the old blood star.

Taking advantage of this time, Lu Yan went to get a jammer and brought it to his hand.

Even if he wasn't too worried about his own safety, it would be much more convenient if he could use his abilities.

And what he was more concerned about was that, judging from the tone of the reincarnation system, it seemed that their abilities and equipment were banned due to some special situation on the old blood star.

In other words, without this unknown special situation, they should not need to ban abilities and equipment to carry out the plundering mission.

If you think about it carefully, it should be normal to not be banned.

After all, the plundering task strictly belongs to them to help the reincarnation system, and the reincarnation system will pay the reward after the task is completed.

This is somewhat similar to mercenaries.

How could an employer confiscate all the mercenary's firearms on purpose before letting them go on missions?

It doesn't make sense.

Under such a premise, the reincarnation system bans abilities and equipment, but it is more like avoiding being noticed by someone or something.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan stroked his chin.

"What could it be?"


Old Blood Star.

In a tavern similar to western medieval buildings.

A vampire of various shapes held a cup full of blood, and either drank it in one gulp boldly, or poured it out gracefully by himself.

Together with the bard reciting aloud on the platform, a painting of a different world style is constructed together.

In such a noisy environment, a young man leaned on the bar counter, looking a little out of place.

He was slender, wearing a black robe common to blood races, and had a headset hanging around his neck.

It appears harmonious and contradictory.

His eyes were as deep as an ancient well, which did not match his appearance.

The whole person is like an outsider. In the seemingly chaotic and noisy situation, no blood race can touch his body.

He picked up the glass filled with the mixture of unknown creature's blood and wine, sniffed it, but didn't drink it.

Suddenly, the boy turned his head to look in the direction of the sky.

It was as if he could see directly through the wooden ceiling of the tavern.

Said with a little surprise.

"Strange, does the reincarnation system dare to do something even though it knows I'm here?"


boom! ! !
A small warship descended from the sky.

It fell straight into a dense forest.

Like a meteorite, there was a violent explosion.

The violent air wave swept out around the location where the battleship landed, breaking a large piece of dense forest in the middle.

The entire mountain range was under such impact, and there was a violent vibration.

Lu Yan stood on the console and stabilized his figure.

He glanced back at the reincarnated people who were shaken by the violent vibration, and remained silent.

In fact, since the size of the old blood star is dozens of times that of the earth, the gravitational force is naturally enhanced.

It was the first time for Lu Yan to operate such a small warship.

Even if it was a foolish way of driving, he would make mistakes as a matter of course.

landing?Under Lu Yan's control, there was no landing, only a crash.

That is to say, the quality of this small warship is not bad, otherwise the reincarnation in this batch of warships may have non-combat attrition.

Even some reincarnated people who ranked higher were sweating profusely, and quickly ran out of the cabin with lingering fear.

With a down-to-earth feeling, I felt a little relieved.

The reincarnators in the small battleship came out one after another to gather.

At a rough glance, there are nearly 900 reincarnations in their group.

Say no more, say less.

At least their group of reincarnations is quite big as a target.

Normally, at this time, someone must stand up and arrange the next action.

But the embarrassing part is.

If these reincarnators get rid of Lu Yan, their overall strength will be quite impressive.

There's no way, they're all reincarnated people who go to the boss to hug their thighs when they're in danger.

A reincarnation who truly has confidence in himself obviously cannot do such a thing.

Lu Yan didn't participate in it, so after discussing for a while, these reincarnated people still couldn't come up with a satisfactory set of regulations.

And in the jungle on the other side.

Many blood races have already rushed over.

The sound of this small battleship falling was so loud that even a blind man could feel it.

What's more, it has been quite a long time since Lu Yan and the others fell, and most of the blood races have already known in advance that the reincarnation system wants to attack their resource planet.

After such a long time in the past, it would be strange if no blood clan troops came.

"In that direction!"

"Hurry up, don't let those reincarnations run away."

"We will take this credit!"

(End of this chapter)

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