Chapter 947
Strictly speaking, the place where the small warship driven by Lu Yan landed was relatively remote.

But if you look down from a high altitude, you will find that blood clan teams are surrounded in all directions.

Fortunately, this is a dense forest, so it will take a while for those blood troops to actually find Lu Yan's reincarnated people.

If there is no cover, it will probably be attacked by blood troops as soon as it lands.

Even so, Lu Yan felt a large amount of aura surrounding them, and even barely formed a surrounding circle.

There were more than 800 reincarnations present, and many of them were investigative reincarnations. Out of the idea of ​​confirming the situation, they activated their own shielding devices.

It was also the first time he knew that his side was surrounded.

Everyone is a grasshopper on the same rope, and those reincarnated people will not deliberately conceal this kind of news.

In a very short time, all the reincarnations present knew this information.

There were also a few reincarnators of the investigative type who ran over to explain the situation to Lu Yan.

After Lu Yan finished listening, he nodded his head very politely, expressing that he understood.

Before he could leave alone, he realized that one of the reincarnations present was all looking at him.


Lu Yan froze for a moment: "What do you mean?"

A middle-aged woman in a black leather jacket walked up to him holding a distorted black box in her hand.

He said cautiously: "Master Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex God of War, this is a piece of equipment of mine that can convey your command to everyone's mind. I think you should be able to use it."

Lu Yan blinked his eyes.

He will react now.

In fact, because he is quite special, it can be said that he has almost never done the reincarnation experience of camp missions.

However, reincarnators who have normally mixed up to the level of the Seven Realms have more or less participated in camp missions.

As the saying goes, a snake cannot fly without a head, and a bird cannot fly without wings.

When encountering faction missions, everyone will tacitly select a commander.

In this way, the organizational strength can be integrated to better exert one's own strength.

With so many reincarnations, if they play their own game, they will be wiped out in minutes.

Under such a premise, there was no need to communicate in private, and they unanimously acquiesced in Lu Yan's command position.

It's normal to think about it, these reincarnations are relatively useless.

Lu Yan, as the well-deserved strongest among this group of reincarnators, of course no one would come out to compete with him for the command.

But here lies the problem.

Lu Yan had no idea of ​​leading the team at all.

When he was carrying out missions, he always relied on his own strength to go directly.

Who is interested in leading these people?

"Big Tyrannosaurus God?"

The middle-aged woman in the leather coat saw Lu Yan suddenly distracted. After all, the situation was quite urgent, so she had to bravely speak and call him again.

Lu Yan glanced at the woman standing in front of him holding the box.

"I don't really want to direct operations."

As soon as these words came out, the reincarnated people present were all shocked.

What to do, the only boss seems to want to abandon them solo solo.

"No, don't."

"Big Tyrannosaurus, we still have some use."

When the reincarnated people were attracted by Lu Yan and fell into a commotion.

The progress of the vampire troops was unexpectedly smooth.

After all, they are locals after all.

Even if there is no road in the jungle, one can forcibly open a path by relying on one's own strength.

The blood clan team closest to where the reincarnation was located could already vaguely hear the heated discussions coming from there.

The eyes of these blood races in black robes brightened.

The leading blood clan waved his hand.

"Come on! The credit is right in front of you."

Hula Kala~
The large forest on the right side of the crash site was directly broken, and a large number of blood races in black robes rushed out like a tide.

Seeing this scene, none of the reincarnations present showed much panic.

Still the same sentence, no matter how bad it is, they are all reincarnations who have experienced more than 20 reincarnation experiences.

Such a small number of blood troops is at best a little troublesome for these reincarnations, so it's not impossible to say that it can't be solved.

The most important thing is that the reincarnators present did not feel much danger from these blood troops.

Most of the reincarnated people just glanced at it, then immediately turned their heads again and continued to discuss the issue of command authority.

Only those reincarnations standing at the very edge of the team turned on their shields with some displeasure, and then started beating the blood troops violently.

It is worth mentioning that this is not a problem with the command of the blood race.

It was purely because the main combat troops of the blood race were all pulled to deploy their defenses at the location where the star-class battleship landed.

According to the normal development, the reincarnators on the star-class battleship would be strangled by the military forces on the old blood star after they landed.

Even the supreme commander of the blood clan didn't expect that the thousand blood clan soldiers he sent could blow up the battleship.

As a result, some problems occurred in the plan, and the reincarnated people could only scatter and land in various parts of the old blood star.

The accident happened too fast, and the main military force of the old blood star could not re-arm in a short time.

As a result, the troops that are going to surround the reincarnators are actually staff from the Blood Race Security Bureau.

In the early years, it was called the Old Blood Star Security Division, and it was also renamed later.

The scope of functions of this so-called blood race security bureau is similar to the blood race police station.

In other words, the Blood Family Security Bureau itself is used to target those criminals within the Blood Family.

Therefore, the blood security officers are equipped with 25-type semi-automatic wooden guns directly under the blood department, and they are equipped with silver-plated slugs smeared with garlic juice.

Close blood fighters are generally equipped with thermal cross knives and light shields with holy water launchers.

Although these are all decent equipment for blood races, they are facing non-blood race creatures.

How should I put it, facing reincarnators at the level of the Seven Realms is like a child's toy.

The lethality attached to the equipment itself is really extremely limited.

What's more, don't look at the reincarnated person who only spent a few months to have the physical fitness of a general.

The number of earl-level vampires corresponding to the generals is really not that much.

Otherwise, those earls who came to snatch the door keys back then would be so arrogant.

This also led to the fact that there were nearly a thousand security guards in this group of blood clans, but they were beaten by a dozen or so reincarnated people who had their shields turned on.

At least half an hour before the end of the shielding time, you can open doubles among the blood clan crowd.


Seeing this, the leading security officer of the Blood Race cursed angrily.

"The silver-plated slug is not enough lethality, so replace it with an armor-piercing solid bullet that can deal with the earl's blood."

(End of this chapter)

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