Chapter 952
This town is neither big nor small.

At least after so many reincarnators squeezed in, the street at the entrance of the town still seemed a bit crowded.

Seeing that Lu Yan stood still and did not move, the reincarnated people present naturally did not have the idea of ​​spreading out to investigate the situation.

Nearly a thousand reincarnations just watched this town turn into a bloody hell in a very short period of time.

Many nearby houses exploded directly, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

Some houses were probably relatively solid in quality, but they didn't explode under the impact of the first wave of blood.

However, those wooden roofs also gradually rotted and collapsed under the erosion of blood, collapsing one after another.

From this point of view, the dark red blood is more like some kind of highly corrosive liquid.

When the changes came here, the entire town was already covered in blood, and even the ground of the street was not spared.

Many reincarnated people noticed the blood spreading from their feet, and subconsciously opened the shielding device to suspend themselves in the air to prevent themselves from coming into contact with these weird blood.

After all, they are all masters of life, and it is only natural to be cautious.

"Hey, hello, why do I have an ominous premonition."

"Yes, this place is not a trap, is it?"

A reincarnation person looked back and found that Lu Yan was still smiling, but somehow relaxed a bit.

In fact, it was because Lu Yan was still standing here, and there were no reincarnated people standing up to lead the way.

According to the habits of this group of reincarnators, they should turn around and run away as soon as the mutation broke out.

Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any strange changes so far, and the blood flow has gradually subsided.

Just when everyone thought the change was over.

next moment,
The blood spreading on the street began to gather out of thin air, condensing into some strange-shaped blood creatures.

They swarmed in groups, making a sickly high-pitched buzzing sound.

Just looking at these blood creatures, I couldn't help but feel nauseous.

It's so disgusting.

There is a huge amount, and because of the coagulation of blood, the whole body looks slippery.

Just looking at it makes people feel helpless.

The threat is not as great as imagined, but from the perspective of human aesthetics, these blood creatures are really weird.

The large amount of blood that rushed to the sky before also turned into a red-gray cloud.

After brewing briefly, a large amount of liquid mixed with blood and water fell overwhelmingly.

Noticing this situation, many reincarnated people decisively unblocked and resorted to various methods.

Some hold up big energy umbrellas, and some directly use the method of teleportation...

In short, their intuition told them that they should not let the blood fall on themselves.

Lu Yan stood at the center of the reincarnations.

He wouldn't worry about being drenched in a rain of blood, after all, these reincarnations are very discerning.

He took the initiative to deploy an energy barrier above Lu Yan, ensuring that no blood would fall.

But none of these moves made any sense.

Because Lu Yan didn't pay attention to which reincarnated person was courting him at all.

All his attention was on the tavern in the small town.

Through the bloody rain, Lu Yan saw a boy wearing headphones and a black robe walking out of the tavern slowly.

The seemingly harmless young man gave Lu Yan an unprecedented sense of terror and crisis.

He could even notice that Lu Yan's eyes narrowed unconsciously.

The boy was walking in the heavy rain, but not a single drop of blood fell on him.

And every time he landed, the blood at the landing point would actively disperse as if it had life.

Elegant and freehand.

Those bloods dodged hastily, not as if they were being controlled by the boy, but more like these dark red blood instinctively believed that they were not worthy of being contaminated by the boy's feet!
With such an abrupt figure, even the reincarnated people present noticed this young man one after another.

But this young man didn't care, he walked over the camp of blood creatures like no one else, and came to the front of the group of reincarnations.

His deep eyes faintly flickered with indifference.

The boy slowly raised his hand...

He snapped his fingers.

The blood cloud in the sky dissipated in an instant, and the blood rain stopped suddenly.

The blood on the ground also gradually spread out and faded away.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yan narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips.

He could tell that turning the town into a pool of blood was not the work of a young man.

There are no fangs, and the pupils are not blood red, and they are not vampires.

With the ability to control others so lightly, who is this boy?
The reincarnated people who also witnessed this scene were all shocked, and all of them were calmly prepared to run away.

This eccentric boy gave everyone a wonderful feeling.

On the one hand, it is familiar and close, and on the other hand, it can clearly realize the strangeness.

The boy took off his earphones and hung them around his neck.

He glanced around the group of reincarnators, and finally fell on Lu Yan.

"Are you their leader?"

The language spoken by the young man was not any one that Lu Yan was familiar with, but it happened that everyone could understand the meaning of the words.

"That's it."

Lu Yan quickly recovered his smiling expression.

In the beginning, it was just that the danger the young man gave him was too strong, which made him lose his composure a little.

"That's good."

The boy nodded: "You have influenced me to drink, and as a price, I will take your life."

Be nervous or relax.

The boy didn't care how Lu Yan reacted.

He just made his own judgment according to his own style of conduct, that's all.

When the reincarnated people present heard this, several of them couldn't hold back their laughter.

This young man's hand is really amazing, but do you know who you are talking to?
However, before the reincarnations opened their mouths to mock.

The young man just tapped.

At the flick of a finger, the world is turned upside down.

The world in the eyes of everyone seems to have been pressed the pause button.

A strange pale white ripple slowly faded away.

The world seems to be smudged into individual shapes by incomprehensible forces.

The ripples spread and precisely covered Lu Yan.

next second.

Lu Yan disappeared completely.

It literally disappears, leaving nothing behind.

When everything returns to normal, the reincarnators don't even remember who brought them here.

It is to directly erase the concept of Lu Yan's existence.

The boy turned around and was about to leave without any conversation or obstruction with the reincarnators.

For an existence like him, there will be no emotional fluctuations after doing all this.

"It's amazing..."

Lu Yan's voice sounded behind the young man.

The boy turned around again, with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

"However, since you are a child...don't drink."

(End of this chapter)

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