Chapter 953 Supreme?

Lu Yan appeared on the spot unscathed.

Although he used a teasing tone, his mood was a little subtle.

The usual kind smile on his face also restrained a bit.

In fact, he didn't even have time to react when he was wiped out by the young man's finger just now.

It's amazing.

You know, even if his ability is banned, his physical fitness is a real king.

As a result, facing the boy's attack, he was unable to make any resistance.

Who is this boy?

But before Lu Yan could ask, the mechanized notification sound of the reincarnation system suddenly sounded.

【Ding! 】

[The identity of the reincarnation has been exposed, and the ban restrictions have been cancelled. 】

[Plunder mission failure penalty cancelled. 】

[Please reincarnate as much as possible to perform tasks while ensuring your own safety, and you can teleport back to the reincarnation space if necessary. 】

What Lu Yan was about to say was interrupted by this series of prompts.

When the reincarnation system chose to ban the reincarnation's abilities and equipment, it seemed that it had detected something strange.

Combined with the current situation.

Lu Yan looked at the young man with curiosity.

There is no doubt that it is because of the young man in front of him that the reincarnation system deliberately hides the whereabouts of the reincarnation.

No wonder that wristband-type device is called a jammer.

It turned out that it wasn't the shielding and banning, but the boy's perception should be shielded.

It's just that now that the reincarnators met the boy head-on, the reincarnation system gave up the practice of hiding.

With the rigid behavior of the reincarnation system, it is completely in line with this guess.

But if this is true, then another problem arises.

And it's a serious problem.

That is, why is the reincarnation system worried about being noticed by this boy?
Are you afraid?
This is exaggerated.

According to Lu Yan's little knowledge, the reincarnation system should be of the sideways type in all races in the starry sky.

I haven't seen so many people in the starry sky who want to be contract workers of the reincarnation system.

Is there really something that the reincarnation system is also afraid of or afraid of?

It really does.

Lu Yan vaguely remembered the information he had obtained from a certain bone a long time ago.

His gaze swept over the young man, with a strong curiosity shining in his eyes.


The young man didn't pay attention to Lu Yan's sarcasm, but also scanned Lu Yan with curiosity.

He knew his attack well.

That is similar to an attack that obliterates existence, and there will be no distortion.

The young man tapped his fingers in the air, and muttered to himself: "Ability to rule? No rule fluctuations, a substitute? Doll? Racial talent?"

He ruled out one possibility after another.

Although he still didn't find the answer, he looked at Lu Yan with interest.

At the level of a teenager, he knows everything that happens in the starry sky like the back of his hand.

It's like getting tired of drinking porridge every day, and suddenly changing the porridge into happy water one day will give you a special pleasure.

Even with the state of mind of a teenager, after suddenly discovering a special existence like Lu Yan, it is inevitable to feel a little bit of joy at seeing the hunter.

Experiments require multiple controls.

Since he couldn't see it, the boy raised his hand again and pointed at Lu Yan.

It was exactly the same as the previous attack, without any change in precision.

Because he was worried that after the change, this rare experimental material would be killed.

If Lu Yan knew what the boy was thinking, he would probably say that you don't need to be so careful.

It's just that Lu Yan didn't know.

He also has no penchant for being repeatedly killed by the same person.

It just so happened that the restrictions on ability bans had been lifted.

Wushuang and even Wuwo's ​​township skills are passively effective, and the corresponding earnest dodge effect takes effect immediately.

Help Lu Yan get out of that special state of confinement.

The super race state and the dead door are also opened unconsciously.

The violent and terrifying aura erupted wantonly around Lu Yan.

Golden-yellow air swirls and blood-red steam soared into the sky.

This is the first time after Lu Yan obtained Wushuang, he tried to go all out to explode his strength.

The result is appalling!

With the cooperation of Wushuang and Wuwo, Lu Yan's aura did not gradually increase as before.

Instead, it reaches the limit in an instant.

Such an explosion was too violent.

It's like throwing people into a dry environment, the temperature gradually rises, ordinary people can gradually adapt, and can persist for a period of time until it reaches [-] degrees Celsius.

But if you want to suddenly throw someone who was originally in a comfortable environment into an environment of more than 100 degrees, even if you don’t burp on the spot, you will be considered tenacious.

This is the case now.

Lu Yan's burst of strength in an instant is equivalent to the sum of gradually increasing strength.

This level of power, even if the old blood star is still strong among the planets, it is impossible to withstand it.

The entire old blood star was constantly trembling and shattering.

A sudden storm and lightning spread across the sky and the ground.

The whole old blood star was like this, and the reincarnated people who were staying around Lu Yan were even more embarrassed.

Some weak reincarnators fainted directly under such power fluctuations.

No one came to the rescue, and started to run away.

These reincarnated people present are not stupid, and they can naturally deduce part of the truth from this information.

Even if they don't know who this boy is, the existence that can make the reincarnation system so cautious is definitely not an opponent they can contact now.

Since Lu Yan showed the attitude of wanting to fight the boy, what else do they have to say?

Running is the only option, and it is impossible to help anyway.

This is simply not a fight they can get involved in.

It's different from those reincarnated people who are stumbling around and fleeing in all directions.

The boy still had a flat expression, and the translucent isolation layer that emerged around him isolated all fluctuations, as if the power erupted by Lu Yan did not exist.

In other words, he didn't see it at all.

Compared with such a power that could easily destroy the planet, Lu Yanna's resurrection on the spot interested him more.

Lu Yan didn't care who this guy was or how strong he was.

None of these things made sense to him.

Punch first and talk later!
Slowly raise your hand and make a fist.

Then the whole person disappeared in place.

This is not teleportation, it's just that the speed of movement exceeds the limit that the sight can capture.

When he appeared again, he was already directly above the boy.


One punch!
The space was torn apart by the extremely violent power fluctuations, and black and red arcs and space cracks raged around the fist.

It is no exaggeration to say that such a punch could easily blow up the entire Old Blood Star if no one blocked it.

(End of this chapter)

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