Chapter 962 Hard fight
If we keep fighting here forcibly, even if we can kill off this Blood Legion, there may not be many reincarnators left in the team of less than 1000 people.

Fortunately, their purpose was not to fight against the main battle legion of these blood races.

The reincarnators are just trying to get out of the encirclement as quickly as possible.

At least in front of Yun Changge, for the time being, there is no blood clan who can hold his sword.

In this way, the reincarnations used Yun Changge as the lead, and kept rushing out.

Under the premise that most of the reincarnators don't care about consumption, the forward momentum of the reincarnation team is indeed quite fast.

In addition, the directions of the two sides' impact are completely opposite, as long as they are not overwhelmed by the first wave of the blood legion's charge, they can quickly come to the other end.

And so it turned out.

After Yun Changge cut off the last blood warrior in front of him with a sword, his vision suddenly became clear.

Most of the reincarnations also followed Yun Changge and killed them one after another.

Yun Changge turned around and glanced around roughly, only to find that the loss was not as huge as he had imagined.

Probably only a few dozen unlucky ones died on the way.

And more than half of them were directly smashed into meat when they first came into contact.

The reincarnators don't want to die, but everyone is not stupid.

Why do you have to resist such an impact?

With big guys like Yun Changge leading the way, it would not be much safer for them to follow behind like Teacher Da Luo.

If someone watched the whole process at high altitude, they would find that the reincarnated team was in the formation of pigs at the beginning.

Under the impact of the Blood Legion, the formation gradually gathered and turned into a huge cone.

Under such a formation, most of the blood warriors rushed directly without encountering the reincarnation.

Yun Changge looked around at everyone's state, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Are you happy?"

The Duke of Hell leisurely stepped out of the formation riding his blood horse, which was obviously stronger than other blood warriors.

Hearing this, Kuangfeng grinned at him while holding his own blood-stained sword.

"I'm sure happy, but it's just one more time."

It is worth mentioning that there are more than 9000 blood warriors in the Doom Prison Legion.

After all, their task was to block each other, so they didn't press the whole army directly.

Only [-] blood warriors were separated to carry out the first wave of charge.

More than 4000 blood warriors and the Duke of Doom remained in place.

On the surface, the team of reincarnators was surrounded by the Legion of Doom, but from the perspective of reincarnators, they only need to break through the defense line of these [-] blood warriors to successfully break through.

Both sides feel that the situation on their side is more favorable.

The Duke of the Last Hell did not intend to argue with the wind.

He pulled out a horse-chopping knife that was somewhat similar to Tang Hengdao.

He waved it casually twice, and then pointed in the direction of the team of reincarnators.

"The whole army obeys orders and strangles the enemy."

All the blood warriors in the audience roared hysterically, and the two blood warriors, one in front and one in the back, began to rush towards the direction of the reincarnators seemingly out of order.

Being pinched back and forth is too disadvantageous no matter how you look at it.

But Yun Changge was not disturbed even though he was shocked.

He signaled Teacher Da Luo to lead the reincarnated people to continue to rush forward, while he turned around and looked at the group of blood warriors behind the team.

"God damn it!"

An incomparably fierce sword qi raged out from his whole body.

As if responding to his sword intent, a huge sword broke through the clouds in the sky.

It looked like the sword in Yunchang Singer was magnified countless times, and then flew into the sky, with an unstoppable sharpness, and suppressed the blood clan array below.

Under the suppression of the racial clouds, it would be quite costly for Yun Changge to cut out this sword if he wanted to maintain the original power.

But the sword that was released after spending so much, naturally has an effect.

Before the giant sword fell, the heavy pressure had already applied to all the blood warriors present.

With such a terrifying body shape of the giant sword, the attack range is obviously ridiculously large.

Not to mention temporarily preventing these blood warriors from charging, if they choose a good landing point, they can even cause considerable casualties to this blood army.

The Duke of the Last Hell also saw this scene.

The earl is against the general level, the marquis is against the human king level, and the duke is against the human emperor.

Naturally, he can also do an attack of this level.

So there was no fear on his face, and he flew up without hesitation.

Even if such an attack can be carried out by himself, he has an easier way.

That is with the help of racial clouds!

The racial cloud is the power gathered by the soldiers of the entire legion, and it is very complicated.

This is where the Commander comes in.

They can freely use the power of the racial cloud, whether it is weakening the target or increasing themselves, it is the most basic operation of the legion commander.

I saw the figure of the Duke of the Last Prison quickly across the sky, and under his control, the thick racial cloud condensed into an incomparably huge blood-colored giant palm.

This blood-colored giant palm slapped the sword body of the giant sword unceremoniously.

The giant sword let out a tearing sound, and its extremely sharp sword energy was crazily cutting through the bloody giant palm.

However nothing works.

As the Duke of Hell exerted his strength again, the huge sword in the sky collapsed into countless fragments in the arc jump.

The violent fluctuations of power spread out in an instant, making the entire sky tremble uncontrollably.

Yun Changge, who was standing in the crowd below, turned pale when his attack was broken by such violence, and he inserted his long sword into the ground to ensure that he did not collapse directly.

Naturally, the reincarnated people present would not miss such a huge movement.

Can't help but feel aghast.

Except for Lu Yan, Yun Changge is the strongest reincarnator in Long Guoming's face.

But even such a thigh was broken so easily, isn't the difficulty of this plundering mission a bit too exaggerated?
Regarding this point, Lu Yan said that he had something to say.

Of course, he couldn't say that yet.

At this time, Lu Yan was rushing towards the direction where they were fighting.

He had been wandering aimlessly in the air before, and he easily dealt with the blood legion who came to find trouble on the way.

Just when he was about to continue wandering around like this, he suddenly saw a familiar giant sword appearing in the distant sky.

He had been cut by this sword before, so naturally he would not fail to recognize him.

Finally found the target, Lu Yan would not delay, and flew directly in that direction.

As for Yun Changge even using Heavenly Scourge, how strong will the enemies he encounters be?

Lu Yan now feels,

It seems that it doesn't matter...

(End of this chapter)

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