Chapter 963 Rescue
The wilderness, which was originally barren of grass, is now filled with a strong smell of blood.

After Yun Changge's fairly representative attack was followed, the entire reincarnated team unconsciously became tense.

It is even inevitable to be a little pessimistic.

Momentum is a subtle thing.

How should I put it, although the scourge was violently dispelled by the Duke of the Last Prison, but from a more pragmatic point of view, it did not cause casualties to the reincarnated team, at most it was just that Yun Changge consumed a lot.

On the contrary, it was because Yun Changge's attack affected the smooth charge of the blood warriors behind the reincarnation team.

But the meaning it represented made these reincarnated people panic.

Unlike the reincarnators who originally thought it would be a big deal to fight for losses to wipe out the entire army of the blood race main battle army, the scene of the Duke of Doom easily blowing up the giant sword means that the reincarnation side is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers and top combat power .

In such a situation where there is no advantage at all, if they can't rush out, can they really take this blood clan main battle army head-on?

No one among the reincarnators present dared to make such a judgment, instead they were full of pessimism.

Many reincarnations even began to hold back their hands secretly, ready to run out alone when the time came.

Everyone is a high-level reincarnation, who hasn't tapped the ability to press the bottom of the box?

The result shown was that the situation on the battlefield was firmly grasped by the blood clan support army.

Those branch chiefs fought desperately, but unfortunately the number was still too small after all.

After all, even these ordinary blood warriors are elites selected from a huge number of blood warriors.

Even if one-on-one can't compare with these high-level reincarnators with a lot of abilities, they are not helpless under the cloud of race.

Taking Kuang Feng as an example, even if he can guarantee to kill a blood warrior in 30 seconds like a machine on the assembly line, he can only kill twenty in 10 minutes.

This blood legion has nearly 1 people.

The Duke of Last didn't mind the loss at all.

Besides, as far as the reincarnations are concerned, there is simply not so much time for them to waste.

The Blood Legion is an encirclement circle, and it's not just the main battle legion.

No matter how slow the march of the blood legions in other directions is, they will not be unable to catch up.

Now every second that passes, the situation gets worse for the reincarnated people.

Regarding this point, everyone present is actually very clear.

But now no one can stand up and break the situation. There is only one Yun Changge, and the commander of the opposing army has been staring at him.

Even if the Duke of the Last Prison just stood in midair and didn't make a move, it was still an extremely powerful threat.

The two of them were in a stalemate like this.

Teacher Da Luo is determined to stand up and break the deadlock, but all his abilities are in the field of growth.

He's more of a support than a powerhouse.

But that doesn't mean he's useless. If he wasn't there, under the pressure of such a terrifying racial cloud, the situation would have already collapsed.

Kuangfeng stabbed the blood warrior in front of him with a knife.

He strung it on his own knife and smashed it to the ground like an axe.

The violent force smashed the ground into spider web-like cracks.

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere, and he would probably feel very happy in normal times.

But now, he just feels irritable.

"Old Luo, quickly think of a fucking!"

Before the wind could finish speaking, another blood warrior rushed up to kill this active reincarnation.

Fortunately, Kuangfeng was always paying attention to the situation around him. He was not successfully attacked and even succeeded in counter-killing, but he was also forced into a rather embarrassing situation.

This was not an isolated case, even a reincarnator of this level would be hard-pressed under siege, let alone other reincarnators.

The casualties of reincarnated people are rising rapidly, and the number of them is not enough, so it will continue to develop like this.

Not to mention that there are other main battle legions that are about to arrive, it is difficult to deal with the main battle legion in front of them alone.

at last.

After flying in the air for a long time, Lu Yan finally arrived at the scene.

From the perspective of ordinary people, whether it is these reincarnated people or blood warriors, they can be regarded as superhuman.

The fighting movement between them is indeed not small.

When Lu Yan was still far away in the sky, he could already hear the sounds of the heaven-shaking fighting.

Moreover, the blood-red race cloud is too obvious, it is almost impossible to miss it.

When Lu Yan saw the battlefield, he also noticed the bad situation of the Dragon Kingdom reincarnation team.

Under such fierce fighting, if there is no point of breaking the game, the death penalty can almost be judged.

What's more, when he was flying this way, he also saw many main battle legions of the blood race also rushing here.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the situation these reincarnations faced was hopeless.

Fortunately, Lu Yan is here.

And it has to be fairly timely.

A little faster than the main battle legions of those blood races.

If these reincarnated people were completely surrounded by hundreds of thousands of blood clan main battle corps, even he could only save a few people at most.

Lu Yan didn't make any noise when he came. Everyone's attention was on the battlefield, including the Duke of the Prison, and they didn't even notice that there was an unexpected visitor above the battlefield.

And he is also an uninvited guest with powerful means of breaking the game.

Lu Yan didn't waste much time either.

Although the current battlefield looks like a mess, blood warriors and reincarnations are all mixed together.

You have me I have you.

However, relying on his early military career, Lu Yan's ability to read the battlefield situation is quite sophisticated.

It is almost possible to see where to attack at a glance, so that it can have the greatest impact on the battlefield without accidentally injuring the reincarnation of the Dragon Kingdom.

Lu Yan moved his feet.

His step was obviously stepping on the air, but it seemed like there was an air wall, which provided him with a huge momentum.

With Lu Yan's movement, the sudden fluctuation of terrifying power instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

Many reincarnators who had spare energy subconsciously raised their heads and looked in the direction of Lu Yan.

I saw Lu Yan's whole body was like a meteorite, crashing towards the battlefield below.

There wasn't much time left for everyone to react. Originally, the Duke of the Prison had planned to intercept Lu Yan, but unfortunately his reaction was a bit too slow, and Lu Yan's speed was too fast.

Everyone on the field could only watch helplessly as a "meteorite" crashed to the ground with an unstoppable momentum.

boom! ! !
A sudden hurricane swept across the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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