Chapter 971
Of course, this is not surprising.

Humans are essentially upright primates.

Since it is an animal, it naturally has an animal's early warning system for danger, but in the process of social development, this feeling has gradually degenerated.

The reincarnated people who have survived so many life-and-death crises more or less have such a premonition of danger.

It's just that this kind of early warning is not a systematic ability, it's just to discover what the human body already has.

So in many cases, this early warning is not too accurate.

Just like Yun Changge is like now, he can vaguely feel that it is not good to go on like this, but he can't tell what is wrong.

As for Lu Yan, he didn't feel any danger at all.

This is not some failure of the early warning system.

The main reason is that no matter what happens, Lu Yan's life will not be threatened, so naturally he will not think there is any danger.

However, although Lu Yan felt that nothing too serious would happen, he still nodded when he saw Yun Changge's solemn expression.

After receiving Lu Yan's answer, Yun Changge's nervousness relaxed a little.

Without further delay, he rushed towards the bloodline defense line with a long sword in his hand.

All of a sudden, so many reincarnations popped up from all directions.

Although the blood race was not disturbed, it was not that they did nothing during this period of time.

At any rate, the blood clan stationed dozens of main battle legions in this direction, and there were 10,000+ blood clan fighters, densely arranged together.

No matter how exaggerated the lethality of the reincarnation, it is impossible to kill through the defense line at this point.

After a brief commotion, they began to obey the command and fill the line of defense.

Several main battle armies worked together to push back the defense line in an orderly manner.

Even though all those participating in the battle were high-level reincarnations, there was still too much difference in the number.

The blood warriors in the main battle legion have begun to gradually eat away at the reincarnators who rushed into the formation.

There are indeed many strong guys in the American camp, but it is a pity that two fists are no match for four hands.

Especially under the suppression of the racial cloud, the large-scale attack ability doesn't even have much effect.

After the blood race reacted, the situation on the scene took a turn for the worse, and many of the fastest-running reincarnations had been besieged to death.

A few main combat armies that had nothing to do with their hands circled around the line of defense and surrounded the American reincarnation outside the line of defense.

Obviously with the intention of total annihilation.

The situation was changing so quickly, which made the small group of reincarnators who rushed halfway a little confused.

Originally, I said I was going to pick up a bargain, but it seems that if I rush forward, I am afraid that I will not be able to protect myself.

But the atmosphere has been enhanced to this point, it seems inappropriate to turn around and run away now.

Just when these small groups of reincarnated people were in a dilemma, the reincarnated people from the Dragon Kingdom camp finally started to move.

This shot is quite an exaggerated movement.

After all, there are more than 2000 reincarnations, not to mention the ability to use, even relying on physical fitness to crash into it, the destructive power is no less than [-] missiles.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the blood race was too strong, the reincarnated people in the Dragon Kingdom would be very happy to see the American reincarnated people wiped out.

But it is precisely because the overall strength of the blood race is so strong that no one party can solve it alone.

From the perspective of the overall situation, sitting back and watching the American reincarnation being besieged and killed is no different from giving up the mission.

The plundering missions are all in the final stage, and no one is willing to give up so easily.

After more than 2000 dragon kingdom reincarnations entered the battle, the situation was turned again, and the halos of abilities of various colors echoed on the battlefield.

Beauty is beauty, but they all exude shocking waves of terror.

For this point, the main battle legion of the blood race has a great say.

In a short period of time, the main battle army at the forefront was almost destroyed.

Even if there are some huge racial clouds to suppress, it is still quite difficult to face the reincarnated people whose individual strength is a bit higher.

What's more, even in such a large battlefield, due to the number of reincarnations, the contact area is only so large, and the transfer of the main battle army is not so smooth.

In addition to detours from both sides, more troops are invested in the frontal battlefield.

It is indeed difficult for these blood warriors to persist for too long in front of the wolves and tigers of reincarnation.

Every second, tens of hundreds of blood warriors would fall down, and the next moment, new blood warriors would fill them up.

The reincarnations on the frontal battlefield were killed very happily, especially Erchaus who killed more and more vigorously.

He is like a banner of the reincarnation, attracting a large number of blood warriors to encircle and suppress him, but he insists on not falling down.

Judging from the battle damage ratio, the reincarnation has an absolute advantage.

However, after a stalemate like this for a while, many reincarnated people came to their senses.

Why does it seem like the Blood Race did it on purpose?
Yun Changge slashed out with a sword, cutting a gap of tens of meters in front of him.

He glanced roughly around the battlefield, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"The battle lines are not advancing."

This is something to be wary of.

It means that the reincarnators have fought for so long, and have not achieved any strategic goals at all except for killing a large number of blood warriors.

For the Strigoi, this casualty is not a serious injury at all. With this efficiency, even if it takes a few hours, it is impossible to penetrate the Strigoi's defense line.

And don't forget, these are not the only main battle legions where the blood races gather.

If they continue to develop like this, and wait for the main battle legions stationed in other directions to surround them, they may not even be able to escape.

"It can't go on like this."

Yun Changge turned to look at Teacher Da Luo not far away.

Seeing Yun Changge's eyes, Teacher Da Luo nodded understandingly.

"Preach and teach!"

Spreading out the palm of his right hand, a heavy book full of ancient atmosphere appeared in his hand.

The book opened automatically, and the densely packed ancient text on the page shone with dazzling golden light.

These ancient golden characters seemed to come out of the books as if they were alive, and rushed to every reincarnation of the Dragon Kingdom accurately and quickly.

The next moment, the aura of the reincarnation of the Dragon Kingdom who was present suddenly rose a lot.

The soaring power allows the reincarnation of the Dragon Kingdom to easily wipe out the blood warriors in front of them.

The intensity of the attack rose suddenly, thousands of blood warriors were blown up on the spot, and such a large section was vacated in an instant, and the defense line that could maintain balance collapsed in an instant.

These more than 2000 dragon country reincarnations were like sharp knives, mercilessly piercing into the vital points of the blood clan's defense line.

(End of this chapter)

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