Chapter 972 Twist
Due to Teacher Da Luo's ability to increase, the reincarnated people present were all surrounded by bright golden light.

With such a neat advance, it looks like a flashing torrent of golden light.

More than 2000 high-level reincarnators collectively erupted, and that magnificent momentum seemed to condense into substance, covering all the blood warriors on the road ahead.

In the main battle legion that faced the reincarnation of the Dragon Kingdom, many blood warriors trembled uncontrollably.

In fact, because the blood race is not considered weak, no star race will deliberately stand up to provoke them.

This has led to the fact that many blood clan fighters have never encountered such a strong army. The level shown by the reincarnation of the Dragon Kingdom is a strength that has never been faced by most of the main battle legions of the blood clan.

As Yun Changge rushed out of the line of defense, many blood warriors were even unable to fight back due to pressure and fear.

A large number of reincarnated people from the Dragon Kingdom rushed out following Yun Changge. Their strong physical fitness endowed them with super-high dynamic vision and a speed that almost surpassed the nerve reflex limit of ordinary people.

The reincarnators of the Dragon Kingdom don't need to think through their brains at all, they just need to launch an attack.

Anyway, after rushing into the defense line, they were surrounded by blood warriors lined up neatly in all directions, so there was no need to worry about the attack failing.

Especially with the powerful increase, the individual reincarnation of the Dragon Kingdom is already enough to form a dimensionality reduction blow to ordinary blood warriors.

Blood splattered and dust filled the air.

A large number of blood warriors couldn't even stop them, and they were beheaded by the reincarnation of the Dragon Kingdom like wheat. With a flash of divine skill, they fell down a large area in unison.

In a short period of time, tens of thousands of blood warriors fell.

By the way, the blood clan's defense line is built by a main battle army, so when a large number of reincarnations rushed into the defense line, the entire frontal battlefield began to show signs of chaos.

Fortunately, the blood race is not without defense.

A group of elite blood races have been drawn in advance, the number is equivalent to two ordinary main battle legions.

They have long been ready to fight to the death.

There is no need for pre-war mobilization, not even a commander-in-chief.

They are like a batch of bloody waves, culling towards the location of the reincarnation of the Dragon Kingdom.

The tragic roar spread throughout the entire battlefield.

The golden torrent and the bloody torrent collided directly.

As soon as it is touched, it directly enters the white-hot stage.

The reincarnated person's individual combat power is stronger, but as the saying goes, a concentrated will can penetrate stubborn stones.

This group of elite vampires had no intention of surviving, and bit the reincarnation in front of them no matter the cost.

Even if it is life in exchange for injury, it is not hesitating.

For a while, the pressure on the periphery of the reincarnated people in the Dragon Kingdom increased sharply.

The more than 2000 of them are indeed Wushuang in the blood camp, but correspondingly, they are now surrounded by blood warriors.

It's not just these crazy blood races that need to be dealt with.

Yun Changge scanned the battlefield, and he could see the reincarnated people being torn to pieces by the crazy elite blood race.

With such a crazy impact, the battle situation became more and more rotten.

There are blood races rushing forward, front, back, left, and right. Many reincarnations can't even tell the direction, but this does not prevent them from constantly beheading the blood races in front of them.

If it is more ruthless, the reincarnated will not lose to these blood clans like the Death Squad.

One side is trying to prevent the opponent's advance regardless of the cost, while the other side is planning to break through the defense line with an invincible posture.

Both sides are killing mad.


When Gu Feng, who was holding a big knife, swung the knife, the blade directly vibrated violently, and the sharp and fierce attributes were pulled to the fullest.

Every knife cuts into pieces together with the air.

There were no misses, and one or several blood warriors were split in half with every knife.

It's just that there are too many blood races that came up.

Gust's attacks are all open and closed, so naturally he won't be able to defend everything.

An elite vampire closed his fingers together and pierced the back of the wind like a drill from behind.

Under the pain, Kuang Feng turned around and cut his head with a knife.

The blood race that was divided into two is not completely dead yet, his mouth is full of blood, but with a mocking smile: "We, the blood race, will eventually be invincible in the starry sky!"

After being stabbed firmly with his claws, Gufeng spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva.

"Damn, careless."

Such a picture is not an exception.

These elite vampires have no intention of surviving at all, and would rather give their lives than get a ruthless one.

If it is said that the violent wind can bear the pain and fight back, then for the vast majority of reincarnated people in the Dragon Kingdom, it is really impossible.

The individual combat power of the blood warriors themselves is not too weak, and these blood clans with the nature of death squads are even more elite. They can become the core backbone of ordinary main battle corps.

Yun Changge had already forgotten how many times he had swung his sword.

His ability to cut everything is cut, and under the consumption of power and the suppression of the racial cloud, it has obviously lost its absolute killing effect.

On such a vast high-level battlefield, even reincarnations like Yun Changge and Erchaus standing at the top of the pyramid can hardly affect the trend of the battlefield.

At most, it is just killing the Quartet in a local area.

Seeing that every battlefield opened up by reincarnators fell into a hard fight, Lu Yan seemed to be a little impatient, smacked his lips, and started to walk towards the blood defense line.

On the frontal battlefield, both sides fought fiercely.

At this time, no one cared about such a small goal as Lu Yan.

For the blood race, just such a reincarnator joining the battlefield would not be able to cause any waves at all.

"Then first..."

Lu Yan thought for a moment, then said, "Let's say hello."

A buzzing sound as thin as a mosquito spread out in all directions centered on Lu Yan.

Invisible fluctuations instantly covered the battlefield ahead, even those reincarnations from the American camp were included.

No one paid attention to such a slight movement, but when it really suffered such an attack, the slight buzzing sound seemed to turn into a roar like a drum in an instant, resounding through the mind.

An uncontrollable panic surged in the depths of his soul, as if there were endless grievances howling in his ears.

This method of directly attacking the depths of the soul is not effective against a determined opponent.

But if it is used to clear the field, it is simply a magical skill.

The blood clan who were still fighting frantically collapsed to the ground in large swaths on the spot, letting out heart-piercing screams.

It is true that there are still some blood warriors who can stay awake despite the raving attacks of innocent souls, but they have no energy left to stop Lu Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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