Lu Yan turned slightly to the side, and avoided a sudden attack by a blood warrior.

Taking advantage of the situation, he pressed it on the head of the blood warrior, twisted it up like a weapon, and rotated it twice.

It's a pity that this blood warrior's physical fitness is not very strong. After being forcibly dragged by Lu Yan for two laps, his body was smashed into flesh.

In fact, the crowd tactics are meaningless to Lu Yan.

Even if more people fill in, it is impossible for him to be exhausted.

However, he is very relaxed, and the situation of Yun Changge and Elkaos is completely opposite.

In less than a minute, both Yun Changge and Erchaus suffered injuries of varying degrees.

This is the horror of the racial cloud. With this suppression ability, it is enough to easily achieve the effect of killing the elephant with ants.

Of course, special cases like Supreme Being or Lu Yan cannot be included.

just a few minutes passed,
The blood race quickly felt that something was wrong.

It stands to reason that the three reincarnators, even if they are all duke-level powerhouses, will not last for less than a few minutes in the face of a million-level racial cloud pressure.

But Lu Yan seemed to be nothing, and didn't feel any pressure at all.

Time is tight, and it is impossible for the vampire side to continue to observe after realizing the problem.

Immediately, two imposing blood races came out.

These are two Duke-level blood clans.

However, it seems that for the sake of safety, they did not rush directly to Lu Yan.

Instead, it manipulated the racial cloud over the city of Corantono.

This is not surprising.

Its own racial cloud can be controlled by the commander.

A million-level racial cloud qi blesses an individual, which can make it possess quite powerful power.

The Duke, who was blown up by Lu Yan's punch before, was blown up all of a sudden because he didn't have time to mobilize the increase in racial cloud energy, and he didn't even react.

After the two blood race dukes adjusted their race clouds, they rushed towards Lu Yan with a strong blood-colored halo lingering all over their bodies.

The vampire warriors besieging Lu Yan below also wisely gave up a large space.

Lu Yan also noticed the two blood clan dukes swooping towards him for the first time. He was not surprised but delighted.

There was a kind smile that met the expectations of the society on his face, and blood-red steam was also spewing from his body.

Just from the look of the sale, it's really not bad.

They are all shrouded in blood, and they also exude a strong bloody smell.

The two blood clan dukes saw this scene, although they felt a little bad, but it was difficult to ride a tiger, so they could only forcefully choose to go up and fight.

Under the blessing of the racial cloud, the two dukes could already feel the suffocating pressure from them before they approached.

Probably wanting to try it out first, the two blood clan dukes used long-range attack methods respectively.

A huge blood-colored fist, and three bloodstains that are [-] meters long.

These two kinds of attacks are just the power fluctuations that are emitted, it is not like the seven realms of reincarnation can take over.

Yun Changge wanted to remind Lu Yan to be careful, but unfortunately under the siege of a large number of blood warriors, he was also unable to protect himself, and he had no extra energy to help.


Elkaos' eyes flickered twice, and he didn't even want to help.

Lu Yan also did not expect these two guys who seemed to be unable to protect themselves.

He just stood there, without dodging.

In an instant, the attacks of the two blood clan dukes had already fallen on him.

A terrifying explosion appeared in the city of Corantono.

Condensed, violent.

The aftermath of the power raged wildly in the city.

It was like a hurricane that suddenly appeared, knocking the whole big city into pieces.

No matter whether the old blood star can be kept or not.

At least if the city is not repaired, it will no longer be able to live in it.

Yun Changge and Elkaos were far from where Lu Yan was, so they also felt how terrifying such power fluctuations were.

Affected by such interference, the siege of the vampire warriors against them was temporarily stopped.

And the two of them each have a lot of life-saving cards.

In addition to looking embarrassed, in fact, he did not suffer any injuries from such an attack.

Rolling smoke filled the air.

The two blood clan dukes stood in mid-air, but a bit of surprise appeared on their faces.

You must know that under the coverage of the racial cloud, the high-level people who have the ability to control the racial cloud can feel the number and basic situation of the invaders.

So even if the smoke covered their sight, they could clearly know that Lu Yan was still alive.

And judging from the breath he sensed, the other party didn't seem to be showing any weakness.

The two dukes exchanged glances and quickly realized that this was not an illusion.

One of the dukes stuck out his tongue and licked his fangs.

"It seems that the other party is more difficult than imagined..."

However, the voice did not fall.

A dazzling figure intertwined with gold and red rushed out from the billowing smoke.

The target pointed directly at the two blood clan dukes in mid-air.

"How dare you!"

They believe that under the suppression of the million-level race cloud, they will not be powerless even in the face of the blood emperor level blood family.

Even if the reincarnator is stronger than he imagined, it doesn't mean that he can't solve it.

A fiery blood-colored halo enveloped them once again.

The terrifying power fluctuations can be said to be visible to the naked eye.

However, Lu Yan didn't care.

He didn't care how strong the two blood race dukes could become under the blessing of the racial cloud, and it was impossible for him to pose any threat to him anyway.

What's more, he doesn't think he can't solve the two blood clan dukes.

Even if the power is suppressed by the racial cloud, the rules are still the rules when they are suppressed.

Even if these two blood race dukes can exert a higher level of power with the help of the racial cloud, it is impossible to deny the rules like the supreme existence.

In the face of Lu Yan, who was rushing towards them, the two blood clan dukes mobilized their racial qi, condensed two blood-colored giant palms, and tried to forcibly knock Lu Yan down.

But in just one second, Lu Yan's entire figure passed through the two huge blood-colored palms unscathed as if there was no collision volume.

The sudden change made it too late for the two blood race dukes to make a more threatening counterattack, so they could only try to protect themselves with their racial cloud.

Lu Yan threw a punch in an unpretentious manner.

It is this seemingly ordinary punch, but it contains the ability of several rules.

The space rules of conscientious evasion allowed his punch to easily cross the opponent's blood gas barrier, and Suotian temporarily cut off the connection between them and the racial cloud.

The rest is the same dust as the light, it is a lore!

The immortal who travels the world

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