The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 977 Open Pendulum

No need, nor any exaggerated fluctuations.

The extremely condensed power directly acts on the body of the blood clan duke.

The Blood Race Duke originally tried to resist, but under Lu Yan's attack, it was all in vain.

He could only feel that the power in his body disappeared in an instant, and he could no longer sense the racial cloud.

Under Lu Yan's punch, he was beaten into a cloud of blood.

After blowing up a blood clan duke with one punch, Lu Yan's attack has not stopped.

The backhand slammed towards another blood clan duke.

The remaining blood clan duke didn't know whether to call it lucky or unfortunate.

He didn't become the target of Lu Yan's first attack, so he had extra time to create a tighter defense.

But judging from the fact that his companion was knocked out with one punch, he was obviously not Lu Yan's opponent either.

His face was horrified, and in panic, he could only find a way to escape from Lu Yan's hands first.

As for revenge for your comrades?
What a joke.

A blood-red thick energy barrier stood up, between Lu Yan and the Duke of Blood.

After building the energy barrier, the blood clan duke did not have any idea of ​​continuing to wait and see, and flew towards the position of the blood clan legion without looking back.

But after beating one of the blood clan dukes into blood mist, Lu Yan did not want to let him go.

Chased from behind.

That thick energy barrier seems to be non-existent.

It didn't play any blocking role at all, Lu Yan didn't even pause, and went straight through the energy barrier.

If it weren't for the heavy pressure emanating from the layer of energy barrier, one would even wonder if the barrier was just an illusion.

Lu Yan's flight speed is not very fast.

But that depends on who you are comparing with.

What's more, with his explosive power and physical strength, the speed on the short distance is much faster than expected.

The blood race duke didn't have time to fly too far, and he felt a terrifying power behind him.

He didn't even dare to look back, he just galloped with his head down, wishing that his speed could be a little faster.

It's a pity that Lu Yan caught up in a blink of an eye.

Seeing the other party's defenseless appearance, Lu Yan didn't bother to be polite.

Just a punch.

In front of Lu Yan at this stage, whether the Duke-level vampires are serious or relaxed, there is actually no difference.

It was impossible to stop his serious punch anyway.

With the cooperation of several rules and abilities, as long as there is no rule-level defense, it is a one-shot thing for Lu Yan.

That's exactly what happened.

After Lu Yan punched the blood clan duke, he followed in the footsteps of his companions.

After killing the two blood clan dukes in one go, Lu Yan stopped and stood in mid-air.

Anyway, there are Yun Changge and Elkaos, and there is no need to worry about the reset of the occupation time of the planet node.

At this time, almost the entire audience's attention fell on Lu Yan.

Not to mention Yun Changge and the two of them, even a large number of vampire warriors below stared at him dazedly, not having the courage to continue attacking him at all.

You know, it's a long story, but it's actually just a blink of an eye.

From the appearance of the two blood clan dukes to the explosion by Lu Yan, it took less than half a minute to count carefully.

This is really exaggerated.

The blood clan warriors are very clear that the strongest individual combat power of the entire blood clan is the Duke.

However, in front of the reincarnator, two blood race dukes shot, but they were like immature babies, and they didn't even have the ability to resist.

What's up with this?
That is to say, the blood races present are all soldiers of the main battle legion, and their minds are relatively firm.

If it was replaced by the blood tribe civilians, it is estimated that they have already begun to run away in a large area.

Even so, the blood clan warriors are also in the same heart.

The idea that I wanted to work hard at first, but also a lot.

In the case of not being able to exert their subjective initiative, the blood clan warriors are just Yun Changge and the two who continue to besiege the ground according to their inertia.

It didn't seem to have changed much, but both Yun Changge and Elkaos could feel that the pressure they were under had visibly reduced.

Even the suppression of the racial cloud has eased a bit.

Under the ebb and flow, they now have almost no pressure.

To be precise, if the situation has developed to the present, even if Lu Yan does not take action and continues to develop like this, they will not be besieged to death by a large number of vampire warriors.

Lu Yan glanced around, and then fell to the ground again.

But even if he landed, the blood warriors surrounding him did not attack.

At most, he was staring at him vigilantly with his weapon in his hand.

It looked as if he was afraid he would do it again.

Of course, Lu Yan quickly noticed this situation.

He shrugged his shoulders casually, and was relieved.

If you want to mix, then mix it up.

He wasn't too interested in mowing the lawn anyway.

Just mix up the occupation time and you're done.

After making this decision, Lu Yan sat cross-legged on the ground without any hesitation.

Even if he is so full of flaws, no blood warrior dares to do it, even if he is ten meters away from him.

Looking down from the sky, it feels like Lu Yan has built an invisible barrier to prevent the blood warriors from entering it.

Under the sudden drop of pressure, Yun Changge and Elkaos were still under the symbolic siege of the blood warriors, but they still had the spare energy to pay attention to the situation on Lu Yan's side.

But if you see it, you might as well not see it.

Even with such a sullen nature as Yun Changge, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily after noticing that Lu Yan had actually started to close his eyes.


Everyone knows that you are strong, but isn't this a bit too exaggerated?
In particular, Elkaos, after seeing this scene, his heart sank directly to the bottom of the valley.

Indeed, they were thinking of reducing the overall strength of the Dragon Kingdom's reincarnators.

But before he could do it, he was violently crushed by the invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War.

When did the strength gap get so big?

Okaos canceled the original plan on the spot.

Even if the ant wants to make a plan, it is like a joke to the elephant.

The strength gap is so large that no matter how subtle the plan is, it is meaningless.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and during the period, the vampires did not send any more Duke-level vampires.

This is actually not surprising, the decision-making level of the blood clan itself is a group of duke blood clan.

To be able to get to such a level, it is certain that life will be cherished.

Seeing with their own eyes that two acquaintances of the same level were so easily beaten up, no one wanted to be the third.

No matter how unwilling, he had to accept the fact that he was about to lose the old blood star.

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