The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 978 Mission Completion

The situation is stronger than that of people. In desperation, these duke-level blood races have given up grabbing the planet node from the unfathomable samsara.

Within half an hour, many reincarnations rushed outside the city of Corantono.

In the face of the strict defense outside the city, he did not take the risk to attack.

Alkaos didn't even think about it.

There were no more storms.

With the countdown of occupying the planet node, it resets to zero.

The loot mission was completed logically.

【Ding! 】

[Plunder Mission: Old Blood Star] (Completed)
[Task progress: 100%]

[Remaining time of the mission: 31 hours]

[Current number of surviving reincarnations: 6518]

[The task reward is being settled...]

[Please stay in place for all reincarnators, and start teleporting after one second. 】

A series of mechanized system prompts sounded.

In the past, the teleportation was to let the reincarnation stay in place 30 seconds in advance, or more than five seconds if it was not good.

And this time, for some unknown reason, this transfer did not leave much preparation time.

Lu Yan was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, his whole body turned into white light and disappeared on the spot.


When he came back to his senses.

A lot of loud noise filled the eardrums.

The whole person has appeared on the teleportation point of the reincarnation space of the Dragon Kingdom.

Not only him, but those Dragon Kingdom reincarnators who participated in the plundering mission this time also completed the teleportation at the same time.

The originally sparse teleportation points suddenly became extremely crowded.

Lu Yan didn't have the idea of ​​squeezing together with so many reincarnators.

The white light flashed, and it was sent directly again.

When he returned to the living room, Duan Jianhui was still playing games.

The sudden appearance of Lu Yan really shocked him.

"Fuck, Lao Lu, why are you back?"

Duan Jianhui really didn't have this mental preparation.

After all, I don't know what, this time the plundering mission did not open the viewing channel.

And at the beginning, the plundering mission was said to be seven days, and it was not said that it would end early.

Duan Jianhui thought that he would not see Lu Yan again after his next reincarnation experience was over.

Yes, the reincarnators who did not participate in the plundering mission have not yet undergone a new reincarnation experience.

There is still one day left before the next reincarnation experience.

"Mission completed ahead of schedule."

Lu Yan responded casually with a smile, then got up and walked towards the kitchen.

While brewing instant coffee, I checked my reincarnation interface.

Speaking of which, he didn't know if he would practice reincarnation again one day later.

However, due to the looting mission, his current reincarnation level has changed from one star in six realms to two stars in six realms.

Of course, the reincarnation level was prompted, but there was no change compared to when there was no improvement.

The reincarnation system just said that the looting mission rewards are rich, but it does not give out the rewards immediately after the end of the experience mission.

When Lu Yan clicked on the reincarnation interface, it was still showing the settlement process.

By the way, the rewards for looting missions are distributed according to contributions.

However, Lu Yan really didn't know what this contribution meant, let alone whether his contribution was more or less.

The mission introduces Taimo Lake, but that's not good.

If the contribution refers to the number of occupied planet nodes, Lu Yan's contribution is really not a big one.

But it's useless to think about it now, after all, the mission is over.

Anyway, I'll know when the task is settled...

Well, I just don't know when the rewards will be settled.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan picked up the instant coffee that had just been brewed and was still bubbling with white mist.

ton ton ton~
After drinking it all in one breath, I tore open another pack and soaked it.

"Don't drink all the time, talk about it, what the hell is going on with the looting mission? Maybe I will encounter it in the future."

Duan Jianhui was curious about the looting mission.

This is the only mission that cannot be watched.

What, you said that even the most basic reincarnation experience can't be watched?

Because all the reincarnators in the world are doing the training mission at the same time, when your mission is over, the other reincarnators also end, and there is no time to watch the battle.

Lu Yan picked up the instant coffee, but this time he didn't drink it all in one breath.

Instead, he took a sip and let the bitter taste fill his mouth before slowly saying: "The mission target is a planet called the Old Blood Star, and occupying a hundred planetary nodes will be the mission completed..."

Halfway through, he paused and added: "By the way, I had a fight with a guy halfway through, and I never fought."

"Just kidding? You've never fought? You're the strongest samsara."

Duan Jianhui looked in disbelief.

After a pause, he scratched the back of his head and asked, "Then you can't beat it, how did you accomplish the mission?"

"That guy has nothing to do with the mission."

Lu Yan pursed his lips, but did not talk deeply.

Duan Jianhui also nodded.

He did not continue to play games and started to browse the forum.

Although it was night, the number of pageviews of the reincarnator forum surged.

As the reincarnators who carried out the plundering mission all return to the real world, the popularity of the plundering mission on the forum can be said to be unparalleled.

After a while.

Lu Yan drank three or four cups of instant coffee in a row.

Duan Jianhui handed the screen of his mobile phone to Lu Yan, and said slightly unhappy: "Gan! Lao Lu, this gangster always said that the plundering task is easy, I kindly remind everyone not to be careless, this gangster actually said that Lao Tzu is a cloud reincarnation person. ."

"Even you have met a guy you can't beat, isn't this looting mission dangerous enough?"

Lu Yan glanced at Duan Jianhui's mobile phone screen and found that the net name of the gangster seemed to be the trumpet of the wind.

If the wind said that, it would not seem surprising.

After all, that guy saw with his own eyes that the so-called blood clan dukes couldn't make a single round in front of Lu Yan, so it's not surprising to stand up and make an exaggerated evaluation. It is estimated that if he goes further, he will have to teach Duan Jianhui what the Invincible Tyrannosaurus Dragon God of War is. .

Just to say it's simple, it's really not that simple.

If Lu Yan did not act, even this mission might not be able to be completed.

Didn't realize that more than 3000 high-level reincarnations died in this plundering mission.

"What reason do you tell the netizens, can't you just scold them directly?"

Lu Yan slapped his mouth and added: "Reflect less on yourself and insult others more. You used to be a thug, and your quality needs to be lowered."

The corners of Duan Jianhui's mouth twitched, and he subconsciously retorted: "surfing the Internet is all about being able to see the wind. I'm the only one who can't scold me. Come with you, Lao Lu."

"Next time definitely."

Lu Yan also took out his mobile phone and opened the forum.

But he just wanted to see if he could get the information related to the reward settlement, he didn't bother to help Duan Jianhui scold.

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