In fact, there was no need for Lu Yan to look for information specially.

This will just click on the reincarnation forum, and you will find that the entire page is full of posts talking about plundering missions.

No need to look for it at all.

Lu Yan casually clicked on a pleasing post to browse.

Of course, he doesn't think he can get the answer by just looking for a post.

While sipping instant coffee, he slid his finger on the screen of the phone.

The casual gaze was not so much looking for information as it was passing the time.

Duan Jianhui thought he was the only one who knew the truth, so he blocked Gang Jing's account with a sense of superiority, and then followed Lu Yan's example to browse the forum.

To be precise, the reincarnations participating in the plundering mission belong to the strongest group of reincarnations.

There are not many weirdos who like to leak information on purpose.

It seems that there is a lot of chatter in the forum, but in fact most of them are speculations.

Among them, there are quite a few people who can guess the general situation of the plundering mission, but more, there are still some posts that sound reasonable at first glance, but are nonsense when you look deeper.

The irony is that this kind of guesswork posts are more popular than serious discussion posts.

"Shock!The Dragon Kingdom actually joins forces with the United States to entrap reincarnations from other countries! "

"The strongest man in Guishuang actually said..."

"The Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War exploded the resource planet! "

"Two reincarnations in the United States quarreled and shot each other's daughter..."

It seems that something strange has been mixed in, but it's not a big problem.

At least Lu Yan was very interested in surfing the forum.

Moreover, if you click on a lot of posts with exaggerated titles, you will find that the anonymous poster still has a nose and eyes, like the plundering mission with so many casualties, proportionally speaking, how many reincarnated people should be lost in the Dragon Kingdom...

Lu Yan knew the real situation, but did not reply.

Anyway, for a guy who believes in such posts, he would like to suggest that the other party go to the hospital first.

Basically, some fun people are replying, trying their best to fill in the loopholes in the post, just waiting to arrest the honest people who got in by mistake.

Lu Yan just took it for fun, and waited for the reward settlement to appear by the way.

Just this swipe, the whole night passed.

When the sunlight outside the window spilled into the living room, Lu Yan rubbed his eyes.

The imaginary task rewards have not been issued, and the reincarnation interface still shows that the settlement is in progress.

Lu Yan: "..." Tsk, this system is really full of ink.

Only then did Duan Jianhui realize that it was already dawn.

He rubbed his face in a daze, and after a while, he reluctantly got up from the bed to wash.

As the weather turns cooler, the sealing ability of the quilt becomes stronger.

Even if Duan Jianhui is a senior reincarnation at any rate, he doesn't really want to endure the cold wind and get out of bed.

However, he seemed to have an appointment with someone to go shopping today, so he had to leave the warm bed.

Regarding Duan Jianhui's whereabouts, Lu Yan didn't even bother to ask.

After making a steaming cup of instant coffee, I continued to lie on the sofa and browse the forum.

Ten minutes later.

Duan Jianhui, who also washed his head after washing up, said to Lu Yan while looking for a hair dryer with his wet hair on his head.

"Old Lu, I won't come back for dinner today, and I probably won't come back tonight, you can figure it out yourself."

Lu Yan raised his eyes and glanced at Duan Jianhui, who was full of spring, his eyelids twitched.

He ignored Duan Jianhui and was playing with his mobile phone, how could he be distracted.

After tidying up, Duan Jianhui rushed out of the room in a hurry, as if writing the words "can't wait" on his face.

Lu Yan stroked his chin thoughtfully. He remembered that Duan Jianhui and Zhao Xiaotang had been having a heated fight these days. Didn't that girl live upstairs?

The reason why he still remembered such a person was more because the girl's younger brother had been pestering Lu Yan to learn martial arts in the early days.

Well, and the father of the siblings died in front of him.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan immediately lost the interest to continue browsing the forum.

I don't know if it's out of guilt for Brother Da Biao, or I want to confirm the situation.

Standing up unsteadily, he also left the room.


Today's weather looks good, it should not rain.

But it was still early in the morning after all, and the cold wind blew by, making the pedestrians on the side of the road shrink their necks subconsciously.

By the way, Lu Yan was wearing a mask.

As the reincarnation became more and more popular, especially when Lu Yan became the strongest person recognized by the reincarnation, as soon as he walked on the street, he would be surrounded by people 100%.

Although no matter whether it is an ordinary person or a reincarnation, they dare not block him in front of him.

But along the way, Lu Yan still felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by passers-by with the eyes of aliens.

He's not a devil, he can't go over and kill others just because they keep staring at him.

There is no such reason.

It's better for everyone to wear a mask honestly.

Lu Yan is now nearly two streets away from Duan Jianhui. With his current perception ability, this distance is no different from face to face.

Don't worry about being noticed by Duan Jianhui.

However, just as Lu Yan passed a street full of hardware stores, an angry roar suddenly sounded from a nearby store.

He looked in the direction of the sound.

The yelling just now was made by this burly and thick man. He held a solid iron rod in his hand and pushed down a shirtless and somewhat thin man at the door of the store.

Lu Yan silently transferred his perception to the store.

On the bed in the back room, there was a disheveled middle-aged woman shivering wrapped in a quilt.


Well, he can probably guess the cause and effect.

But before he could step away, the extremely angry strong man couldn't suppress his emotions, and the solid iron rod he was holding hit the shirtless man's head firmly.

In the blink of an eye, the red and white objects drew radioactive patterns on the ground.

The strong smell of blood gradually spread.


"Mom! Killed someone!"

"Call the police!"

Such a big movement has already attracted the attention of many pedestrians.

At first I thought that the strong man was just trying to scare him, but who knew he would dare to hit him with a stick.

Many little girls screamed out of fright, and collapsed on the ground with limp legs.

This is actually very normal. Although there is a reincarnation system, the Dragon Kingdom still maintains a very good order.

It is almost impossible for ordinary Longguo people to see such a cruel scene in their life.

Soon someone called the police.

It wasn't long before the police rushed to the street.

Lu Yan scanned around and saw a few familiar reincarnators with official backgrounds.

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