The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 980 The second round of chapter experience

It is actually quite normal to see reincarnations with official backgrounds among the police officers.

In fact, the abilities possessed by the reincarnated people are all weird, and it is not uncommon to have some kind of mind control ability.

Ordinary police officers alone may not be able to accurately judge.

In fact, since the emergence of the reincarnation system, no matter what kind of case happened, no matter how busy the Shancheng branch was, they would pull out a few people and assign them to the scene to help.

This is not to ask the reincarnation to help solve the case, just to confirm whether the case that happened is related to the wild reincarnation.

Lu Yan pretended not to see those familiar reincarnations, pulled his mask up and down, and then stood behind the crowd with a low sense of presence.

The well-built man seemed to calm down, realizing that he seemed to have done something irrational in extreme anger, and thinking of his wife having an affair with the deceased, he knelt down and cried bitterly.

The situation at the scene is actually very clear.

The few reincarnated people asked briefly, and then probed with some weird gestures, and they easily deduced that this was a murder of pure passion.

Since it has nothing to do with reincarnators, just follow the normal process and finish.

Lu Yan stood by the side like a supervisor, watching these people busy.

After the reincarnation system appeared, he didn't go abroad to see it, but he could understand from the posts on the forum that probably only the Dragon Kingdom was left to make ordinary people feel safe.

how to say……

Perhaps it is precisely because of such a group of conscientious people that the order in the Dragon Kingdom can be maintained.

Thinking of this, he turned and left with his hands behind his back, and continued to stroll on the street unsteadily.

After wandering around aimlessly for more than half an hour, Lu Yan suddenly stopped.

Lu Yan: "..."

He seems to want to follow Duan Jianhui when he comes out this time...

How did you forget it out of nowhere?
"I'm getting older~"

Lu Yan sighed with some emotion.

A pair of mother and child passed by, and the child holding the balloon in his hand gave Lu Yan a weird look.

The immature face was full of surprise, as if he couldn't understand why this young big brother looked old-fashioned.


The door was pushed open.

Lu Yan returned to Duan Jianhui's house alone.

After all, after being separated for so long, Duan Jianhui's normal breath is no different from that of ordinary people.

Lu Yan was also too lazy to do things like finding a needle in a haystack, so it was better to come back and continue to lie on the sofa.

After going out for a walk, and coming back for a while, it was almost noon.

Holding the freshly brewed instant coffee, Lu Yan glanced at the bright sunshine outside the window, paused a little, as if it was time for lunch...

Dragon Kingdom has a large land area, so the eating habits in many places are different.

Some people say that you should eat enough in the morning, eat well at noon, and eat less in the evening.

There are also some places that will be changed, but generally they pay more attention to the noon meal.

But in many places in ancient times, due to the lack of food, there was no such meal at noon in many cases.

The same is true for Lu Yan, besides, strictly speaking, he himself does not need to eat.

Yes, it makes sense.

After finding an excuse for being lazy, he picked up his cup and took a sip of instant coffee as if nothing had happened.

He happily continued to nest on the sofa and browse the forum.

The reincarnation forum is full of talents, it is really a good tool to pass the time.

After ignoring the matter of eating.

The passage of time became more and more turbulent.

When he turned his head in a daze and wanted to look out of the window again, he discovered an extremely terrifying thing.

it's dark.

Looking at the time displayed on the phone, it was 19:23.

Another day went by inexplicably.

Lu Yan's eyes gradually narrowed, and he stretched slowly like a lazy old man.

"Every day..."

"So busy..."


When Duan Jianhui came back, it was almost midnight.

Because today is a new round of reincarnation experience.

He didn't know if it was because he didn't feel safe to enter the reincarnation experience alone outside, but he finally chose to hurry home.

Lu Yan glanced at Duan Jianhui with a smile, but didn't ask him what he was doing today.

Speaking of which, Lu Yan is more concerned about one thing.

That is whether his reincarnation experience will appear.

Although the plundering mission caused his reincarnation level to increase by one level, the mission introduction also said that the plundering mission itself is equivalent to a reincarnation experience.

However, according to the rigid mechanized process of the reincarnation system, it's really hard to say whether it is necessary to carry out this reincarnation experience.

This question was answered after the time of reincarnation experience arrived.

A series of familiar prompts sounded in Lu Yan's ear.

【Ding! 】

[After 30 seconds, the No. 17 reincarnation experience will start. 】

【The host please stay where you are and don't move around, otherwise you will be wiped out. 】

Obviously, the time for reincarnation experience is fixed, even the plundering mission will not affect the reincarnation experience.

Probably only when the plundering mission is still being performed at this time, will the reincarnation experience be skipped directly.

Sure enough, it is a stubborn and rigid system that does not know how to adapt.

Speaking of which, due to the relationship between him and the reincarnation system in the past few times, there were some strange changes in those reincarnation experiences.

No way, I haven't found a way to threaten the reincarnation system yet, so let's just carry out the training tasks honestly.

After hearing the beep, Lu Yan held the coffee cup.

Turning his head to look at Duan Jianhui, who was lying flat on the bed with his eyes closed, without hesitation, he stood up with ease to master the world difficulty.

Yes, to master the difficulty of the world, it can be regarded as a normal reincarnation experience for Lu Yan.

【warn!warn! 】

[It is detected that the host deviates from the original place, please return the host immediately, otherwise it will be wiped out! 】

[The obliteration begins! 】

[Unknown reason detected, erasure failed. 】

[It is being processed urgently. 】

[Start backup plan. 】

[The highest difficulty trial of the current level will be selected, please return to the original place immediately and start teleporting! 】

Waiting for the invisible obliterating power to dissipate from him, after going through the familiar process, Lu Yan sat back on the sofa again.

"Send it."


【Ding! 】

[Transmission complete! 】

[Mission World: (Unknown)]

【Mission Objective: (Hidden)】

[Task time: none]

【Mission Failure Penalty: None】

Lu Yan slowly opened his eyes, looking at the ridiculously brief mission introduction on the mission interface, his heart sank.


If he didn't know that the reincarnation system has no entity, he would have wanted to pull the reincarnation system out and ask, what the hell is hiding? !

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