Chapter 981
Precise description of the world in which it is located and clear mission conditions from the very beginning.

To gradually not display the information of the world in which it is located.

In the end, until now, even the mission objectives were not given.

Can it be more outrageous?
After a while, I forcibly suppressed the desire to complain.

Lu Yan began to look around at the scene.

Total darkness.

Yes, it is pure black, not even a little bit of light exists.

Only then did he notice that he didn't seem to be stepping on a solid body, but more like floating in the air, without feeling any gravity.

He opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

He wanted to take a deep breath, but found that there was no oxygen around him.

Where is this?
Lu Yan was not worried about his own safety.

It's just that there is no oxygen for the time being. With his physical fitness, he will not have a negative reaction so soon.

What's more, even if he died of suffocation, he could still be resurrected on the spot.

All he cares about now is where is this world?

Or, can this really be regarded as a world?


Eternal silence.

There was not a single sound in the whole world, it was so quiet for too long, and even Lu Yan's body naturally produced some uncomfortable slight tinnitus.

The brain wants to confirm whether the environment is too quiet or deaf.

In the boundless loneliness and darkness, this slight tinnitus was extremely clear to Lu Yan.

To be able to make myself feel clearly that I am still alive.

He is like an insignificant speck of dust in the endless darkness, one more than him is not much, and one less than him is not much.

The so-called concept of time is just a reference put forward by intelligent creatures.

In such a quiet, profound, and even eternal environment.

Lu Yan couldn't even tell exactly how long it had passed.

At first, he could barely tell the time by the number of heartbeats, but later, after the heart beat hundreds of millions of times, he gave up this idea.

During the period, he wondered in surprise whether it was because the reincarnation system couldn't do anything about him, and deliberately threw him into an experience world where he couldn't leave, and closed it permanently.

Otherwise, how to explain the fact that the mission time and mission punishment are both non-existent?

However, combined with reality, I found that this answer could not stand up to scrutiny.

After all, no matter how long he spent in the experience world, it would only take a moment to switch to the real world, and it would be meaningless to keep him locked up for a long time.

And with the rigid operating logic of the reincarnation system, there shouldn't be such human-like emotions.

Lu Yan wondered about the situation in this world, and his thoughts were busy.

After dying countless times due to lack of oxygen.

He began to punch violently without a goal, and he was also frustrated.

But it still doesn't make any sense.

It didn't even make any noise, it seemed that this world didn't even have the concept of sound.

Rather than saying that it is a world, it is better to say that this is nothingness.

To be precise, everything in front of him should not be considered darkness.

Endless nothingness.

There is no space, no time, nothing.

He is like a strange alien who strayed into this place, wandering around in this world.

He could tell with certainty that he couldn't change anything.

It's been too long, too long...

It was so long that Lu Yan's mood became volatile.

The environment is assimilative.

After staying in such an empty environment for too long, Lu Yan gradually lost the meaning of his emotions.

No, it should be said that in such an environment, nothing makes sense.

Lu Yan's face had been filled with uneasiness and fear.

But in the end it was all peaceful.

...Maybe he should have been like this.

It has to be said that human adaptability is sometimes overblown.

Lu Yan gave up exploring, as if he wanted to merge with this nothingness.

A long time passed.

Maybe 1000 years, 1 years.

He was beginning to feel bored.

For there is nothing in this void except him.

Compared with a time limit, such endless exile is more likely to cause collapse.

He wants to find something to do.

As the saying goes, there is no Jia Zi in the mountains, and the cold year does not know the year.

But Lu Yan is not an orthodox practitioner.

It is impossible for him to retreat for hundreds or thousands of years at a time like a practitioner.

However, as far as the method of cultivation is concerned, he really has it.

A purple level, the idea of ​​equality and wisdom meditation.

This method of meditation was acquired by Lu Yan, and he has never practiced it seriously.

After all, it is only the purple level, and the upper limit is there.

More, he uses this meditation method as a convenient way to enter his consciousness space.

Slowly closing his eyes, his consciousness gradually quieted down.

He successfully entered his consciousness space.

In the space of consciousness, there is still the familiar environment where you can't see the boundary at a glance.

Although it would be inexplicably depressing, for Lu Yan who has been wandering in nothingness for too long, even such an environment is enough to make him a little more happy.

The sky in the consciousness space was still blood red, with a strong smell of blood.

From time to time, screams and ravings can be vaguely heard from above.

At the foot are towering peaks with jagged rocks and no vegetation to be seen.

Inside the mountain, there is a white and marble-like mountain hidden.

As for the bottom of the mountain peak, it is extremely deep black.

It seems that all light falling on it will be absorbed.

The feeling of down-to-earth has never been so clear now.

Lu Yan could actually guess what the scene in his conscious space represented.

These pure white mountains covered by black rocks, if nothing else, are the silent lights of order.

Maybe when he clears out these mountains, Symmetra can be unsealed?

He wasn't very sure about this, but fortunately, there was nothing else going on.

Just find something for yourself to do.

Outside, there is still no change.

With his eyes closed, Lu Yan's body, which seemed to have lost consciousness, was still drifting with the waves in nothingness.



Nobody noticed.

In this silent, empty world.

There has been a little slow but steady change.

This kind of change, in this illusory state, perfectly harmonizes.

In the nothingness, a subtle emotion gradually emerged.

This emotion was not strong at the beginning, like a spider weaving a web, it slowly condensed.

I do not know how long it has been.

A specious substance emerges, a substance that is both present and non-existent.

It's hard to describe what kind of state this is.

If Lu Yan was still conscious at this time, he would probably feel familiar.

Some are similar to the chaos in the wild, but there are some subtle differences.

This empty world is constantly changing.

In this chaos, the first inexplicable existence was born...

(End of this chapter)

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