Chapter 984 World

The chaos and nothingness above the earth began to gradually form clouds and mist, gradually forming the sky.

Lu Yan stood on a coastline with an indifferent expression.

He stared at the huge waves in front of him and the sea that erupted with loud noises, but he didn't take any action.

He has been walking the earth for some time.

This land is still as monotonous as ever.

Fortunately, not long ago, the world changed again.

As the surrounding area of ​​the land was filled with sea water, the sky also covered the entire land high up.

Until now, the concept of space has been born.

But Lu Yan didn't think such a change was so miraculous.

Because such changes are caused by Gaia.

Gaia, the greatest mother goddess in Greek mythology, gave birth to her two most powerful offspring.

Uranus, god of the sky, and Pontus, god of the sea.

Incidentally, before this, Gaia could actually be considered pure.

Because the five primitive gods born in the chaos can not only combine with each other to give birth to offspring, but also give birth to new gods with their own single sex in their vigorous bodies.

Of course, this is actually impossible.

Tartarus has been living in the abyss and has no interest in Gaia.

And Erebus and Nyx have been immersed in the fiery joy, even if Gaia wanted to get involved, she couldn't find a chance.

As for the remaining Eros, according to Lu Yan's feeling, the probability of being a goddess seems to be much higher than the probability of being a male god.

Thinking about it this way, Gaia really can only give birth to a new male god for in-depth communication.

Lu Yan picked up a gravel and held it in his hand to play with it.

Blowing the long-lost salty sea breeze, he suddenly remembered some details of Greek mythology.

It seems that the god of the sky and the god of the sea were not the first second-generation gods born.

The siblings Erebus and Nyx have been creating gods since they were born. If there is no result, they will underestimate the ability of the Greek gods.

If I remember correctly, Aether, the god of space, and Hemera, the god of light, should have been created by the mad siblings long ago.

Speaking of this, Lu Yan is really a little surprised why the combination of the two gods of darkness will create the god of light.

Of course, it was impossible for Lu Yan to go to find the siblings just to find out this problem.

He wasn't afraid of being beaten, but simply felt that even if he ran over, there was a high probability that he would just watch the brother and sister communicate deeply.

Lu Yan has no such hobby.

He threw the gravel he picked up casually into the sea again.

Slowly squatting down, stretching his hands into the sea, stirring the sea water casually.

He thought it was a good place, just to be able to enjoy the sea breeze.

Although there is no shelter, he doesn't really need that kind of thing.

Just when Lu Yan was about to sit down cross-legged and enjoy the breeze with peace of mind.

Suddenly, the ocean began to sway violently.

In Lu Yan's sight, something different appeared on the distant sea.

It was a strong male god with dark blue skin and a bare upper body, riding the waves and rushing to the shore quickly.

There are only a few gods in this world now.

The features of this guy with dark blue skin are so obvious that Lu Yan can determine who this guy is even by using the method of elimination.

When Pontos, the God of the Sea, approached Lu Yan, he restrained his aura, looking a little cautious.

Under the mighty power of the God of the Sea, the originally noisy sea became calm in an instant.

Pontus was facing Lu Yan, kneeling on the waves.

There was also a bit of panic in his expression.

"Pontos, the god of the ocean, has seen Lore... my lord."

Different from the five original gods, the second-generation Titan gods like them are not as powerful as the original gods.

Facing Lu Yan, the divine adjudicator handpicked by God the Father, it is natural to be a little trembling.

What's more, Pontos' temperament is not as flamboyant as the sky god, but rather restrained.

So when Pontus noticed that Lu Yan had appeared by the sea, he was frightened for a while, fearing that he might not do something well and would soon become the first god to be judged.

Lu Yan still looked indifferently, just staring at Pontus.

Although it looked like he was about to execute the criminal law in the next second, his mood was actually very calm.

Before Chaos appeared, he had spent too long in this void, so long that he had forgotten about expression management.

Or in other words, he was actually too lazy to pay attention to these trivial details.

But Pontos was flustered, even a little scared.

He didn't know what he did wrong, and he didn't know where to start if he wanted to explain.

Normally, Pontos shouldn't be so afraid of Lu Yan.

But the coincidence of this is that Gaia is the only primitive god that these second-generation gods can contact.

And Gaia has a certain subtle emotion towards Lu Yan. When explaining that Lu Yan is an existence older than the father god, it is inevitable to bring some subjective color.

In addition, it is true that Lu Yan is the oldest existence in the world.

So it is really hard for these second-generation gods not to be afraid of Lord Lore, who has the authority to adjudicate the gods.

Pontos explained in a panic, even forgetting that the gods actually have the ability to convey their own thoughts.

Lu Yan just watched silently like this, he didn't feel happy because he was awed, mainly because he didn't care.

However, this Pontos has been kneeling in front of him to confess, and it is inevitable that he will appear noisy.

He simply said casually, "Back off."

Just such a casual sentence made Pontos couldn't help but smile.

He nodded hastily, then retreated respectfully, and quickly sank to the bottom of the sea.

It has to be said that the gods at this stage are very simple in every respect.

The gods of Zeus were able to beat out the dog's brains for the position of the king of gods. It is estimated that the number of gods at this stage is too small, and they are far from developing to the degree of selfishness like the gods of later generations.

In short, the Greek gods, no matter from what point of view, are more human than divine.

Rather than saying that they are gods, it is better to say that they are people with great power.

After dismissing Pontos, Lu Yan sat cross-legged on the shore quietly.

Blowing the sea breeze, I occasionally look up at the erosion of the land by the abyss of Tartarus, inexplicably wanting to press the button to fast-forward the development of this world.

Unfortunately, there is no fast forward button.

The epic of Greek mythology is still gradually unfolding at its own pace after adding a chaotic "Lore".

(End of this chapter)

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