Chapter 985 Opposition
The abyss of silence.

Tartarus stared at the edge of the abyss with his hands behind his back.

That is His abyss eating away at the earth.

The speed of erosion is quite slow. Fortunately, for the gods, the last thing they lack is time.

Even if it takes tens of thousands of years, it is just a snap of their fingers.

Naturally, Tartarus was not in a hurry.

At this moment, a handsome young man with a well-proportioned figure and a chakra behind him galloped towards him from a distance.

This is Aether, the god of space.

He wanted to stop Tartarus from eroding Gaia, Mother Earth.

Aether searched for a long time to find Tartarus.

It is really because there are not many living creatures in the whole world at this stage, and Tartarus has not yet had the idea of ​​building a shrine, so wherever he goes, his whereabouts are quite uncertain.

Tartarus turned his head and looked at the space god who met him for the first time.

It is worth mentioning that Tartarus is the god of the abyss, and the entire abyss is equivalent to his incarnation. The first time Aether stepped into the abyss, he had already learned about it.

The reason why he didn't meet him was that Tartarus could more or less guess part of Aether's intention.

But Tartarus's erosion of the earth cannot be stopped voluntarily.

He is both an anthropomorphic part and the abyss of the universe.

Just as humans need to eat, the abyss also needs to expand.

The two sides have different positions and cannot be reconciled at all.

In addition, Aether is the god of space. With the strange power of space, even if Tartarus is confident that this junior is not his opponent, he is not sure that he can easily solve it.

So he has been pretending not to know, deliberately avoiding the other party.

It's just that I didn't expect Ethel to be so persistent, to search for such a long time in the abyss, and she had no intention of giving up.

In desperation, Tartarus simply decided to meet first.

Arriving in front of Tartarus, Aether, an elegant young man, bowed respectfully.

"Aether, the god of space, has seen the god of the abyss."

Even though the opponent's posture was very low, Tartarus still held his hands behind his back indifferently.

"What's the matter with coming to my abyss?"

Again, the gods in this era are very simple, and there is no such thing as beating around the bush and being worldly.

Aether didn't hide anything, and said bluntly: "I want to ask the god of the abyss to stop eroding the earth."

Tartarus made no secret of his dissatisfaction.

But he really didn't intend to do anything.

In fact, in Greek mythology, the first three generations of the gods are very vague, and many things are mentioned in one stroke.

The description of the battle power among the gods is not accurate.

But what is certain is that Aether, the god of space, is indeed a hidden boss.

Although he is not the original god, what he represents is heaven.

There's no doubting how terrifying the concept is.

Tartarus's expression became more and more gloomy, and there was even a bit of anger in his tone: "What if I refuse?"

Ethel stood up slowly.

"I'm not asking."

As the god of space, he himself has the ability to block the abyss from the universe.

If you are willing to come and talk to Tartarus, it is more about respect for this primitive god.

Seeing the abyssal divine power that gradually began to stir around Tartarus, Aether also silently prepared to make a move.

As long as he knows that he is fulfilling his duty, he will not be afraid.

Of course, out of respect for the five original gods, he still struggled to add: "If Lord Tartarus still refuses, the Judge will be alarmed."

It's okay not to mention it, but when this is mentioned, the abyssal divine power surging around Tartarus suddenly boils.

The entire abyss seemed to be roaring, and the heavy black gravity pushed Aether out dozens of miles in an instant, and even made Aether have to mobilize his divine power to protect himself.

Fortunately, Tartarus's sanity seems to be still there.

He only vented for a short while, and then restrained his divine power.


Thinking of this name made Tartarus inexplicably irritable.

He really didn't understand why Father God would hand over the authority of judgment to that ancient creature, who obviously didn't even have a godhead.


Lu Yan, who didn't know that he was being missed, yawned.

He stared sleepily at the monotonous ocean, and suddenly felt a little bored.

It is true that there is too much gap in the position of God now, and there is at most only one embryonic form in this world.

The three elements of sky, ocean and earth are not enough to give birth to life.

Sitting on the beach and looking at it for a long time, you will find that there are no microorganisms in this sea, let alone fish.

He didn't want to eat fish or anything.

I just feel that life needs a little more to be considered a complete world.

Lu Yan thought endlessly, and casually put the arm supporting his chin on the armrest.

Well, the stone chair he was sitting on was a gift from the God of the Sea who seemed a bit timid.

A stone chair carved out of a whole piece of white stone with some reliefs on it.

Due to the constraints of the times, the entire relief exudes a wild beauty.

Although Pontos' aesthetics did not match Lu Yan's at all, but after hearing that he carved it himself, Lu Yan still accepted the stone chair.

After all, it is barely acceptable if it is only used for rest.

Lu Yan suddenly raised his head and noticed that the boundary between the abyss and the land seemed to be gradually separating.

It's like Coke and Sprite that were originally blended together, and a transparent plastic wrap suddenly appeared in the middle.

Lu Yan could see clearly that the plastic wrap looked thin, but it was full of toughness. No matter how restless the dark abyss was, there was no way to break through this barrier.

Instead, with the passage of time, the distance from the earth continues.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yan showed interest in his eyes.

He doesn't know much about the epics of Greek mythology, so he naturally doesn't know that there are only a few gods at this stage, and there will be a battle of gods?
Thinking of this, he spread his palm casually, and a blood-red mist appeared in his palm.

It's not a single ability he possesses.

In fact, this is the illusory adjudication authority.

Before the appearance of the first generation of god kings, the authority to adjudicate and judge itself was ownerless.

It's just that I don't know why Chaos gave him such a hefty thing to use.

Could it be that he really thought he would be some kind of fair guy?
Lu Yan stood up from the stone chair thoughtfully.

"Well, there is a reason why I have to go and have a look..."

(End of this chapter)

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