Chapter 988 Blending
The cage of time is always so powerless.

Even Lu Yan couldn't help but have the idea of ​​giving up this training mission.


He let out a long sigh and narrowed his eyes indifferently.

at this time,

The sky and the earth began to blend again, and the land piled up to form mountain peaks, surging towards the sky, and the rain from the sky continued to water the earth.

Under such changes, the heaven and earth in the primitive world gradually gave birth to vitality.

Such a scene, no matter how many times you look at it, will be shocking.

Of course, the premise is to only look at such a scene.

Knowing the truth, Lu Yan felt that Uranus was really energetic.

In fact, such a scene has already begun 2 years ago.

After the abyss was successfully forced to leave the earth, there was no gap between the sky and the earth.

The space between the sky and the earth has become the most comfortable and most suitable place for those gods who are weaker than the original gods to live.

Therefore, Uranus, the god of the sky, naturally obtained unparalleled theocracy and became the first generation of god kings.

But to become a god king, one also needs a god queen.

At that stage, there were only three or two female gods, big and small.

Nyx has been nesting in the depths of the darkness and sticking to Erebus. Even if Uranus wants to dig the corner, he can't find a chance. The goddess of light, Hemera, is not worthy of the identity of the god king.

In this way, Uranus searched around and found that only his mother Gaia was qualified to be his spouse.

Fortunately, Gaia didn't want to suppress her lust anymore, and the mother and son hit it off.

In this way, the two powerful gods began to blend continuously, and the sky and the earth would naturally change accordingly.

During these 2 years, Lu Yan could see such a scene almost every day... He was deeply moved.

Of course, Uranus does have abilities.

Tens of thousands of years of hard work have not been in vain.

During this period, Uranus and Gaia had conceived the original twelve Titans.

The twelve Titans are six male gods and six goddesses.

These second-generation gods are not only numerous in number, but their divine power is not weak at all.

They respectively control the theocracy of rivers, stars, language, memory, time and so on.

After all, they can all be regarded as gods of the same generation as Uranus and Aether, even if they are weak, they are weak to a limited extent.

Probably only when he heard from Pontos that there was a new god, Lu Yan could feel the passage of time.

By the way, with the appearance of these titan gods, the vitality in this world gradually began to increase.

When Lu Yan's thinking diverged, the changes between the sky and the earth had stopped.

The clouds parted and the rain subsided.

The afterglow of the setting sun shimmers on the sea level, as bright as gold.

The changes in the world are always so slow, as if everything is based on ten thousand years.

Compared with the increasing number of second-generation gods, ordinary creatures struggle so much to survive.

But the greatness of life may lie here.

Even though the land is still barren, the ocean is gradually filled with the breath of life.

Lu Yan sat on the stone chair and lowered his head lazily.

In the sea water in front of him, there was an aquatic creature that looked like a trilobite swimming fast, its slender tentacles struggling to move the sea water.

Boring days are indeed tiresome, but it doesn't prevent him from liking such a weak life.

Pontos, with dark blue skin, emerged from the bottom of the sea carrying a huge marble-like boulder.

He first came to the shore and put down the boulder, and then saluted Lu Yan respectfully.

Different from his rough and unrestrained appearance, probably because his theocracy is the ocean, Pontos's personality is indeed softer.

For tens of thousands of years, every time he saw Lu Yan, he would notice this kind of detail.

Even if Lu Yan told him more than once to let him not care about these red tapes, Pontus also verbally agreed well, and then forgot about it.

After many times, Lu Yan didn't bother to correct him.

Just salute, it doesn't matter anyway.

The azure ocean divine power acted on the boulder, suspended it out of thin air, and built it on a rough building behind Lu Yan.

That was the temple built by Pontus for Lu Yan.

Although it has not been completed yet, the outline of the temple has already emerged.

All parts of the temple are made of large pure white marble.

At first glance, there is a strong taste of simplicity in the roughness.

With the power of the God of the Ocean, it is not difficult to build a temple. The troublesome thing is actually pure white marble.

It's not that they can't be found, but these metamorphic rocks haven't formed yet.

There is no way, Pontos does not have the ability to create things out of thin air.

So it took tens of thousands of years to build a frame.

Lu Yan didn't really care about things like the temple.

Not to mention that he doesn't need other people's offerings and beliefs, even if he does, there are not many intelligent creatures at this stage.

But for the sake of Pontos' wish, Lu Yan did not refuse.

After Pontos set up the marble he brought, he was about to turn around and talk to Lu Yan as usual.

Lu Yan listened casually, only occasionally responding, and just this was enough to make Pontos excited.

After chatting for a while, Lu Yan suddenly paused.

He felt a divine force approaching.

As if to test his perception, Gaia's plump and charming figure appeared on the ground.

"Lore, Pontus."

Gaia greeted with a smile, but in her eyes, there was a bit of tiredness that could not be concealed.

In fact, after tens of thousands of years, the endless lingering and constant lust of Uranus, the god of the sky, had already turned her from enjoyment to boredom.

It is a pity that although Gaia is one of the five primitive gods, her divine power does not support her in fighting, and she cannot resist Uranus who has become the king of gods.

And the bloodlines of the twelve Titan gods are also engraved with fear of the Father God. They tremble when they see Uranus, and it is difficult to provide Gaia with help.

If you change to later generations, there are quite a few female gods who can endure such a life.

But this definitely does not include Gaia.

She knew that she was no match for Uranus, so finding help became her only choice.

There are only a few gods who can deal with Uranus.

The two primitive gods who posted all day long knew that they had no time to help without asking. Tartarus would have done well if he didn’t come and add trouble. As for the weakest primitive god Eros, there was obviously no reason to take the risk to help.

After all, there are only Uranus' brothers Pontus and Space Aether left.

And Lu Yan, the judge.

(End of this chapter)

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