Chapter 989
Gaia went to Aether not long ago, but unfortunately, the space god has been preventing the erosion of the abyss, so he couldn't spare time to help Gaia deal with Uranus.

What's more, Aether himself thinks that such an order is very good, and he is not very willing to deal with Uranus, the current king of gods.

After being ruled out all the way, the only ones who can break the wrist with Uranus are the adjudicator and the god of the sea.

After all, Pontus and Uranus are two powerful gods conceived by Gaia at the same time, even if there is a difference in divine power, it will not be too big.

But in comparison, Gaia actually wanted Lu Yan's help more.

It's not that Gaia has any thoughts about Lu Yan, but her intuition tells her that this arbiter who has never made a move may be stronger than Uranus.

Even though, she didn't have any evidence to prove her intuition.

Seeing Gaia appearing suddenly, Pontos on the side seemed quite cautious.

For this sea god, although Gaia is his mother goddess in name, but since the beginning of his birth, he came to the sea and never saw Gaia again.

They haven't seen each other for tens of thousands of years, and there is no mother-child relationship at all. What Pontos has in mind is probably only the basic respect for the Mother Earth.

Gaia is obviously aware of this.

Lianbu moved lightly and walked to Pontos's side, gently stroking Pontos' frantic hair.

"Pontos, my boy..."

She didn't have much experience in scheming, so she briefly eased the atmosphere, and then said bluntly: "Your brother Uranus, he is too tyrannical, and you should be the king of gods."

Hearing this, Lu Yan, who was sitting on the stone chair, frowned slightly.

He rubbed his chin: "..." It should be said that this method of sowing dissension is a talent. Although it seems relatively immature now, it still has great potential for development.

Of course, Gaia's statement that Uranus was too tyrannical was not groundless.

In fact, as the first god king, Uranus is really not a qualified king.

In order to demonstrate his authority as king, Uranus has contempt for everything in the world.

It's a pity that there are only so few creatures in this world, and he can only show majesty to his children.

Since the birth of the Twelve Titan Gods, Uranus has been suppressing the Twelve Titan Gods, dominating these Titan Gods at will like a servant.

After tossing these poor children, go to Gaia's temple to have a happy cloud and rain.

For tens of thousands of years, it was almost the same process, never managed the world, and allowed everything in the world to develop freely.

Looking at it this way, saying that Uranus is not a competent god-king is actually quite tactful.


Listening to Gaia's narration, Pontos unconsciously shifted his eyes to another direction.

He didn't want to get involved in such troublesome matters.

Not to mention that Uranus didn't feel sorry for him after he became the king of gods, and it was quite comfortable to get along with him.

Taking a ten thousand step back, he, Pontos, never coveted the position of God King.

No matter from which point of view, He has no reason to overthrow the rule of Uranus.

What's more, the combination of the two gods Pontus and Gaia may not be able to deal with Uranus, the god of the sky who has already mastered the authority of the king of gods.

Pontos shook his head and said, "Mother God, I will not tell Uranus about this."

The implication is to express rejection.

He just pretended it didn't happen.

Gaia's smiling face froze for a moment, but quickly recovered.

She looked at Lu Yan, this was her last hope.

However, she hadn't waited for her to speak.

Like a prophet, Lu Yan slowly closed his eyes, as if he had suddenly fallen asleep.

Gaia opened her mouth, feeling a little helpless.

Whether it was really sleeping or pretending to be asleep, it was impossible for her, as the party seeking help, to wake up Lu Yan.

And if you pretend to be asleep, no matter how you look at it, it is an attitude of rejection.

Gaia's experience is not enough for her to develop too deep a city.

Both Lu Yan and Pontus rejected her, causing her to lose the smile on her face.

Gaia was resentful in her heart, and she simply didn't bother to maintain such a fake smile.

Glancing at Lu Yan and Pontus, he turned and left angrily.

Seeing that the Mother Earth left obediently, Pontos didn't think there was any problem, and he didn't take it to heart.

According to the usual practice, he saluted Lu Yan before sinking into the bottom of the sea.

When the seaside returned to calm again, Lu Yan opened his eyes again, revealing a thoughtful expression.

In his vague memory, Uranus was indeed dethroned by Gaia as God King, but he didn't expect it to be so early.

Isn't her tolerance too bad?


the other side.

Temple of the Mother Earth Goddess.

It is said to be a temple, but in fact there are no living beings enshrined, it is just Gaia's living room.

After she came back from the beach, she stayed alone in the living room, unable to bear the anger in her heart any longer.

Angrily erupted with his divine power of the earth, causing the entire temple to tremble violently.

From Aitel to Lu Yan, they were rejected three times in a row.

Finally, she realized the truth that women cannot rely on men.

Relying on a man can only be a princess, but relying on herself, she is a queen!
Gaia immediately lay on his back on the bed, and began to gestate vitality in his body.

Don't forget, as the primordial god, she is capable of unisexual birth.

After all, even Uranus and Pontos are gods conceived by her.

The consumption is a bit big, but there is no way around it.

Night fell gradually.

She knew that Uranus would not come to her at night, and she had to take advantage of this time to conceive her child before dawn tomorrow.

The divine power gathered in the body is getting bigger and bigger.

Even Lu Yan who was sitting on the shore could feel the huge and heavy power.

It was not until dawn was approaching that the six lives finally descended on the earth.

Maybe the time is too urgent, or maybe the time of gestation is at night.

This time, Gaia gave birth to six children.

It can't be regarded as a god, and it doesn't even have a human form.

They are the three cyclops and the three hundred-armed giants.

Six deformed eccentrics emerged from the temple of the Earth Mother.

Especially the huge body of the Cyclops, like a moving mountain, every step it takes can cause a frightening hum.

And if the Cyclops can barely be regarded as the aesthetics of a normal person, the other hundred-armed giant is quite deformed.

There are a lot of arms growing on the same huge body as the Cyclops. Just looking at it from a distance can make people feel a kind of dense fear.

(End of this chapter)

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