She is Jianxiu

Chapter 813 Chapter 43

Although the source-seeking pearl was refined by the flesh and blood of the leopard demon, after falling into the forest, it did not cause any abnormal movement, which shows that the breath of the leopard demon was indeed blocked by something.

Zhao Chun was thinking about the mountain and water barrier in his heart, so he looked across the mountain to check the direction of the inspiration.If there is a mountain and water barrier placed in the forest, there will be a sign of a sudden stop of the nearby inspiration, and this kind of movement has always been hidden, and the power of the divine mind is slightly weaker, so it cannot be detected. Even Zhao Chun himself has to pay attention to it. Scrutinize, check slowly.

It can be seen that if Gong Anyan and others come, they must not have such ability.

However, after searching carefully for more than an hour, Zhao Chun didn't find any clues. She didn't dare to completely erase this suspicion. If the landscape barrier was formed so ingeniously, it is possible that the monks in the true infant stage could not see it, but if this is the case In this case, you have to find another way.

Liu Xuan's body didn't move, she swept away the mountain with her soul thoughts, but her complexion turned pale.

She frowned slightly, and shook her head silently.

It can be seen that the leopard demon was not found.

This is strange, after all, Zhao Chun's "One Leaf Knows Autumn" spell is only a small success, but Liu Xuan's demon soul is innate, unless it is a big demon stronger than the three clans of the Sun Palace, otherwise it is a high-ranking demon. Beyond a certain realm, it is difficult to escape the attraction and suppression of this kind of soul level.

But in the Great Thousand World, the three Sun Palace clans are already the most powerful big monsters. If you want to find monsters above this, you can only go to the Zhenxu God Sect to find the ancestor monsters.

Zhao Chun's mind fluttered, and he kept thinking carefully.

Two hours have passed since the time of going up the mountain. The mist in the mountain has cleared away, and the green canopy is revealed, like green clouds piled up. Gold, verdant and brilliant.The disciples of the two sects all secretly looked at the top of the mountain here, and they also had various speculations about whether they could subdue the leopard monster. Unfortunately, the sword intent in the mountain blocked the exploration of the divine sense, and they could only see the figures of Zhao Chun and Liu Xuan. It seemed a little congealed.

I am afraid that things are not going well.

Liu Xuan couldn't find any trace of the leopard demon even with her soul thoughts. Zhao Chun looked coldly at the mountains and forests. At this time, the sun was getting brighter, but it made her heart move slightly.

Only then did the thought arise, and the golden crow's blood and flames in her dantian burst out from her fingertips.

In terms of the power of devouring, apart from the Heaven and Earth Furnace, this cluster of different fires is the strongest, and the more you like to devour objects or objects, the more sensitive you are to the breath. The Heaven and Earth Furnace should not be used lightly. Use the Golden Crow Blood Fire to find the Leopard Demon , may have some effect.

In order to find the demon with the different fire more easily, Zhao Chun simply swallowed the source-seeking pearl for the Golden Crow's blood fire first, only to see that the different fire suddenly swelled a bit, and began to writhe in her palm!

Up to now, this strange fire has swallowed countless spiritual things, only a source-seeking orb refined from the flesh and blood of the leopard demon, which does not make it so excited at all. It can be seen that it has really sensed the aura of the leopard demon. There will be this kind of pride in inviting credit.

"Go, if you can find the leopard demon, I will give you ten cicada-faced fire mushrooms." Zhao Chun promised, and saw the Golden Crow's blood and fire leaping out of his palm, rushing to the place impatiently. The forest below.

She laughed for a moment, but gathered her energy and chased after the strange fire.

In order for her not to be negligent in the practice of external training, Master Haiqing gave many spiritual objects of heaven and earth before leaving, which were completely more than what she needed. It was more than enough to practice to the perfection of external training, and because of her external The foundation of refining is forged by the blood essence of the Golden Feather Dapeng. Most of these spirits are two types of gold and fire, and the cicada face fire mushroom is one of them.

Just by looking at the name of this elixir, one can tell that this product has strong fire energy, Zhao Chun usually wants to refine it for his own use, so he must be careful to suppress the fire energy so as not to damage the meridians.

But the Golden Crow Bloodfire is very fond of this kind of fiery spiritual creature, since it swallowed the blood essence of the Chongming Divine Bird Clan, its appetite has grown even bigger.Fortunately, Zhao Chun has a rich family and is not stingy about feeding the different fires. This is why the Golden Crow Bloodfire is very close to her while convincing her.

What's more, in the first step of external training, the power of different fires is also good for Zhao Chun. What external training needs is the essence of spiritual objects. If a monk can't refine it himself, he must ask another monk of the alchemy second way to help, and Zhao Chun focuses on cultivation. In order to practice in the way of swordsmanship, since forging the heavenly sword, he has not paid as much attention to the art of refining as before. Even if he picks it up and practice it for the sake of external training, it is definitely not as good as the way of tools that has been immersed in this way for many years gurus.

Fortunately, the magic of the Golden Crow's blood and fire is enough to make up for Zhao Chun's lack of technique.

What is needed for external refining of the Dharma Body is only the step of refining the essence of spiritual objects, rather than completely refining it into a magical weapon. The Golden Crow's blood and fire devouring power is extremely powerful. Once any spiritual object is refined by it, it will probably return to its original nature, revealing the essence of the essence It's coming, it's just that there are usually only one or two hundredths of the spiritual things that can be used after such refinement. If Zhao Chun didn't have a wealth of wealth, he would not dare to let the Golden Crow's blood and fire do it with all his strength.

She acquiesced to the Golden Crow's blood and fire to devour the spiritual object, so that it would be more willing to help her, and the additional spiritual object, such as today's cicada face fire mushroom, should be used as a commendation.

This is a very simple art of controlling people, and the same is true for controlling fire.

The Golden Crow rushed towards the forest in a hurry, but it didn't find the leopard demon right away. Instead, it fluttered around, and finally stopped hesitantly at a pile of rocks.It can feel an aura similar to the source-seeking bead nearby, but there is something that frightens it, as if it is hidden in a very deep place, attracting it and repelling it at the same time.

Different fire is not like a sword spirit, it can connect with Zhao Chun's mind, its restlessness falls into Zhao Chun's eyes, it's more like uncertain doubts.

She and Liu Xuan stopped in front of the chaotic rocks, then stretched out their hands to hold each other again, taking the Golden Crow Bloodfire into their palms to comfort them.

After the strange fire escaped into the dantian, the strange feeling that terrified it subsided. Zhao Chun sensed such a strange state, and after thinking about it, he did not drop his sword at the pile of chaotic rocks, but urged out a Da Ri Zhen Yuan , Pian pointed to the front.

I saw a bright golden rainbow rushing away, but it didn't make any movement on the pile of rocks, but disappeared out of thin air, just like the leopard demon that day!
Zhao Chun's eyes flashed, and the thick true essence in his body poured out like a sea tide, and the water vapor in the mountain forest was transpired into fog, and with just a few breaths, the dense fog swept all directions, leaving only people in the fog emitting golden-red brilliance , like clouds covering the sun.

She felt that this place was like a bottomless pit, pouring her true energy into it, she couldn't hear a sound, but not long after, she saw a dark shadow escaping quickly, wanting to flee far away!

"It's that leopard demon!" Liu Xuan shouted, and was about to strike!

Zhao Chun was faster than her, almost the moment the black shadow appeared, the sword energy had already followed!
It's back to work, it feels like ascending to heaven

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