She is Jianxiu

Chapter 814 Chapter 44 Liu Xuan is strange

The leopard demon has already put all his eggs in one basket, and the escaping figure is like an arrow that leaves the string, making it difficult for the naked eye to catch.

If Liu Xuan hadn't shouted loudly, others might not have known that the monster had found its way and was fleeing into the distance.

Now hearing the sound, there are many eyes from all directions, the real babies of Luo Feng's three sects are even more surprised, they don't know how Zhao Chun found this monster.

And the Leopard Demon didn't know that the mountain in front of her was already shrouded in the sword intent of killing God, even if she had the idea of ​​escaping again, it was like catching a turtle in a urn, and she couldn't escape Zhao Chun's palm at all!
In the blink of an eye, the sword energy caught up to the figure of the leopard demon. At first, she only felt a strong wind blowing towards her, her limbs were as heavy as if injected with lead, making it impossible for her to escape. In a hurry, the leopard demon let out a roar Howling, causing the mountains and forests to tremble, but saw her leopard body suddenly swelled to several times its previous size, and many golden spots appeared on her fur!
All of a sudden, there was an idea in the mountain forest, and gradually there was a rumor of restlessness, Zhao Chun secretly said badly, knowing that the leopard demon was going to explode himself!

With his true infant cultivation level, if he doesn't stop it, the top of this mountain will be razed to the ground, and the Nishan and Yuluo sects on the east and west sides have great arrays to protect the mountains, and they will also suffer a lot of damage.

To be honest, Zhao Chun didn't pay much attention to these two sects, not to mention that the Nishan sect was still a remnant of the rebel party, she would have to deal with it sooner or later, the only thing she could worry about was the one who had just hidden the leopard demon. Everywhere, the Golden Crow's blood and flames showed fear last time, and they were still facing the Yuanzhu, but they don't know what caused the strange behavior this time?

Don't let that place be destroyed by the Leopard Demon!

Zhao Chun's eyes sharpened, and the true energy in his body rushed out like a flood, surrounding the leopard demon. If the other party wanted to trigger an idea to blew himself up, it would depend on whether she agreed or not!
The swollen leopard's body was about to burst, but at this moment it was suppressed back by the thick and thick true energy. The leopard demon felt deeply depressed, and was horrified to find that the true energy was so powerful that it not only burned her flesh and blood, crackled There was a loud noise, and it even seemed to soak into the bone marrow, melting the torso.She wailed, but she didn't know that Zhao Chun's original intention was not to melt the monster with real energy, but to crush its body directly with force!
The leopard demon was captured by Zhao Chun on the way to escape, and its body was naturally locked in mid-air by the true essence. The disciples of the two sects looked at it with their naked eyes, and they could only see the pitch-black leopard's body inside a ball of golden-red light. Like a thing, it was trapped and unable to move at first, and then it was broken into pieces, turning into pieces of flesh and blood, and gradually disappeared in the brilliance like another round of rising sun!

There were only two groups of things that could not be seen clearly, and Zhao Chun stretched out his hand to take them back.

The leopard monster, who has been raging in Luofeng Mountain for decades, has no power to fight back under her hands!
The disciples were dumbfounded, and Zhen Zhiying's heart was beating violently. She hurriedly whispered a few words into Ye Xu's ear, her expression could not be calmed down for a long time, her eyes were full of surprise.

But Zhao Chun held the two objects in his hand, but looked towards Liu Xuan.

Looking at her, she found that her complexion was pale, her smooth forehead was covered with cold sweat, her whole body was shaking like chaff, and even her usually bright red lips showed a dark purple color!

"Senior Sister!" Zhao Chun hurriedly put away his things, but he didn't know what happened to Liu Xuan, so he was anxious, so he stepped forward to hold her bright wrist, and asked, "What's wrong?"

After touching it, I realized that Liu Xuan's whole body was terribly hot, and even Zhao Chun, who practiced the Dao of the Great Sun, felt the temperature as if it was going to burn his hands!
Liu Xuan's lips fluttered, and after a few breaths, she murmured the word "Leave". Seeing this, Zhao Chun hurriedly pulled her away from here, regardless of Ni Shan and Yu Luo, who seemed to invite her after seeing the leopard demon. She left her plan to say thank you, but immediately left without looking back.

Gong An said that at this point, he and his disciple Yu Nianxin walked out of the palace gate, and Zhao Chun had already turned into a golden rainbow in the sky. They came hand in hand, their consciousness was blocked by the sword intent, so they didn't see anything strange about Liu Xuan just now, so they were very puzzled by Zhao Chun's act of leaving without saying goodbye.

Could it be that he doesn't want to have more connections with Luo Fengshan?

After all, this place is not owned by Zhao Yan. As the supervisor of the Jiuwangling Mine, she came to Luofeng Mountain to punish demons today, which is considered a bit lenient.

"Director Zhao is also straightforward. The empress who got rid of this demon left just like that. I don't know how to thank her." Gong Anyan has always been modest and courteous to others. He turned his head to look at the land where the leopard demon fell, and then Yan Han withdrew his eyes with some relief, and said to Zhen Zhiying.

Ni Shan and Yu Luo sects seem to be in close contact, but inside they are full of turmoil. Zhen Zhiying knew that the person in front of him was really just a tiger with a smiling face, so she also responded with a smile: "It's easy, wait a little longer." One day, I will send an elder from the sect to cross the river, and just give some generous gifts to Governor Zhao. She is a disciple of the immortal sect, and I must have seen all kinds of rare treasures. I will only pick some unique things in Luofeng Mountain What, as the friendship of the landlord."

Gong Anyan nodded: "Sure enough, Headmaster Zhen thinks clearly."

He turned his eyes slightly, stared at the mountain in the distance, and then opened his mouth as if casually: "The leopard demon is not the only one who harms my sect and the disciples of your sect. I heard that some people in the territory of Hanguang Temple have also suffered disasters." , I don’t know this gift, but I want to inform Guanzhu Yuan?”

Now that the leopard demon has been eliminated, there are no scruples left between Nishan, Yu Luozong and Hanguangguan.

Zhen Zhiying sneered secretly, thinking that this Gong Anyan used to use other people as rafts, and obviously he wanted to take the top of Hanguang Temple, but he still came to ask her what she thought, and asked Yu Luojiao to give her an idea.

This is not only wanting profit, but also wanting fame.

However, the Nishan faction can wait, but her Yu Luo sect can't delay any longer. Thinking of the reminder from the other side the day before yesterday, Zhen Zhiying was also agitated, but there was still Zhao Chun sitting on the other side of the Yangshui River, so no matter how anxious she was, she would not I have to cheer up 12 points!

Feeling bored, her blurred tone became a bit colder, Zhen Zhiying rolled up her sleeves, pursed her lips and said, "No need, Hanguang Temple has been closed for more than twenty years, so I don't need to bother you about it." Fellow Daoist Yuan. Now that the monsters have been punished, my sect still needs to appease the people down the mountain, so as not to send the refugees across the river and cause more incidents."

Be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years, it is better to go down to the other side of the river first, and then go to Hanguang for sightseeing.

After being rejected by Zhen Zhiying, Gong Anyan's eyes were fixed, but he didn't say anything after all.

And Zhao Chun, who took Liu Xuan away all the way, also returned to the governor's mansion.

Since leaving the mountain, the temperature of Liu Xuan's body has dropped a lot, and blood gradually appeared on her face. She was hot all over, but trembling as if she had fallen into an ice cave. Zhao Chun didn't know the reason. After getting better, I guessed whether it was the place where the leopard demon was hiding, which caused these abnormalities.

after the second watch

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