She is Jianxiu

Chapter 815 Chapter 45

Seeing Zhao Chun hastily rushing back, and Liu Xuan fainted again, Shen Lie, who was walking out of the mansion, suddenly changed his expression, and rushed to ask about the situation.

He has been killing evil and eliminating demons in Chongxiao Realm for many years, so he can be regarded as well-informed.Now seeing Liu Xuan's appearance, she was extremely surprised, and said, "Sword Lord, I think Miss Liu's appearance seems to be restless!"

Zhao Chun raised his head immediately and listened to Shen Lie's words: "When I was in Chongxiao, I once had a soul cultivator friend who defeated the enemy by transferring souls. Those who were transferred by him would often have restless souls, probably like today's willow If you don't appease the girl's performance, those with restless souls will probably not survive three months!"

After leaving that mountain, Liu Xuan's condition has improved a lot. Although she passed out after landing, her complexion is not as pale as before, she just seems to be asleep, with a peaceful expression.

But Shen Lie's words hit Zhao Chun's heart like a dull hammer. She never thought that her senior sister was facing such a danger, and for a moment she regretted letting Liu Xuan follow her to Wangling.

"How to appease?" Zhao Chun grabbed Liu Xuan's veins, just as Shen Lie said, there was no abnormality in the meridians and dantian in her body, and her breathing was calm and gentle. Do you believe that Liu Xuan will die soon?
"It's not difficult," Shen Lie immediately responded, "The soul is the soul, the mind and the soul are one thing, if someone with a strong mind helps Miss Liu to stabilize her soul, then today's crisis can be solved!"

After he finished speaking, he wanted to take the initiative to invite Ying to stabilize Liu Xuan's soul.

But he was stopped by Zhao Chun.

"Mr. Jian, stabilizing the soul is not an easy task. Only a person with a strong spiritual sense can touch the soul of others. Although I dare not boast that the divine sense is strong, I have the Dharma Body Zifu, which is a big taller than Miss Liu and Mr. Jian. Realm, there is no more suitable candidate than me in Jiuwang Ridge." Shen Lie explained the reason to Zhao Chun without being angry or annoyed.

"I know that Senior Qishan has good intentions," Zhao Chun shook his head, his eyes were a little dark, "but that's not the reason...Let me do it!"

Others may not be clear about it, but she knows it well. Liu Xuan's human body contained the soul of a great demon. Although this matter has been known to the head and others, it can be regarded as shocking when it is spread out. Shen Lie Without knowing the inside story, it would only be bad to let him take action, not to mention that demon souls are different from human souls, if Shen Lie's divine sense is rejected, it would be self-defeating.

At any rate, Zhao Chun obtained the blood essence of the three Sun Palace clans, and the Dao of the Great Sun that he practices has the same root as the Golden Crow. Naturally, it is more appropriate for her to appease the soul than Shen Lie.

Since Shen Lie is a guest of Xihe Mountain, he has known Zhao Chun a little over the years, knowing that she has cultivated the method of splitting the gods, and her spiritual sense is only stronger than that of monks of the same level. Now that she is very persistent, he can only nod his head Responsively, rotate the dantian and sit beside him to protect the dharma.

Zhao Chun took a deep breath, and after he calmed down, he put two fingers together to caress Liu Xuan's forehead.

In order to appease the demon soul, after arousing her divine sense, she did not immediately go to Liu Xuan's knowledge sea. Zhao Chun is also a human being and not a demon, so she didn't know if the divine sense would cause any harm to the demon soul, so she was extremely careful. It was almost to the point of holding my breath and concentrating, and my whole body was stiff.

After wandering around Liu Xuanzhi's overseas for about two quarters of an hour, she vaguely saw a blue light.

Zhao Chun didn't dare to delay, and still cautiously searched for it with his spiritual sense, and the closer he got, the clearer the appearance of the blue light became.

After another quarter of an hour, she saw clearly the true face of the demon soul!
It was a somewhat insignificant blue-feathered bird with three pairs of wings on its body, all of which were covered with jade-like slender feathers, with a sharp beak of soft white color, and half-drooped eyes. It is light gold.Zhao Chun had seen the real body of Goddess Qingzhi, but it was somewhat different from Liu Xuan's demon soul. This difference did not refer to the appearance, but the aura.

It is impossible to summarize the demon soul in front of me with dry words, if I have to choose a word, it is probably clarity.

Like the glow of the sun hanging high, it is bright and bright without being polluted.

Like a river of sunlight.

Zhao Chun suddenly understood why the six-winged blue bird clan would rather pay a high price to send Liu Xuan to reincarnate than abandon this demon soul.

But at this moment, the soul of the blue bird is trembling non-stop!

Such a direct state of fear made Zhao Chun have to think of the Golden Crow Bloodfire.

There must be something weird about the place where the leopard demon is hiding, which makes both the strange fire and the soul of the blue bird feel fear!
And the connection between the two is also obvious, both have some relationship with the Golden Crow...

Is this the intention of the leader?
Zhao Chun intends to find out the master's plan, but the current situation does not allow her to be distracted.Perhaps it was because of the aura of the great sun in the Yuanshen, the blue bird soul did not feel any repulsion, but under the comfort of Zhao Chun's spiritual thoughts, it began to turn from fear to docility.

She was overjoyed in her heart, and she couldn't care about other things at the moment, and quickly used her spiritual thoughts to appease the soul, trying to stabilize it.

This attack lasted for three whole days and nights, and Shen Lie was guarding the law by his side, and he became more and more frightened watching it.

Zhao Chun and Liu Xuan are both True Infant cultivators, and it is extremely difficult for them to touch the soul of the same rank. Although I don't know how long that soul cultivator friend can last for a few days, but if he himself acts to fix the soul of a fellow cultivator, I am afraid You will feel tired for half a day, and your life will be in danger if you persist for a day!

And look at Zhao Chun, who has been consolidating Liu Xuan's soul for three days without interruption, but there is no abnormality, his expression is natural.

Shen Lie pursed her lips, thinking in her heart that if she had such a powerful primordial spirit, it would not be difficult for her to achieve the consummation of Kaiyuan Yiyi.

Just as she was thinking about it, Zhao Chun breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly opened her eyes. She retracted the finger that was caressing between Liu Xuan's eyebrows, and asked, "I have stabilized her soul. What needs attention?"

"Then it's nothing serious." Shen Lie shook his head, feeling relieved, "Just take care of him for three to five years, and he won't suffer any trauma to his soul."

The most important thing a monk needs is time. Three to five years go by in the blink of an eye, and something happened to Liu Xuan's soul, so she can recover quickly with this time.

Zhao Chun didn't know what to think of, couldn't help sighing: "I think her soul is terrified, I'm afraid there is something in Luofeng Mountain that has charged Senior Sister Liu."

With this example before, she would never let Liu Xuan get close to Luofeng Mountain no matter what, but she had to find out about that rather weird place.

After explaining a few more words to Shen Lie, Zhao Chun went back to the room alone, and took out the two things left behind by the Leopard Demon after its fall.

I saw one of them was oval in shape, about the size of a baby's fist, like an egg or a pill.

Zhao Chun's expression froze, the leopard demon really wasn't fully formed!

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