Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 344 Liu Baokai's Response and Mayor Lu's Unexpected Support

Chapter 344 Liu Baokai's Response and Mayor Lu's Unexpected Support

Liu Fengyue felt that they really didn't read the almanac when they went out today!
It's fine to meet such a self-confident idiot as Ma Mu, but now she even bumped into Mayor Lu's muzzle.

Moreover, Mayor Lu was accompanied by the head of the Qingfeng Academy, and behind them were several masters who were also from the Qingfeng Academy, a group of students from the Qingfeng Academy and a few clerks.

Liu Fengyue and the others also saw Liu Baokai with a livid face.

Seeing that Liu Baokai was there, Liu Fengying almost bit her own tongue, and Liu Fengyue's face was also very ugly. For a moment, both of them felt bitter in their mouths.

Can people really be so unlucky?They couldn't help asking themselves.

Next, the sisters of the Liu family couldn't resist Mayor Lu's trial in twos and threes to clarify the cause and result of the matter.

Because Ma Ma and the others just came to make trouble, and there were no casualties.

Therefore, Mayor Lu only asked the sisters of the Liu family and Mother Ma to compensate Shen Jianwan for the loss of their reputation and business in the fast food restaurant, and also fined them five taels of silver for "making trouble in public places".

In the end, the sisters of the Liu family and Liu Baokai together paid 20 taels of silver to Shen Jianwan and the others, and were fined another five taels of silver by the town government office.

25 taels of silver was neither too much nor too little, but the Liu family sisters only had more than 20 taels of silver in total. In the end, Liu Baokai stepped forward and took out a [-] taels of silver note to compensate Shen Jianwan and the others, and the matter was over.

And this time, Shen Jianwan also noticed the eldest grandson of the old Liu family, Liu Ergou's darling for the first time since she came back from rebirth.

Seeing the other party approaching him very politely and humbly, and sincerely apologizing to them, without a single word of excuse, expressing their apology to them on behalf of their old Liu family every word, Shen Jianwan couldn't help but look at him cautiously .

It seems that the eldest grandson of the old Liu family has a few brushes.

Sure enough, seeing Liu Baokai like this, the discussion at the scene suddenly weakened a bit, and the masters of Qingfeng Academy looked at Liu Baokai with a lot of gentle eyes.

And after Liu Baokai presented the silver bill with both hands, he didn't stay any longer and continued to stay with Mayor Lu and the others, and led Liu Fengyue and the others to leave after repeatedly apologizing.

As for Ma Laidi, Ma Mu, Wang Shi, Ma Baogen and the others, they also wanted to leave when the three brothers and sisters of the Liu family left. Second Aunt Shen wanted to pull Ma Laidi when she saw it, but was stopped by Shen Jianwan.

Although she was very angry and wanted to break up with Ma Laidi and the others, seeing Shen Jianwan like this and knowing that Shen Jianwan never did unreasonable things, Second Aunt Shen held back her anger for the time being.

After the brothers and sisters of the Liu family and Ma Laidi had all left, Shen Jianwan went up to express his thanks to Mayor Lu and the others, and after doing business for a few days, Jianzhi Second Aunt Shen and the others also came up to thank them.

After a harmonious exchange, Chief Mo Shan of Qingfeng Academy suddenly praised Shen Jianwan and the others for doing a good job in opening the fast food restaurant, and then heartily called Mayor Lu and the others to try Shen Jianwan and their fast food restaurant together.

It was only then that Shen Jianwan and the others knew that Mayor Lu and Mo Shan had been standing in the crowd for a long time, and they had heard Shen Jianwan's previous remarks about why the food in their fast food restaurant was so cheap. inside.

Shen Jianwan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he heard Chief Mo Shan's praise of their fast food restaurant, and Mayor Lu and the teachers and students behind him also echoed.

Although what she said before was true, she really couldn't bear the burden of what they said, which almost made them great for the people and for others.

She's just acting like this.

Seeing Shen Jianwan, they hurriedly greeted Chief Mo Shan and Mayor Lu enthusiastically to come into the store to taste their food.

The people present heard that Chief Mo Shan, Mayor Lu, and several wives and students were full of praise for Shen Jianwan and their fast food restaurant, and finally they all went in to help. After patronizing this fast food restaurant, many people flooded into the restaurant at once.

And the big melon that happened in front of Shen Jianwan's restaurant also spread throughout Qiushui Town in a short period of time, and then more people became famous and came to patronize Shen Jianwan's fast food restaurant.

So, Shen Jianwan and the others were pleasantly surprised to find that after the Liu family sisters caused the Ma family to make trouble, their fast food restaurant once again ushered in the peak of dining, and the business was even better than the previous best time by three points!
No, after Shen Jianwan personally invited Mo Shanzhang and Lu Zhenzhang to order their favorite meals, they saw that they only spent a dozen to dozens of Wen each when they checked out. They couldn't help but praise Shen Jianwan and their fast food restaurant again.

The last group of people sat down around two tables, looking at the environment of the store, especially the various calligraphy and paintings on the wall, Mo Shanzhang and the others couldn't help but appreciate it again.

Knowing that these strange paintings on the wall were actually drawn by Shen Jianwan himself, Mo Shanzhang and the others were shocked.

Needless to say, Chief Mo and his masters are all professional in poetry, calligraphy and painting, even Mayor Lu has some ink in his stomach, and those students certainly have a certain appreciation ability.

For a while, they couldn't help admiring Shen Jianwan. In the end, Mo Shanchang even said that if he had time, he would like to ask Shen Jianwan about her unique painting method.

Up to this point, Mo Shanzhang and his party praised this fast food restaurant even more.

And when they tasted the unexpectedly delicious food, they even praised Shen Jianwan and the others.

"By the way, I don't know how your brother Xuan is doing these days?" When Shen Jianwan greeted them and they were about to leave, Shanzhang Mo suddenly asked about Shen Xuan's situation.

Hearing this, and seeing the concern on Mo Shanzhang's face, Shen Jianwan instantly understood that their fast food restaurant could have such preferential treatment from Mo Shanzhang today, it was inseparable from Shen Xuan.

"Thank you Mo Shan for your concern. The second brother has been doing well recently. Although he is currently not good at walking, he has never stopped learning knowledge.

In addition to studying, he usually copies books and does some manual work to earn money.

The second brother has always been a self-improving, optimistic and peaceful man, not to be surprised by favor or humiliation, don't worry, Mr. Mo Shan! "

After talking about Shen Jianwan, she solemnly bowed to Mo Shanzhang. Although she had not had much contact with the Shanzhang at Qingfeng Academy because she was studying at the Women's College, she just said goodbye to him. For Shen Xuan's heart, she should thank him.

Speaking of which, Shen Xuan actually didn't spend much time studying in Qingfeng Academy.

He used to study with Master Yang in the private school in the village, but Master Yang recommended him to Mr. Mo only when he was about to take the entrance examination for children.

(End of this chapter)

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