Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 345 The extreme atmosphere of the opening ceremony and the two families of Shen Liu

Chapter 345

After Mo Shanchang saw Shen Xuan's intelligence, he was very surprised very quickly, and then he not only sponsored him to take the boy's exam, but also let Shen Xuan enter Qingfeng Academy to prepare for the boy's exam for some time.

Shen Jianwan never expected that the other party would still remember Shen Xuan after more than two years, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

And hearing Shen Jianwan's words, knowing that Shen Xuan is still a gentleman, diligent in learning, and not frightened by favor or humiliation, Master Mo Shan couldn't help but praised Shen Xuan's legs even more. , "Shen Yasheng is being polite! Hey, it's a pity that Brother Xuan's legs are after all, if it wasn't for what happened back then, our Qiushui Town should have paid a small three yuan now."

When the masters around Mo Shanchang heard this, they all thought of Shen Xuan, even among the group of students, many of them knew Shen Xuan's name.

For a moment, they couldn't help but express their pity.

As for the mayor of Lu, he knew the situation of Shen Jianwan's house even more, and he felt very sorry for Shen Xuan's matter.

In addition to the love of talent, if they have a small three yuan in Qiushui Town, it can't be called their own politics. Although it can't talk about getting promoted and getting rich, it is appropriate to go out and make a face.

After this, the group of people sighed more strongly towards Shen Xuan.

Seeing Mo Shanchang and the others caring so much about Shen Xuan and sighing for Shen Xuan's legs, Shen Jianwan once wanted to tell them that Shen Xuan's legs would recover soon.

It's just that after considering this fact in the end, it hasn't come to fruition, so it's really inappropriate to speak out like this, the most important thing is that Shen Xuan's current situation also needs to rest.

So in the end, Shen Jianwan still held back and said nothing, only repeatedly stated that their family would not give up Shen Xuan's legs, and they were still looking for a cure for him.

Then he thanked Shen Xuan for his concern for Mo Shanzhang and the others.

No, hearing what Shen Jianwan said and seeing how grateful she was to him and others, Mo Shan couldn't help but sigh for the family.

For a while, I didn't know that Shen Jianwan had owned many other businesses besides this fast food restaurant. He even started to think about how to make Shen Jianwan and their fast food restaurant successfully open, so that their family Can also live better.

His mind changed, so then Mo Shanchang praised Shen Jianwan and their fast food restaurant again, and finally said that he would come here to eat frequently in the future.

What a perceptive person Shen Jianwan is, he immediately sensed what Mo Shanzhang was thinking.

After being grateful for the other party's hard work, she quickly said that if Mo Shanchang wants to eat the food at their fast food restaurant, he doesn't need to come in person every time, he can make an order in advance, and then their restaurant will deliver it to his door.

Hearing that they can also deliver food to their door, this time not only Mo Shanzhang, but also several other masters and students were also interested, and asked Shen Jianwan how to deliver their food.

Seeing Shen Jianwan, he explained their food delivery rules again, which is like an advance notice of the food delivery business in their store.

No, by the time Chief Mo Shan and Mayor Lu and their group left, Shen Jianwan and their fast food restaurant was crowded again.

It has to be said that the status of scholars at this time is still high.

After Mo Shanzhang and the others visited Shen Jianwan's restaurant once, they were full of praise for them. Some "rich people" who originally thought that Shen Jianwan's fast food restaurant was too cheap and not popular also came to Shen Jianwan one after another. Eat at their fast food restaurant.

So, to the surprise of Shen Jianwan and the others, not only was their business not damaged due to the bad intentions of the Ma family and the Liu family sisters today, but it has improved to a higher level because of it!

For the rest of the day, their fast food restaurant didn't close halfway through. From noon to nightfall, their business was in an endless stream, which was very lively.

And this day, Shen Jianwan, Shen Min, and Shen Chunyu all three had been cooking dinner in the backyard, so they barely continued to consume at the previous speed.

In the afternoon, Shen Jianwan went shopping again in the afternoon, and then she took the opportunity to add a lot of fruits and vegetables produced in the space to the vegetarian dishes. Not to mention the meat, there is no shortage of vegetarian dishes.

And in the morning, Shen Jianwan mixed vegetables from a small half of the space into the cart of vegetables, and now he can be said to be very familiar with it.

Except that some vegetarian dishes come from space, Shen Jianwan also mixed some space spring water into the water used to make fast food, so the taste of their fast food can be imagined.

No, there are many people who have eaten in their restaurant after a day, and there are many repeat customers.

Shen Jianwan and the others worked until dark before closing their doors. The group of people couldn't help but their backs ached from exhaustion.

On the way back, they all had the same idea, including Second Aunt Shen, who had always been in the provincial inspection, felt that the store needed to recruit people this time!

As for how to recruit people, Shen Jianwan can decide this matter after consideration.

After arriving home, Shen's mother, Shen Wan and Shen Xuan who were at home knew that the fast food restaurant's business was very good, and they couldn't help being very happy.

In the last count, their turnover today has reached as much as 14 taels!
Seeing the mountains of copper plates piled up on the table, and even some silver rewards from rich people inside, the big guy couldn't help laughing.

With such a business, their fast food restaurant is stable.

But when Shen Jianwan and the others celebrated the first opening of the fast food restaurant, Liu Ergou and his old Liu's family were in the opposite situation.

As expected by Liu Fengyue and the others, after the three brothers and sisters returned from Shen Jianwan and their fast food restaurant to their family's Fulai Restaurant today, just over an hour later, Liu Ergou in the village received the wind and sent Liu Erlang and others to take care of them. All the people in their first room were called back.

This time, apart from Liu Baokai, Liu Zhiming and He Shi all received a very violent lesson from Liu Ergou.

Not to mention Liu Fengying and Liu Fengyue, this time Liu Ergou didn't even give face to his daughter Zhuge Liu Fengyue, the granddaughter, and just let their sisters kneel together in the yard.

No, everyone who saw the big house was reprimanded by Liu Ergou extremely cruelly except Liu Baokai, Liu Zhiyong and Niu Shi and their second house family couldn't help seeing it with great joy.

Then Liu Erlang and the others who went to the town to call people were still gloating, and exaggeratedly told Liu Ergou how booming Shen Jianwan's business was.

Then he also focused on how the people in the town are talking about their Liu family now, how they are full of praise for Shen Jianwan and the others, and even because of Liu Fengyue and the others making the Ma family make trouble, which made Shen Jianwan and the others get Lu The support of the mayor and Mo Shan brought Shen Jianwan and their business to another level.

Sure enough, when I heard that Shen Jianwan and the others were only in the poor fast food restaurant business, because Mo Shanzhang and the others, their fast food restaurant had rich people to patronize, Liu Ergou was so angry that Liu Zhiming and his wife also knelt in the yard, and then It also increased their kneeling time by half.

(End of this chapter)

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