Chapter 346 I'm Pregnant
What's even more frightening is that Liu Ergou let go of his harsh words this time.

He gave the people in Dafang another month. If within this month, they couldn't make Fulai Restaurant turn a profit, then their family would also return to the village to cultivate the land for him, and he took over Fulai Restaurant himself.

Everyone in the big house of the Liu family, who had objected to Liu Ergou's kneeling as a punishment, turned pale when they heard this.

As for Liu Zhiyong and Niu Shi of the second room, they were happy to hear and hear about it, and then they ridiculed and made trouble in front of everyone in the big room who was punished to kneel.

Seeing Liu Ergou, they all went back to the main room for dinner. Except for Liu Baokai who called Liu Ergou in for dinner, the whole family knelt in the yard, and Liu Fengying's eyes were red.

"Father, mother, how can grandpa go so far, what happened today is not what Sister Yue and I thought about, if you want to blame it, you can blame the damned Ma family for being so unreliable and not asking for it.

Hmph, if my elder brother hadn't pulled us away quickly in the afternoon, I would have to tear the skins of those Ma family members.

Now I suspect that Ma Laidi and the others are a scheme that Shen Jianwan and the others have arranged long ago, and they are just waiting for us to be fooled. "

Mrs. He knelt for more than two quarters of an hour. How could she, who has been pampered and aged all these years, endure this kind of suffering? At this moment, she felt that her legs were going to be crippled.

Seeing that Liu Fengying, one of the instigators, was still bullshitting here, she couldn't help yelling, "Sister Ying, stop talking and save some energy!"

"Mother!" Liu Fengying felt aggrieved when she saw He's being so cruel to her, "I... and Sister Yue also want our family well, how could I expect this to happen."

Her eyes were red when she said this, and at this moment, there was a fishy smell in the wind blowing from the main room, she suddenly felt a nausea, and retched, "Ugh..."

Seeing Liu Fengying retching, it was her own daughter, He Shi, who finally panicked, but seeing her daughter's virtue, she immediately thought of a possibility, "Sister Ying, must be pregnant. Is that the child of the Guan family?"

Not only Liu Fengying, but also Liu Fengyue and Liu Zhiming next to her were shocked when this remark came out.They never expected that Liu Fengying would be pregnant with Guan Tianyu's child so soon.

"What... what should we do about this?" Liu Zhiming had always been a person who had no responsibilities and couldn't handle things, so he immediately lost his footing when he saw him.

Even Mrs. He was suddenly fooled by the news that Liu Fengying might be pregnant.

Liu Fengyue panicked when she saw how useless her parents and elder sister were, and she couldn't help but be speechless, "Father, don't panic, this matter cannot be known by too many people, now father goes in to find elder brother, Let elder brother persuade grandpa to let us go back to the town to see the doctor."

Compared to Liu Zhiming and He's panic, Liu Fengyue didn't think there was anything bad about the news that Liu Fengying might be pregnant.

With this crop, they don't have to kneel for the remaining half an hour, which is great.

As for the child in Liu Fengying's womb, it's still uncertain, so what if you have it, you can keep it if you want it, and get rid of it if you don't want it, it's not up to them.

Moreover, Liu Fengyue felt that with this incident, it was a good time for them to escape from the current affairs. Now they mentioned to Liu Ergou the matter of Liu Fengying and Guan Tianyu's engagement. I believe it will definitely divert Liu Ergou's attention. , Let him stop focusing on today's affairs and hold on to them.

So the next old Liu's house was full of excitement. Liu Ergou drove out the people from the second and third rooms after listening to Liu Baokai's whisper, and then called the Dafang family into the main room and closed the door for a full chat. More than two quarters.

In the end, Liu Zhiming and his wife returned to the town overnight.

Seeing that the person in the big house made such a big mistake, and finally returned to the town after only kneeling for a quarter of an hour, Liu Zhiyong and Niu couldn't help being dissatisfied, but now Liu Ergou is the master of the house , Even if they have opinions, they dare not make it too obvious.

Just because Liu Ergou acted so unfairly, it once again aroused the dissatisfaction of the people in the second room towards Dafang and Liu Ergou. Even Liu Laosan and Liu Zhiliang had thought about it, but at this time they always had to Liu Ergou for personal use doesn't know.


The next day.

Before dawn, Shen Jianwan and the others got up early as usual to prepare to go to the fast food restaurant.

Because they haven't been able to recruit people for the time being, after Shen Jianwan discussed with the big guys yesterday, at the request of Shen's mother, Shen Wan and Shen Xuan, they decided to go to the shop with Shen's mother and the three of them today.

After these days of recuperation, and with the blessing of Shen Jianwan's medical skills and space spring water, Shen Wan and her newborn child are recovering well. It's not a problem in the house, so I agreed.

And when Shen Jianwan and the others were getting ready to go to the town, they were surprised that 11-year-old Zhou Youfu brought a nine-year-old sister Zhou Youhua and a seven-year-old brother Zhou Youshou to bring them goodies. Several baskets of fresh fruits and vegetables.

It turned out that Zhou Youfu and his brothers and sisters also went to the town yesterday, but they were not going to the market, but to sell firewood.

Then Zhou Youfu saw Shen Jianwan and the others buying vegetables in the town, so he guessed that they didn't have enough vegetables, so he brought these vegetables to Shen Jianwan and the others early in the morning.

Seeing Shen's mother's refusal, Zhou Youfu couldn't help sweating profusely, "Shen... Aunt Shen, these dishes are really worthless.

My mother said that she has no other skills, but growing vegetables is one of the best in the village. My sister told us the method of composting the night before. These days we follow this method, and our composting is very successful.

Now the first batch of corn planted in the wasteland sprinkled with these fertilizers has sprouted, and it is growing very well.

Mother said that according to this growth trend, we can harvest a lot of grain in the three acres of wasteland we have opened up this year, and we will not stop our summer harvest from this winter to next year.

We also opened some wasteland before, but because there was no fertilizer, we couldn't grow a few corn seedlings. Not only did few germinate, but they also grew very thin, which is very different from using fertilizer now.

So our mother must thank Sister Wan for saying this. These dishes are really not worth a lot of money. Aunt Shen, you must accept them. "

When it comes to the future of their family, Zhou Youfu is obviously more confident in his speech, and his words are more fluent.

Shen Jianwan saw all this in his eyes, and made a decision in a flash of thought.

So, she put down the work in hand and came forward, "Mother, since Aunt He and Brother Fu are so caring, let's accept these dishes."

Seeing that Shen Jianwan was willing to accept their food, this time not only Zhou Youfu, but Zhou Youhua and Zhou Youshou also showed shy smiles.

(End of this chapter)

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