Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 357 Meet Jiang Zhili's Tryst

Chapter 357 Meet Jiang Zhili's Tryst
When it came to the matter of taking the Juren examination, Jiang Zhili couldn't help but flash a little smugness in his eyes, "Of course, my father-in-law said that my son's knowledge, not to mention Qiushui Town, even in Pingyang County.

So the son and the real Juren are only a little short of the heat and one exam, otherwise the father-in-law and the others wouldn't value me so much and want to marry Yating to the son. "

Wu Zhaodi was overjoyed when she heard Jiang Zhili's words, but she soon felt a little dissatisfied that the Lin family was willing to marry their daughter because of her son's talent and learning. This made her feel that their old Jiang's family had suffered a lot, and felt that they had been calculated by the other party. .

For a moment, Wu Zhaodi was proud of her son's ability but also unwilling to let the Lin family take advantage of it, so her words inevitably brought some dissatisfaction with Lin Yating and the Lin family, "Okay, okay, my son is capable, brother Li Go back to study with peace of mind.

As for the girl from the Lin family, you don't have to worry too much, so as not to affect the major event of studying.

Hmph, it's not that the mother's words are not nice, but that she, Lin Yating, is yours, can she and her parents have no idea, maybe she kicked our Lao Jiang's seed in the stomach right now, so she Lin Yating Besides Li Geer, you can marry someone else.

So for this Lin Yating, Brother Li, you can just be perfunctory, don't let her affect your studies, but you still have to be polite with Mr. Lin Shan, after all, we still have to rely on him to guide you to be admitted to Juren. "

Jiang Zhili felt a little uncomfortable when he heard Wu Zhaodi's straightforward words, but he didn't say anything to refute.

He even felt that Wu Zhaodi's words were a bit unpleasant, but they were also true, so he couldn't help but pay a little more attention to Lin Yating, who he didn't even notice, "Okay, then my son will go back to town to study first, and you, too, will take care."

Next, the three members of Old Jiang's family were very kind and filial, so Jiang Zhili left and returned to the town.

When he went to the town and went back to Lin's private school, Jiang Zhili didn't go to study either. Instead, thinking of Lin Yating's gentleness, he couldn't help but go to the backyard to find a beautiful woman.

However, in the backyard, one of Lin Yating's maids told him that Lin Yating thought that his marriage with Shen Chunyu was approaching, and she was afraid that something might go wrong and that Shen's family would not let him go even if Shen Chunyu and Jiang Shanchuan had achieved good things. So worried that he couldn't eat and went to Liangjiang to relax.

Hearing that Lin Yating had gone to Liangjiang in the remote town of Xixi, Jiang Zhili immediately became worried.

Although the two of them often went there for trysts, it was quiet and safe, but if Lin Yating went alone, Jiang Zhili would feel a little worried.

Hearing that Lin Yating was accompanied by a maid, Jiang Zhili felt relieved, and hurried to Zhenxi without stopping.

And thinking of Lin Yating being so sad because of the forced marriage between himself and Shen Chunyu, Jiang Zhili felt a little pity for the beautiful woman in his heart, and couldn't help but feel even more dissatisfied with Shen Chunyu.

Jiang Zhili walked quickly all the way, and he was not afraid of not being able to find a place, because he knew that Lin Yating must be at the old place where they dated, and he should not be too familiar with that place.

Received the good news from He Dashan again that there was another shop for sale in the west of Zhenxi, Shen Jianwan heard the news and rushed back without saying a word.

However, she had just reached the border of Zhenxi, and before reaching Xixing Street, she saw a familiar figure.

"My lord, is that person just now Jiang Zhili, Sister Yu's fiancé?" Shen Jianwan has a photographic memory, and asking the king on his shoulder is just to reconfirm that he didn't make a mistake in the flash just now.

Because of Shen Chunyu's marriage, both Shen Jianwan and the king paid attention to Jiang Zhili, and the king nodded when he heard that, "That's right, it's that Jiang Xiucai."

Shen Jianwan was puzzled, "But isn't Lin's private school located on Beiye Street to the north of the town? Why is this Jiang Zhili coming to this deserted town west?"

"Then let's sneak up and take a look?" The king was also curious.

"Okay, anyway, there are still two quarters of an hour before the appointment with He Dashan, let's not inspect the shop we bought earlier today, let's see where Jiang Zhili is going.

I always feel that he is in a hurry, and it seems suspicious that he is in a hurry. "

One person and one beast quickly reached an agreement, and then Shen Jianwan used "Teleporting Flying Step" to secretly follow Jiang Zhili in front.

Originally, Shen Jianwan and the others were worried that Jiang Zhili was going too far away and they didn't have enough time, but they didn't expect that the other party had the same goal as them and walked to Xixing Street, and then to the Liangjiang River.

Unfortunately, Shen Jianwan's appointment with He Dashan was also in this piece of wasteland, so one person and one beast followed without any psychological barriers.

Then they saw Jiang Zhili knocking on the door of a house by the Liangjiang River, and then a girl who looked like a maid came out of the house that seemed to be unoccupied and opened the door.

When Shen Jianwan and the king saw this, they felt that the matter was not simple, and immediately followed each other.

Needless to say, the king, it can go wherever a cat wants to go, and Shen Jianwan can easily leap into a small courtyard with his current skills.

So, they quickly jumped into Jiang Zhili's house.

Then they saw that Jiang Zhili was having a tryst with a girl who was crying so hard!

"Woo...Jiang Lang, you are finally here. Yating misses you so much." Seeing Jiang Zhili coming in, Lin Yating rushed at him and cried in his arms, "Jiang Lang, Yating is so scared." Ah, what if you really marry that Shen Chunyu, woohoo..."

Hearing Lin Yating crying so sadly, Jiang Zhili's heart ached immediately, "Yating, why are you bothering, I heard Xiaoqin said that you haven't eaten all day, how can you do this.

Don't worry, the so-called marriage between Shen Chunyu and I was just a stopgap measure.

It's not that you don't know, my heart is with you, there is no room for others.

I just came from home, and before I left, I once again told my parents to send Shen Chunyu to Jiang Shanchuan..."

Shen Jianwan and the king hid behind the rockery in the yard, and they were stunned when they heard Jiang Zhili and his pair of "foolish men complaining about women" dialogue!

"Ah Wan, this pair of scumbags and scumbags actually married that girl, Shen Chunyu, to someone else with Li Daitao's stupid idea. Do you want me to go up and teach them some lessons?" The king suggested angrily.

Shen Jianwan also reacted at this time, and after hearing the words of the two people in the yard, she finally roughly guessed what happened in Shen Chunyu's marriage in her previous life.

It turned out that the last person Shen Chunyu married in her previous life was not the Jiang Zhili in front of her at all. Thanks to her previous life, she mistakenly thought that the person Shen Chunyu married was this Jiang Zhili, so she mistakenly thought that this person was a good person, so she didn't think too much about his character, but went to Pay attention to whether the other party is a personal matter of the Jiang family.

[Another month begins, ask for tickets ~ Bow and thank you all! 】

(End of this chapter)

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