Chapter 358 A Little Lesson
Hmph, no wonder she didn't find the slightest clue that the other party was not the Jiang family's own. It turned out that Shen Chunyu's decent husband in her previous life was not the Jiang Zhili in front of her at all, but the Jiang Shanchuan.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but nodded to the king, "Okay, your lord, go up and sprinkle them with a little itch powder, enough for them to suffer for half an hour."

"Will this be too cheap for them?" The king was a little dissatisfied.

"For the time being, we will only teach them a little lesson. After the wedding in three days, we will settle the accounts with them, so as not to affect the wedding in three days."

The king was very puzzled when Shen Jianwan said this, "Huh? Ah Wan, aren't you going to expose them? We all know the other party's intentions and let Shen Chunyu marry her?"

"Well, although this Jiang Zhili is not a good person, the Jiang Shanchuan they are talking about should be the husband of Sister Yu's previous life. The husband and wife lived a happy life in the previous life, so we don't want to break up the family.

If we expose Jiang Zhili and the others right now, it will be bad if it affects Sister Yu's marriage.

As for settling accounts with Jiang Zhili and the others, it will not be too late for us to act on the day when Sister Yu gets married. "

Almost after Jiang Zhili told Lin Yating about their plans for the Jiang family's wedding day, Shen Jianwan immediately made a decision based on the memories of his previous life.

That's right, she still doesn't intend to stop the wedding three days later, but she won't let Shen Chunyu and his wife be scheming by Jiang Zhili and the others like in the previous life and get a bad name.

Sure enough, the king immediately agreed with Shen Jianwan's explanation after hearing Shen Jianwan's explanation.

So, next, the king leaped out at lightning speed and gave Jiang Zhili and Lin Yating, who were having a tryst in the courtyard and still in the sweet sweetness, a burst of tickling powder.

This pair of "hard-fated mandarin ducks" who are so busy talking about love can't even see the figure of the king, but they feel a strong itching from their bodies. The itching seems to be able to penetrate people's hearts, so that They just can't stand it.

However, because in front of their sweetheart, the two of them were holding back even the deepest itch.

So Shen Jianwan was surprised to find that they took half the time to attack than ordinary people, and she almost thought that the king had missed.

They endured it for a while and finally couldn't bear it any longer. They began to scratch their bodies from left to right, up and down, and the courtyard was filled with itching and crying.

But because they didn't expect anyone to do anything to them, the two just thought that they got caterpillars or something in the yard, and hurried to take a bath.

Seeing the two scrambling to go back to the house to take a bath, Shen Jianwan finally clapped his hands with consummation, greeted the king, and disappeared into the courtyard in one leap.

When Shen Jianwan and the king arrived at the place agreed with He Dashan, the time was just right, and He Dashan also arrived very punctually.

So the two parties arrived almost at the same time, and then He Dashan told Shen Jianwan about the place where he was going to trade with Shen Jianwan this time.

This time, what He Dashan found was not a shop, but a whole [-] mu of wasteland.

Hearing that what was to be sold was one of the largest contiguous wastelands on the west side of the Liangjiang River, Shen Jianwan's eyes immediately flashed joy, and he should go down and have a look without saying a word.

Then after looking at the wasteland that was indeed what she had in mind, Shen Jianwan decided to buy it without saying a word.

It’s just that this piece of wasteland needs 5000 taels of silver per mu, and this land is just released by the government. If you buy it, you need to pay a handling fee of dozens of taels, plus various taxes, it will cost a total of 100 taels of silver. Well, Shen Jianwan didn't have so much money on him.

But she didn't want to let go of such a good opportunity, and thought that another batch of pearls in the space could be sold, so she decided to go to the county town tomorrow to find the Tianse Silver House and sell the pearls.

After thinking about selling this batch of pearls, she will be able to scrape together the five thousand 100 taels of silver.

And tomorrow also happens to be another day to deliver meat sauce to Wanweilou, Shen Jianwan and the others are also planning to take the opportunity to choose some makeup for Shen Chunyu at the same time, so there is no need to make a special trip to sell pearls.

Therefore, Shen Jianwan agreed with He Dashan that she would give a deposit of 100 taels of silver today, and bring the remaining 5000 taels of silver tomorrow.

Because of Shen Jianwan's good reputation all the time, and of course the most important thing is that few people would buy these wastelands, and the government's listing to them was just to let them sell them, so He Dashan didn't say anything. Should be down.


The next day, Shen Jianwan took another batch of meat sauce and set foot on the road to Pingyang County with a total of [-] pearls twice as many as last time.

But this time, besides Shen Jianwan, she was also accompanied by Shen Min.

Because she wanted to choose makeup for Shen Chunyu, Shen Min, who had always been close to Shen Chunyu, immediately expressed that she would go to pick it together, so the party in Pingyang County became two sisters and sisters walking together.

As for the fast food restaurant, after these few days, Xu Da Niu and Xu Er Niu have already got started, and Shen's mother and Shen Er's aunt can see that even if Shen Jianwan and Shen Min are not present, there will be no mistakes.

And Shen Jianwan understood Shen Min's thoughts very well, and she also thought of how to persuade the other party to sell pearls at that time, so she agreed without any hesitation.

No, the sister-in-law and sister-in-law went to the Wanwei Building to deliver the meat sauce as soon as they entered the city, and then the two went to the Baibao Silver Building to choose a dowry for Shen Chunyu.

Yes, they still chose Baibao Yinlou, which everyone is keen on now, to buy makeup.

As for the problem that Shen Jianwan did not cooperate with Baibao Yinlou in selling pearls last time, Shen Jianwan said that this did not affect them at all to buy makeup today.

After all, she came here in disguise last time, who knew that the pearl seller was her!
Although the shopkeeper of Baibao Silver Building has a very ordinary vision and is a bit petty, Shen Jianwan also agrees that the jewelry here is still very fine in Pingyang County.

As for the Tianse Silver House opened by Tang Yuanshan, of course the jewelry there is better and more refined, but they are doing business for the rich, so the Baibao Silver House is more suitable for ordinary people like them.

Sure enough, when Shen Jianwan and Shen Min went in, no one recognized her as the young man selling pearls.

Then the two looked at the jewelry on the upper and lower floors of the Baibao Silver Building, and almost all the jewelry in the other silver building, before deciding on the last nine pieces of jewelry.

These nine pieces of jewelry are made of gold, silver, jade, pearl, and agate, which can be said to cover almost all the materials of the Baibao Silver Building.

As for things, there are everything from buyao, hairpins, beads on the head, earrings and earrings on the ears, to necklaces on the neck, bracelets and rings on the hands, etc.!
(End of this chapter)

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