Chapter 359 First Meeting
The jewelry that Shen Jianwan and the others picked were all the most exquisite among them, so they spent more than 300 taels of silver for only nine pieces!
But the sisters-in-law and sister-in-law are not stingy people, and they don't feel bad at all for the money being spent on the well-behaved and troubled Shen Chunyu.

After buying the jewelry, Shen Jianwan and the others bought Shen Chunyu the same makeup.

As for the remaining cloth, quilts, clothes, and even furniture, there are quite a few in the Ping'an Embroidery and Furniture Shop that Shen Jianwan and the others bought recently.

The materials and quilts for Shen Chunyu can be taken ready-made in the warehouse of Ping'an Embroidery Village. As for the clothes, Shen's mother drove out two sets of clothes for Shen Chunyu a few days ago, each in four seasons.

As for the furniture, Shen Jian saw that there were still some small pieces of furniture left in the Du family carpenter's shop that she bought last night, such as bathtubs, toilet barrels, and face plates. In addition, she asked Zheng Xiuwen, who is now home, to make another one a few days ago. Wardrobe and a dressing table, it is grand enough to add these to Shen Chunyu.

After buying the additional jewelry, Shen Jianwan and the others went to the backyard of the county government office and brought meat sauce to Song Shiyuan. This time, they also brought more meals from their fast food restaurant.

That's right, since the last time their fast food restaurant opened, Song Shiyuan asked his close companion, Ping An, to give them congratulatory gifts, and after Shen Jianwan asked Ping An to bring him some fast food restaurant food, this nobleman fell in love with their fast food restaurant meals.

No, these days he asked Ping An to come to Qiushui Town to buy food almost every other day, so this time when Shen Jianwan came to the city, they brought him a box of food.

Shen Jianwan was already familiar with the matter of delivering meat sauce to the back door of the county government office.

While waiting for Ping An to come out to get things, Shen Jianwan suddenly said that she had missed a book that she wanted to bring to Shen Xuan, so she used the excuse to buy books and left Shen Min to wait for Ping An.

As for leaving Shen Min here at the county government, Shen Jianwan was very relieved. On the one hand, she was very confident in the safety of this place, and believed that she had already greeted the porter, and it would be fine for Shen Min to wait for her to come out safely.

What reassures Shen Jianwan the most is that the Tianse Silver Building she is going to is only one street away from the county government. She and the king go to sell pearls, and the king's spiritual power can cover this place, so there is no need to worry about Shen Min having an accident at all. .

However, Shen Jianwan only expected that there would be no problem with Shen Min's safety, but he didn't expect some small farces destined by the heavens, or it could be said that fate always comes as expected!
No, after she left, Shen Min had indeed waited for safety as expected, but at this moment she felt a stir in her stomach.

Then she had to blushing and ask Ping An to go in and go to the toilet.

Ping'an and Shen Jianwan have dealt with each other a lot, and they know their family's character well. The most important thing is that both the young master and the county magistrate have a good impression of them.

Hearing this, seeing that Shen Min was really in a hurry, he called a lady to lead Shen Min in to solve major life issues.

At this moment, Shen Min was so embarrassed that she was about to fly, she quickly thanked her and followed her mother-in-law into the backyard.

However, as soon as the mother-in-law led her to the latrine, someone called her to help, because this is only the outer courtyard of the backyard where only servants come and go, and it is separated from the backyard where the family of the county magistrate lived, and Shen Min also came in with a name and name. The woman confidently pointed to the direction of the lavatory and asked Shen Min to go there by herself, and then went to the other place she pointed out where she washed clothes and asked her to go.

Shen Min saw that the toilet pointed by the mother-in-law and the place where she did her laundry, she could easily find it, so she nodded without thinking. At this moment, she was only in a hurry to go to the toilet.

It had been more than a quarter of an hour since she came out of the latrine, Shen Min saw that it had been too long, so she wanted to hurry and ask the woman to take her out.

However, she had just walked out of the toilet when she suddenly heard a rather arrogant voice from above, "Hey, stinky girl!"

Shen Min couldn't help but jump when she heard someone talking, and then hurriedly looked around.

At this time, Song Shiyuan, who was shouting, was hiding in the layers of branches, so Shen Min couldn't find anyone.

For a moment, she was even more confused, and she couldn't help talking to herself, "Could it be that I'm hallucinating? Hey, it seems that I have to ask my sister-in-law to make up for my body when I go back."

"Pfft! Bastard, your eyes are really not very good. You should make up for your blindness at such a young age. Someone as old as my young master can't see."

Song Shiyuan was afraid that it would be difficult for Shen Min to wait until the next person passed by after Shen Min left, so he quickly and carefully lay down on the dense branches around him to reveal his figure while talking.

Shen Min heard the voice of the tree branch and finally saw the other party's true face, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, it turned out that there was really someone!

However, when she thought of the person's unkind words just now, and his mocking just now, she couldn't help but lose her temper again, and unceremoniously rushed back, "You are the stinky girl, you The whole family is a stinky girl! Who else is blind, you are blind!"

She wanted to scold the other party's whole family for being blind, but after thinking about it being too poisonous, she changed it to only scold Song Shiyuan.

Shen Min raised his head, at this time Song Shiyuan finally recognized that she was the stinky girl he rescued on the way back from playing in the farm.

However, when he heard the other party's scolding at this time, he obviously didn't recognize himself, and he was so arrogant that he couldn't do such a shameful thing as self-reporting his family.

Thinking that it was indeed his aphasia just now, Song Shiyuan thought that he still had something to ask for, so he lowered his figure, "Okay, okay, is it okay if the young master said something wrong just now, let's talk about it first, let's talk about a business deal, okay?" it is good?"

Seeing that the other party said that she wanted to discuss business with her, Shen Min couldn't help but look puzzled, "I don't know you, grandma, so what business do I have to discuss with you?"

"Don't, who said that you must know this to do business.

Like this, the young master made a mistake and climbed up this tree just now, who knows... Who knew that he couldn't get down, so you bitch, help me move a ladder over here, how about I give you money? "

Speaking of climbing a tree but not getting down, Song Shiyuan couldn't help but look embarrassed, but his hesitation and unnaturalness made Shen Min misunderstand that he was not a good person, and couldn't help but become vigilant for a while.

"If you don't come down, won't you raise your voice to call the people in the yard? The servants of the county magistrate's family are working there. If you call out, they will definitely hear you." Shen Min pointed to the washing clothes that the woman said before. The local said, looking at Song Shiyuan suspiciously as he spoke.

Song Shiyuan couldn't help but choke when he heard the words. If he wasn't afraid of losing face, he would have yelled at him a long time ago, but thinking that after a while, the whole mansion would know that he couldn't get down after climbing a tree, he felt that he was in a bad place, so what would he do in the future? Live here!

(End of this chapter)

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