Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 365 Shen Jianwan guides Shen Chunyu's makeup and amazes everyone

Chapter 365 Shen Jianwan guides Shen Chunyu's makeup and amazes everyone
When will I wear all these clothes made of so much material? I won't have to worry about wearing them for the rest of my life.

Not to mention that Shen Jianwan and the others married a wardrobe, two large pieces of furniture such as a dressing table, and those bathtubs, bathtubs, wooden basins, washstands and so on are all complete.

It can be said that this handwriting simply blinded the people in Qinghe Village, and the inhumanity is what Shen Jianwan and the others are doing.

Later, someone even estimated the value of the makeup that Shen Jianwan and the others gave, and they were shocked to come up with the answer that the total value of the makeup was more than 1000 taels.

So, the news that Shen Jianwan and his wife gave Shen Chunyu makeup worth more than 1000 taels instantly spread throughout Qinghe Village and the surrounding villages as if they had grown legs.

But Shen Jianwan and the others didn't feel disgusted by this, on the contrary, their purpose of doing this was to build confidence for Shen Chunyu.

After all, when a woman marries her natal family and treats her well, it is her confidence in her husband's family. It can be said that in addition to standing up for herself, the support of her natal family is also another important factor for a girl's family to gain a firm foothold in her husband's family.

The reason why Shen Jianwan closed the fast food restaurant to attend Shen Chunyu's wedding was actually a decision made with this in mind.

After all, the shop's business can be done every day, and it's nothing if it doesn't work for a day, but Shen Chunyu's marriage may be the only time in her life.

At this time, Shen Jianwan and the others came to Second Aunt Shen's house, and Second Aunt Shen and her family got up except for the eldest and second aunt, and Second Aunt Shen's natal family also woke up.

Second Aunt Shen's natal family asked Second Aunt Shen and the others to invite them in yesterday, and Second Aunt Shen's sister-in-law Xu is the Quanfu person who groomed Shen Chunyu this time.

Second Aunt Shen has two older brothers from her natal family, and Xu is the wife of her eldest brother Mo Dazhuang.

Xu's parents are not only complete, but also his parents are complete, and he has two sons and two daughters under his knees. It can be said that he is a very suitable candidate for this Quanfu person.

And just getting along for a short breakfast time, Shen Jianwan also got to know the character of Second Aunt Shen's family.

There are a total of 12 members of their family including Second Aunt Shen's parents, and they are generally not bad. Their temperament is very similar to Second Aunt Shen's, and they are all bold and generous people.

In just one breakfast time, Shen Jianwan and the others got along very warmly with the Mo family.

After breakfast, the impatient Mrs. Xu immediately started to arrange for Shen Chunyu to dress up, and then she was very efficient. Shen Jianwan and the others prepared the ingredients for the banquet. The guests were only the nearest Aunt Yang's family, so she gave Shen Chunyu Chun Yu finished her makeup.

And when Shen Jianwan and the others, who were working happily in the yard, saw Mrs. Xu leading Shen Chunyu out of the boudoir, they were shocked by the makeup of Shen Chunyu's newlyweds and stood there dumbfounded.

Because they found that their hands and feet were thick, Xu, who had never put on makeup a few times in his life, made the makeup of Shen Chunyu's newlyweds look even scarier than a female ghost...

Aunt Shen's parents, Mo's old couple thought that the bride's makeup should be festive, and when they saw the effect, they also shouted to remake it, otherwise the bridal chamber would scare the new son-in-law unconscious.

And this is embarrassing for Xu Shi, she said that her hands are only at this level, and she doesn't know if it can be better than this.

At this time, Second Aunt Shen and the others realized that they had been convinced enough to find Xu's, but this skill is really... hard to describe.

In the end, it was Shen Jianwan who asked her to help guide Xu's makeup according to what she said, so Shen Chunyu's bridal makeup was done in time.

With Shen Jianwan's guidance, Xu's hands-on ability is actually still there, but maybe he is too thoughtful, but it is much better to let Shen Jianwan remind the other party to do it again and again.

Taking the opportunity, Shen Jianwan also told Xu Shi some of the makeup techniques she learned in the space system, and then Xu Shi only carried out the makeup she said, and the effect was better than the one she started with, which can make ghosts The make-up looks so much better.

Seeing that Shen Chunyu, who had put on makeup and combed her hair, put on her wedding dress again, she looked completely different from what she had packed up before, Xu couldn't help being amazed, and sighed that Shen Jianwan, a scholar, was different from the village women like them However, the same bride with her guidance can turn a person into such a completely different effect.

Even with a sharp temper, she couldn't help pulling Shen Chunyu out of the boudoir again to show off, saying that it was to let Second Aunt Shen and the others know that it was not because of her disabled hand that she couldn't transform before, but because no one told her how to transform.

At this time, many guests had already arrived, and as expected, everyone in the courtyard was stunned when they saw Shen Chunyu, who was completely different from usual, who was completely dressed up.

Although the usual Shen Chunyu looks pretty and pleasant, and even because of sufficient nutrition and no wind and rain during this period of time, the skin of the whole person has improved a lot, and the person looks more slim, but the appearance is definitely not the same. The eyes are as beautiful as a fairy.

That's right, Shen Chunyu's current makeup is enough to scare everyone in the eyes of people at this time.

So everyone felt that Shen Chunyu was still the same person, she didn't seem to have much makeup on her face, but her eyes seemed to become bigger and more energetic, her mouth became more refined, and even her nose seemed to be more straight. Yes, and the shape of the face is more perfect.

Coupled with the appropriate jewelry and hairstyle on her head, no matter where Shen Chunyu stood, people had the illusion of being a peerless beauty and independent.

No, seeing Shen Chunyu pulled out by Mrs. Xu, everyone in the courtyard was stunned.

Xu originally thought that the big guys would be full of praise for her when they saw Shen Chunyu's makeup, but now seeing that everyone was surprisingly quiet when they saw Shen Chunyu, she couldn't help but feel a little drummed in her heart.

However, she didn't think the bridal makeup she put on Shen Chunyu this time was not good-looking.

So when she saw that everyone was silent, she immediately exploded, "Isn't it true, these beautiful sisters Yu still don't look good to you?
Oh, my mother said, do you still know what it means to look good..."

Seeing that Mrs. Xu was about to explode, Mrs. Mo, who was familiar with the temperament of the elder daughter-in-law, hurriedly said, "Young lady, please don't be rude. The big guy thinks sister Yu is too good-looking, and she just stared blankly for a while."

Hearing that the big guy was stunned by the too good-looking Shen Chunyu, Xu could not help being overjoyed when he realized it.

And at this time, the women and girls in the courtyard started to praise Shen Chunyu's beautiful bridal makeup one after another, and then asked curiously how Xu's bridal makeup was done, why did they do it? I feel that Shen Chunyu seems to be a different person, but there are still not many traces of makeup.

Hearing that everyone praised Shen Chunyu's beautiful bridal makeup, Xu couldn't help but smile, and then told Aunt Shen and Mo's family who had laughed at her before that it was not because her hands were broken, but because no one was there. Just tell her what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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