Chapter 366
Then she told everyone that Shen Chunyu's makeup was done by her under Shen Jianwan's guidance, she was just executing it, and Shen Jianwan was the one who came up with the idea.

As soon as these words came out, Shen Jianwan, who came out behind Shen Chunyu and Xu Shi, was immediately "sieged" by the big guys.

So she hurriedly said that she only did a little makeup and hairstyle design based on Shen Chunyu's appearance, and did not apply too much makeup to Shen Chunyu. The reason why Shen Chunyu looks so good now is because she is already good-looking. Just put on the makeup and hairstyle that suits her and you can get a bonus effect.

And everyone believed these words without any doubts, because they did not see too many traces of makeup on Shen Chunyu's face, and even the makeup on Shen Chunyu's face at this time was not as thick as that of an ordinary bride, so everyone was very excited. It is easy to believe that Shen Chunyu can become so good-looking now because the makeup, hairstyle and accessories are all suitable for her.

Seeing everyone surrounding Shen Chunyu full of praise for her, even in the end Shen Chunyu couldn't stand everyone's exaggerated praise and ran back to the boudoir shyly. Seeing this place, Shen Jianwan couldn't help but tell the big guys that she was going to start a family. Clothing shop, and then teach everyone a series of knowledge from makeup to matching clothes.

Sure enough, when I heard that Shen Jianwan was going to open a tailor shop, the shop would teach everyone how to make up and match clothes and jewelry. The men in the yard were alright, but the women and girls burst into flames.

Then they all nodded and said that the idea was good, and urged Shen Jianwan to open a shop like this early. This is definitely a blessing for many women. If they have the conditions, they will definitely help as soon as possible.

Finally seeing that the women and girls in the yard, even the elderly women, were full of interest in the ready-to-wear shop he was about to open, Shen Jianwan couldn't help but curl his lips.

Her ready-to-wear shop must be the business of the rich. It is estimated that few of the guests at the scene can go to spend, but she doesn't mind making a name for the shop here.

Not to mention that there may be many invisible rich people present, sometimes the savings of working people are unexpected to many people, and women are willing to spend money for beauty, there may be many people here who can go to her shop to spend in the future.

The most important thing is that as long as she is good at making women suitable for their makeup, hair style and matching clothes can make people look better than before, and the news of the added appearance will spread through these people. The shop doesn't have to worry about word of mouth.

At least their ready-to-wear shop has not yet opened, and the shop will have this wave of publicity first, and the business will definitely be easier to do after the shop opens.

After the shock caused by Shen Chunyu's bride's makeup, Shen Jianwan and the others started to prepare for the banquet again.

This time when Shen Chunyu got married, Shen Jianwan not only invited sisters Xu Daniu and Xu Erniu to cook, she, Shen Min, and Shen's mother also personally cooked the banquet together. Come six.

They are going to make dishes suitable for banquets in fast food restaurants, and add regular wine and dishes.

After the last round, there were more than ten or twenty dishes in this banquet, and the table was full of delicious dishes, which could not even fit.

All of a sudden, these fresh and delicious meals immediately attracted another round of amazement from the guests.

It can be said that from the morning, Shen Chunyu's wedding banquet was extremely lively and fresh, and the atmosphere was also very festive.

However, when the auspicious time came, Second Aunt Shen and the others waited and waited, but they still couldn't wait for the groom team to pick up the bride, and the atmosphere at the scene began to freeze.

No, seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, and the welcome team from the Jiang family hadn't arrived yet, Mr. Mo was the first one who couldn't sit still. He called a few grandchildren and went to Dashu Village to see what was going on in person. .

After Mr. Mo left, the guests in Aunt Shen's yard couldn't help but secretly discuss what was going on.

Shen Jianwan saw all this in her eyes, and seeing Second Aunt Shen and the others laughing among the guests and saying good things to Lao Jiang's family and making excuses for Jiang Zhili and the others, she couldn't help frowning.

Especially when Shen Min came to ask her to go to Shen Chunyu's boudoir to appease Shen Chunyu, seeing Shen Chunyu's uneasy and restless face, Shen Jianwan's anger towards Jiang Zhili and the others became even more intense!

She thought that the members of Old Jiang's family were just planning to change positions on the day of their marriage, but she didn't expect them to be so shameless, Shen Chunyu gave their Shen family a blow before they even entered the house!
Hmph, the fact that the welcoming team didn't arrive in time is big or small, but Jiang Zhili and the others just need to explain what happened and who can blame them?

And if Second Aunt Shen and the others don't let Shen Chunyu go out just because of such a trivial matter, outsiders will only say that they are too stingy, but this still allows Shen Chunyu to get married, and in the future, their momentum on the Shen family's side will be suppressed by the Jiang family's. On the one hand, it will be even more difficult for Shen Chunyu to gain a foothold in the Jiang family in the future.

Shen Jianwan knew the twists and turns here almost without thinking deeply, and it was precisely because she understood these that she gritted her teeth with hatred for the Jiang family at this time!

Almost instantly, she decided that she must let Shen Chunyu and his young couple separate immediately, and it would be best to leave Old Jiang's house completely.

And according to the news about Jiang Shanchuan's life experience that the king has inquired these days, Shen Jianwan thinks that this matter should not be difficult to operate...

After thinking about what to do next, Shen Jianwan's anger was restrained, and he became calm again.

Well, she guarantees how arrogant the Jiang family is now, how much they don't take Shen Chunyu and their Shen family seriously, and she will make them pay back in a short time!
And after waiting until it was almost dark, Mr. Mo and the others arrived with the welcoming team.

At this time, the guests even left early because they were too far away to travel at night. During this period, Second Aunt Shen and Second Uncle Shen sent another group of people to Dashu Village to check the situation.

At this moment, they finally arrived at the welcoming team, Second Aunt Shen and the others breathed a sigh of relief, but then they were angrily discovered that Jiang Zhili hadn't personally seen the welcoming team!

Seeing this place, Buddhas are really on fire, even Uncle Shen, who has always been fond of Jiang Zhili's son-in-law, has no way to convince himself that Jiang Zhili and the others didn't do it on purpose.

However, the young man who came to greet the bride instead of Jiang Zhili had a good tongue, and when he arrived, he explained and apologized again and again, Second Aunt Shen and the others didn't know how to express it if they were angry.

Seeing that the Jiang family wanted to take Shen Chunyu away so lightly, the people in the Shen family were very angry. However, they had to greet them with smiling faces on this happy day. One can imagine the anger for a while. .

The impulsive Shen Jie wanted to rush forward several times to argue with the Jiang family and ask for an explanation, but he was always held back by the younger generation that Uncle Shen had ordered in advance.

No, when Shen Chunyu went out to see off the last guests, Shen Jie hit the courtyard wall with his fist, and blood came out from this fist!
【Ask for a ticket~】

(End of this chapter)

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