Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 371 The door of the new house was locked from the outside

Chapter 371 The door of the new house was locked from the outside

Jiang Dafu is still very confident that Second Uncle Shen and the others are rushing to become in-laws with his family, so he doesn't hide the threat in his words at all.

And hearing Jiang Dafu's undisguised threat, Second Uncle Shen, who had had such extravagant hopes for the Jiang family, now completely saw the other party's true face.

For a moment, the anger and annoyance in his heart couldn't help rising like never before, and he said to himself again and again that it was not time to get into trouble with Jiang Dafu before he calmed down.

"Gouzi is still young and has always had a good relationship with sister Yu, so he will inevitably get angry when he hears that Yu is treated like this by your Jiang family. I also hope that you, Brother Jiang, don't care about him as a child."

Seeing that Second Uncle Shen really explained Shen Jie's unreasonableness to him, Jiang Dafu felt that there was something wrong with what Uncle Shen said, but he still had a sense of superiority towards his family, so he couldn't help but continue to taunt with disdain, "Huh, what's wrong with listening to the wind?" It’s just that Yu’s temperament is not to be desired, brother Shen should take care of your little son, after all, not everyone is something he can slander at will!”

"Brother Jiang, although Quanzi's words are not very nice, they are not rough.

We have indeed received news that your sister Yu took away all her dowry as soon as she entered the house, and even beat her.

And sister Yu has always been well-behaved and is the heart of our family. Hearing that she was bullied like this when she just got married, no matter whether it is true or not, we have to come to your Lao Jiang's family to confirm first, so I hope you can make it easier for me Let's go in and meet her. "

"You..." Jiang Dafu never expected that Second Uncle Shen would say these words next, and he couldn't help being a little stunned for a while.

At this time, Shen Jie dodged Jiang Dafu and walked into the yard. When he came back to his senses, Shen Jie and Shen Jianwan, who followed behind, had already arrived at the door of the new house.

Seeing this and thinking that there are still many things that they haven't had time to arrange, Jiang Dafu was sweating profusely in anxiety, and rushed to stop him, "Slow, wait, what are you doing, you are so so Is it inappropriate to do it?"

"Uncle Jiang, are you sure this is Sister Yu's and his wife's new house?" At this time, Shen Jianwan asked without answering.

"No... That's right, so you can't go in." Although Jiang Dafu couldn't understand why Shen Jianwan asked this suddenly, but he was anxious not to let anyone in, he only hesitated slightly before nodding affirmatively.

"Hmph, Uncle Jiang, you are really dishonest. The door of this room is locked outside. Are you trying to lock the couple into the bridal chamber?" Unceremoniously, he pointed to the new house which was locked by a big lock at this time and asked.

Jiang Dafu realized that they locked Shen Chunyu and Jiang Shanchuan in the wedding room before they had time to open it, and he was hardly scared and almost fainted after seeing it.

He and Wu Zhaodi locked the new house because they were afraid that if Shen Chunyu came out early tomorrow morning, they would not have time to catch the traitor. They never expected that the lock would become evidence to expose them in advance.

And when they saw that the festively posted new house was locked with a big iron lock, everyone was very surprised.

Could it be that the Jiang family really abused the new bride as soon as she came in?For a while, the people at the scene were all brainstorming.

Seeing this, Second Aunt Shen was so anxious that she immediately rushed up, knocked and slammed the door, and shouted loudly, "Sister Yu, are you there? Are you okay?"

"Mother?" Shen Chunyu's doubtful voice soon came from the room.

Hearing Shen Chunyu's answer, Second Aunt Shen let go of her worry, and then hurriedly said, "Sister Yu, are you alright?"

At this time, the sound of Shen Chunyu walking came from the room, "Mother, wait a moment."

Immediately afterwards, the door was pushed, and Shen Chunyu's doubtful voice sounded again, "Hey, why can't this door be opened?"

Shen Jianwan: "Sister Yu, your door has been locked from the outside, let me kick it open for you, and Second Aunt also let me."

When both Shen Chunyu and Shen's second aunt agreed to step aside, Shen Jianwan kicked the door shut, and under the shocked eyes of everyone, she kicked the door open!
And the big iron lock that looked like three or four weights collapsed under this foot, and it was hanging precariously on the wide-open door at this moment.

For a moment, everyone on the scene was stunned by Shen Jianwan's display of force, and Jiang Dafu was even more frightened when he saw it, so that the sweat on his forehead became more violent...

Second Aunt Shen and the others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw that Shen Chunyu was still dressed as a bride when she got married, and she was neatly dressed.

Second Aunt Shen pulled Shen Chunyu who was still in shock and checked up and down to make sure she was really fine, and finally she was completely relieved, "Sister Yu, you are fine, mother can rest assured."

"Mother, what's the matter with you? And why is the door of this new house locked?" Shen Chunyu still couldn't figure out why Shen Jianwan and the others appeared at Jiang's house, and why people were blocked outside her new house. Lock it from the outside.

At this time, Jiang Dafu finally regained his senses from Shen Jianwan's astonishing force value. Seeing that the matter has reached this point, I'm afraid they will be suspicious if they want to continue the matter tomorrow morning.

Thinking of this, Jiang Dafu suddenly made a bold decision, he decided to reveal in advance what they were going to do tomorrow morning.

Although there are still many details that have not been arranged when the incident is revealed now, it should be perfunctory. If this incident is revealed, the Shen family will only know to panic, and how can they think so comprehensively.

As his mind raced, Jiang Dafu felt more and more that the advantages of exposing that matter now outweighed the disadvantages. It happened that there were so many ready-made people on the scene who were more satisfied than they expected.

Hmph, originally he wanted to reveal this matter tomorrow morning, but now that the Shen family came to make trouble, he can't blame him for breaking it ahead of time, and there are so many people at the scene that they don't need the Jiang family to bother to arrange it.

After he figured it out, Jiang Dafu couldn't help but uttered arrogantly, "Brother Shen, is this what you said that our old Jiang family abused the new daughter-in-law?

Look, look, your daughter is standing in front of you with her full beard and tail. On the contrary, the old man, I am very puzzled. Why is Brother Li's daughter-in-law still dressed as a newlywed at this hour, and Brother Li? Well, why didn't you see him come out after such a big commotion? "

Hearing Jiang Dafu's attack, Second Aunt Shen and the others finally recovered from the surprise of seeing Shen Chunyu, and couldn't help but wonder how to deal with it.

When Shen Chunyu heard that Jiang Dafu asked about Jiang Zhili, she couldn't help replying in a tone of doubting what happened to Jiang Zhili, "Husband is drunk, and now he is resting in the room."

Jiang Dafu jumped up when he heard the words, "What, you said Brother Li is drunk?"

Seeing that Jiang Dafu was so excited suddenly, Shen Chunyu couldn't help being startled, and thinking about it, she couldn't understand what she said wrong, and she couldn't help being frightened and subconsciously hid behind Second Aunt Shen.

【Ask for a ticket~ I bow and thank you all~】

(End of this chapter)

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