Chapter 372 Clean Up Wu Zhaodi

Seeing that Shen Chunyu was frightened, Second Aunt Shen immediately took a posture of protecting the cub, "Jiang Dafu, what's your name, can't you speak well if you have something to say?"

"Let's talk about it? Everyone knows that Brother Li is sick today. How could he still drink and get drunk? So now I suspect that the person in this room is not Brother Li at all. "

Everyone at the scene was shocked when they heard that, if it was a wedding night in the bridal chamber, and the man in the bridal chamber was not the groom, then there would be a big fuss.

And after Jiang Dawei finished speaking, he rushed into the new house without giving Aunt Shen and the others any time to react, and Aunt Shen and the others hurriedly followed.

When Shen Jianwan saw this, she knew that Jiang Dafu was going to advance what they had planned, and what happened in her previous life would still happen now, so she also walked into the new house thinking so.

When she just turned around, finally came Wu Zhaodi's shout from behind, "What are you doing?"

Wu Zhaodi didn't want to come out at first, because when Shen Jianwan and the others came, she and Jiang Dafu were in the old couple's room, counting the dowry Shen Chunyu brought with excitement.

She thought that Jiang Dafu could send away the knocker by himself, so she couldn't bear to put down the gold, silver, jewelry and silks in her hands, and only asked Jiang Dafu to open the door.

Who knew that Jiang Dafu hadn't come back for a long time, and the commotion outside was getting louder and louder, until she heard Shen Jianwan kicking the door, she finally heard clearly that it was the Shen family who came to make trouble, and then she finally left the things in her hands to go to the door Listen carefully to what's going on outside.

She didn't hear Jiang Dafu yelling that the person in the new house was not Jiang Zhili, so she immediately knew that his wife was going to explode early, so when she saw it, she quickly ran out to cheer Jiang Dafu, and made a big fuss thing.

And when Shen Jianwan saw that Wu Zhaodi and Jiang Dafu who came out to open the door before were generally well-dressed, a thought flashed in his eyes.

It seems that the Jiang family's old couple hadn't rested when they came, so what are they doing if they haven't slept at this hour?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help asking the king to use his mental power to scan the room of the Jiang family's old couple, to see if he could find any clues about what they were doing in the house before.

What surprised Shen Jianwan was that as soon as she said this, the king in his sleeve immediately proudly told her that it had scanned the entire Jiang family with mental power when they first arrived.

Then it told Shen Jianwan that Jiang Dawei and his wife were greedily counting Shen Chunyu's dowry in their room when they arrived.

Shen Jianwan's eyes lit up when he heard this!
She never thought that the Jiang family would take action on Shen Chunyu's dowry so soon, but that's fine, so the excuse she made up before that the Jiang family snatched the daughter-in-law's dowry on the day of their marriage was realized.

With a sudden change of mind, Shen Jianwan couldn't help thinking about how to implement the next plan while walking.

At this time, everyone also saw the man sleeping on the new bed. Sure enough, this time it was not Jiang Zhili and Jiang Xiucai, but Jiang Shanchuan, the adopted son of the Jiang family and the adopted brother of Jiang Zhili.

The people from Dashu Village who also followed closely saw that the person on the marriage bed was not Jiang Zhili, and someone immediately yelled, "This... this person is really not Jiang Xiucai, it is... Jiang Shanchuan, Jiang Boss!"

And Jiang Dada seemed to have just recovered from the shock, and pointed at Shen Chunyu with a heartbroken look, "Shen's girl, you... how can you treat Brother Li like this."

At this time, Wu Zhaodi also ran in, and when she saw him, she shouted exaggeratedly, "Shen Chunyu, you slut, you stole someone on the first day of your wedding, my mother sees that there is no such a profligate woman like you in this world.

If you cuckold my old lady's brother Li, my old lady will kill you right now. "

As he said that, he even flung his teeth and claws at Shen Chunyu.

Seeing Wu Zhaodi stretching out her long and black nails straight at Shen Chunyu's face, Shen Jianwan saw that Shen Chunyu was shocked by this sudden situation, she couldn't help but use her thoughts to take out a small stone from the space and flick it lightly. Quickly and accurately hit Wu Zhaodi's knee.

Then they saw her rushing over to beat Shen Chunyu, the second aunt Shen who was about to step forward to help, they saw Wu Zhaodi suddenly staggered and fell to the ground when she was more than three feet away from Shen Chunyu. on the ground.

And this fall threw Wu Zhaodi to the ground, her whole body fell to the ground, and she immediately let out a scream like killing a pig.

People inside and outside the house, even the small half of Dashu Village heard her heart-piercing scream!
In the room, Shen Jianwan and the others also felt a slight tremor on the ground following Wu Zhaodi's fall...

Wu Zhaodi lay on the ground and slowly raised her head, "Hey... ouch... it hurts... it hurts so bad."

At this time, everyone discovered that Wu Zhaodi's fall had knocked out two front teeth, her mouth was covered with blood, and her speech was inaccurate due to the air leakage.

Seeing Wu Zhaodi's miserable state, Jiang Dafu finally didn't care to continue pouring dirty water on Shen Chunyu and the others, and ran over to help them.

"Hey... ouch, ten thousand... ten thousand points, it hurts..." Seeing that Wu Zhaodi not only broke her front teeth, but even couldn't straighten her waist, Jiang Dafu couldn't help but immediately yelled at Shen Chunyu: "Shen's girl , What do you mean, you dare to beat your mother-in-law for doing something wrong and stealing others, I think you are going to rebel.

Guys, come and comment. Folks, look at the tutor of the Shen family. This girl cuckolded her husband as soon as she got married, and even dared to beat her mother-in-law. No one would dare to marry such a daughter-in-law. "

Hearing what Jiang Dafu said, and seeing Wu Zhaodi being thrown so badly, members of the Jiang family's five uniforms in the room immediately shouted for support angrily.

"That's right, that's right! This is the first time I've seen this old lady who is so arrogant after being caught stealing!"

"That's not it, Chi Chi, if we were lying on the wedding night bed with other wild men, we would have to be ashamed and indignant to kill ourselves immediately, and it would be shocking to hit my mother-in-law again!"

"Hmph, this is simply bullying our old Jiang's family, no one in our family, brothers, uncles, nephews and big guys are going to let the old man do it to me, let's teach the people from other villages some lessons."

Finally, as an old man who was about the same age as Jiang Dafu yelled, the Jiang family members inside and outside the house immediately became excited.

Seeing that the members of the Jiang family wanted to do something, Shen Jie immediately stood in front of Shen Jianwan and the others, "Why, what, do you want to do it?"

And seeing Yang Jiaxi next to him, he also reacted and brought his fellow Qinghe Villagers forward, "If you have something to say, it's not certain who will suffer if you really have to do it. I thought that the people in Qinghe Village are afraid of you." No!"

(End of this chapter)

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