Chapter 374 Inhumane!

Seeing that Jiang Dafu actually uttered this as an excuse to play fools, Second Aunt Shen and the others couldn't help being very angry for a while.

Shen Jianwan Jianzhi took over the words, "Uncle Jiang, you just have to believe this kind of words. As for whether we big guys believe it or not, it's up to the benevolent to see the wisdom of the benevolent."

Shen Jianwan didn't refute the other party's words, but followed Jiang Dafu's words and said that it is good for him to believe, and he also said that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom, and all of a sudden, Jiang Dafu's reason for being a rascal became incomparable. Ridiculous.

Immediately, Jiang Dafu's face turned ashen, and the Shen family also echoed.

Seeing that Second Aunt Shen and the others were running on him for a while, and the people around him saw that his and Wu Zhaodi's faces were getting more and more wrong, Jiang Dafu was as anxious as ants on a hot pot, so he couldn't help but continue to play tricks and didn't return to the sarcasm of Shen's family, only pointing at the bed Jiang Shanchuan, who was still sleeping soundly, asked, "I don't care about the other old men, Shen Chunyu, you should first explain to me why the person on this bed is Jiang Shanchuan."

Seeing Jiang Dafu pinching the persimmon softly and only heading towards Shen Chunyu, Shen Jianwan's eyes became slightly dangerous.

Seeing that Shen Chunyu was so frightened that her face turned pale and she obviously didn't know how to respond, she sneered at Jiang Dafu, "Uncle Jiang, have you always acted like this? This doesn't explain your irrationality at all, but instead Just ask others to explain to you, where does the overlord clause come from.

That’s right, what’s reasonable is always justified, and what’s wrong is done, and it’s useless to escape, so let’s explain to you why Jiang Shanchuan is in this new house first, let’s be more generous. "

Seeing that Shen Jianwan was willing to succumb and follow his rhythm, Jiang Dafu was secretly happy at first, but then he couldn't help feeling uncertain. He always felt that the other party was not such an easy person to deal with. After all, he had seen Shen Jianwan's strength before. up.

Not to mention Jiang Dawei's complicated mood at this time, Wu Zhaodi, who had finally recovered from the severe pain, heard Shen Jianwan want to explain why Jiang Shanchuan was in this new house, she couldn't help shouting in surprise, "Okay, you guys hurry up!" explain.

The bridegroom was not lying on the bed at the wedding night, and the old lady said that it didn't hurt even if she said it broke the sky.Ah, it hurts..."

Because he was too excited to yell, Wu Zhaodi couldn't help covering his mouth and screaming in pain.

Shen Jianwan didn't have any sympathy for her when he saw her, and he remained calm, "Really? Sister Yu, tell me first how Jiang Shanchuan got into this new house?"

Why Jiang Shanchuan appeared in this new house can be said to be the most difficult question on their side. Seeing that Shen Jianwan dared to take up this topic and ask Shen Chunyu, Shen Jie strangely believed that Shen Jianwan would find a way to make Shen Chunyu innocent.

Seeing that Shen Jianwan asked Shen Chunyu with a blank face and didn't know how to answer, he hurriedly encouraged him: "Sister Yu, you don't have to be afraid, just answer what your sister-in-law said truthfully."

"That's right, our Shen family stands upright, and we are not afraid of malicious people splashing dirty water, so sister Yu, you just tell the truth." Shen Jianwan understands that Shen Chunyu's concern is that everything will be ruined if he makes a mistake. I couldn't explain it clearly, so I encouraged him.

Sure enough, it would be good if Shen Jianwan told her to tell the truth. Under Shen Jianwan's encouraging eyes, she finally said, "'s Uncle Jiang and Uncle Jiang's mother's self-supporting husband...Jiang Shanchuan came in."

As soon as this remark came out, I heard that it was Jiang Dafu and Wu Zhaodi who personally helped Jiang Shanchuan into the new house, and now everyone was arguing, and they couldn't believe it.

And Jiang Dafu had expected that Shen Chunyu would say that, and he was prepared for it, and when he saw it, he immediately put on an angry look and shouted, "Fart! You girl learned to open your mouth to talk nonsense at a young age. The Shen family is really a good tutor.

What a joke, how could our old couple help Jiang Shanchuan into Brother Li's new house? Isn't this putting a cuckold on our son's head? We are not so stupid. "

Sure enough, hearing Jiang Dafu's words, the people at the scene couldn't help but feel reasonable again, and for a while they didn't know who to believe.

Seeing that the big guy moved Yao, Wu Zhaodi was overjoyed and endured the sharp pain in her mouth and shouted: "Wine is, wine is, we are Li Ge'er's parents, how could we do such a thing, so everything It's all Shen Chunyu, you bitch, talking nonsense here.

Hmph, you still don't admit to stealing, and you still want to pour dirty water on your parents-in-law's head. Our Jiang family will divorce you for such a daughter-in-law. ..."

After yelling excitedly again, Wu Zhaodi found that her mouth seemed to be torn a little more, and suddenly a piercing pain came up, and she found that she was speechless again.

Seeing Wu Zhaodi's excitement and anger, the people at the scene couldn't help believing some of her and Jiang Dafu. After all, what they said was also reasonable. No one would help other wild men into their son's new house.

Seeing that everyone believed in Jiang Dafu and Wu Zhaodi more, and no one else spoke up for her, Shen Chunyu couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, trembling, she refuted for herself, "No... I didn't lie.

Sister-in-law Wantang, this is really Jiang Shanchuan's new house that they supported, I'm not lying. "When it was over, I couldn't help rushing to Shen Jianwan for help.

Second Aunt Shen: "That's right, that's right, our Sister Yu is definitely not such a person, Sister Wan, look at this..."

Seeing that Shen Chunyu and Second Aunt Shen were in a hurry, Shen Jianwan wanted to let the Jiang family members who spoke up for the Jiang family talk more and more wrong at this time, and if they were beaten in the face in the end, they would not dare to be so arrogant in the future. I couldn't help but change my mind and said, "Of course we believe in Sister Yu.

And the reason why Uncle Jiang and Aunt Jiang helped Jiang Shanchuan into this new house is not because you are stupid, but because you want to perform the trick of Li Daitao stiff.

Because you didn't like sister Yu's daughter-in-law at all, so you helped Jiang Shanchuan to this new house, so that Jiang Zhili wouldn't have to marry sister Yu again.

In this way, you not only got rid of Sister Yu, the daughter-in-law, but also blamed Sister Yu and her adopted son Jiang Shanchuan. You can even take this opportunity to pinch Sister Yu and Jiang Shanchuan and let them From now on, the two of you will only follow the orders of your Jiang family.

Aunt Jiang and Aunt Jiang, you see, Ah Wan's guess is good, right? "

Jiang Dada and Wu Zhaodi never expected that Shen Jianwan would have guessed their plan thoroughly. Hearing this, he opened his mouth wide in shock but couldn't find any words to refute.

"Oh, looking at the guilty looks of the old couple, it's obvious that our sister-in-law was right. Hmph, old man Jiang, do you still have a conscience?
You didn't want to marry the young master's sister at that time, just say it, it's inhumane to do such a despicable thing now! "

(End of this chapter)

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