Chapter 375 The truth is revealed

"Fart... fart!"

At this time, Jiang Dafu finally reacted, "All this is just your speculation, do you have any evidence?

Hmph, Shen is the chief of the case, right? The old man wants to know if you female scholars judge cases with your mouth in this way, and you have the final say on everything right and wrong. "

Hearing Jiang Dada's strong sarcasm, Shen Jianwan was not angry but smiled, "Of course not, I dare to say that because I have received some news in advance.

Well, since no one can convince the other party now, is it Jiang Shanchuan who you personally helped into the new house, or Sister Yu who lied, then let's continue to distinguish. "

Speaking of which, Shen Jianwan looked at Shen Chunyu again, looked at her with encouraging eyes and asked, "I'll ask Sister Yu now, how do you think this Jiang Shanchuan is the groom, when Uncle Jiang and the others helped him in, did you Didn't ask any questions?"

Being asked such a leading question by Shen Jianwan, Shen Chunyu, who was in a panic, finally found a way to excuse himself, "Because... because although he was drunk at the time and didn't know about it, but...but he was wearing the groom's shirt." clothes."

As she spoke, she pointed to a corner of the bed, and there was indeed a complete set of groom's wedding clothes neatly placed there.

Seeing the exposed clothes, Jiang Dafu and Wu Zhaodi couldn't help being surprised.

Seeing that everyone's expressions changed again, Jiang Dafu immediately took the initiative to splash the dirty water on Jiang Shanchuan, "Okay, it turns out that Jiang Shanchuan, a bastard, was jealous of Brother Li marrying a wife, so he put on a wedding dress and came to the new house to deceive the bride. on."

He said and looked at Shen Chunyu with a look of hating iron but not steel, "I said, girl of the Shen family, you have never seen Li Geer being deceived by Jiang Shanchuan, a wild bastard before, and we will not blame you, but you admit your mistake Wouldn’t it be too much to slander and say that our old couple helped him in if he was discovered?”

"That's right, Shen Chunyu, you admitted that you were wrong about the groom and poured dirty water on us old couple, water... you are used to water." Wu Zhaodi hurriedly cursed at Shen Chunyu when she saw Jiang Dafu pushing the pot perfectly.

"'s not..." Seeing that the old couple of Jiang's family could push the blame back to themselves like this, Shen Chunyu panicked even more.

"Okay, Uncle Jiang, this is just your guess, just like my guesses can't be counted, yours can't be counted either.

Now Ah Wan just wanted to ask if Jiang Shanchuan took the initiative to enter the new house and wanted to marry Jiang Zhili's younger brother, then why is he drugged and in a coma?
And according to my judgment, he has been in the drug for half a day, that is to say, he has been in a coma since the afternoon. May I ask how he sneaked into the new house like this? "

I heard that Jiang Shanchuan was in a coma after taking a drug for a long time, and the people at the scene realized that they had been in for so long. Jiang Shanchuan didn't react at all, and he showed a surprised look for a while.

When Wu Zhaodi saw that Shen Jianwan knew that Jiang Shanchuan had been drugged, she couldn't help but panicked, " fart, Jiang Shanchuan obviously drank too much and passed out. There is no drug."

Shen Jianwan: "Really? Although Ah Wan is not very skilled in medical arts, I am confident that I can tell the difference between being drunk or being drugged. If you are still not convinced, we will You can also ask another doctor to confirm, to see if Jiang Shanchuan has been in a coma for a long time.

Also, we've been making trouble here for so long, Jiang Zhili, Jiang Xiucai, the bridegroom official, why don't you see him come out, don't tell me that Jiang Xiucai can't hear him when the house is so noisy. "

Shen Jianwan asked this question because she had received a message from the king a long time ago. Jiang Zhili did not stay at the Jiang family on this wedding day. Now she wants to see how Jiang Dafu and the others will settle this matter, and she too Prepare for the next search of this Jiang family!
Sure enough, when Shen Jianwan asked about Jiang Zhili, the panic on the faces of the old couple of Jiang's family became more panicked, and this time Wu Zhaodi got stuck.

At this time, Jiang Dafu was also dizzy by Shen Jianwan's pressing step by step. Hearing this, he subconsciously explained: "Brother Li, he slept in the study. It's just the movement outside."

It is the old couple of the Jiang family who need to use countless lies to tell a lie. Shen Jianwan immediately caught Jiang Dafu's excuse when she heard the words, but she was not in a hurry to expose it, and continued to say deliberately after hearing the words: "Huh, On the wedding night, I went to sleep in the study, does this general scholar have a big heart?"

Sure enough, upon hearing Shen Jianwan's words, Jiang Dafu seemed to have found his way again, and continued to refute without hesitation, "Brother Li, he just slept in the study when he was sick, and whoever stipulated that the wedding night must be Into the bridal chamber?"

Hearing that Jiang Dafu once again affirmed that Jiang Zhili was in the study as he wished, Shen Jianwan said that this was enough to make the other party unable to talk back for a while, and the people at the scene were also impressed.

Instead of answering Jiang Dafu's words, she sneered and said, "Hmph, now I find that Uncle Jiang and you guys are really full of lies, and there is not a single truth in your mouth from beginning to end!"

Hearing Shen Jianwan say they were lying so arrogantly, Jiang Dafu said angrily: "Who...who lied, the old man told the truth from beginning to end."

"Didn't you lie? Before we came into this new house just now, if you didn't lose your memory, Uncle Jiang, you should still remember that you wronged us sister Yu for what he did to Jiang Zhili because the groom in the house didn't hear the movement, and then Rushed in to check it out?
Well, I want to ask you now, you said that Jiang Zhili was in this new house, but now you say that Jiang Zhili slept in the study.

Hmph, so I want to ask you which sentence you said is the truth, so I say that you two are lying from beginning to end, and your words are inconsistent. "

As soon as Shen Jianwan's words came out, there was a sudden silence inside and outside the house!
Yes, before Jiang Dafu's posture clearly indicated that Jiang Zhili was in the new house, but turned around and said that Jiang Zhili was sick and lived in the study. Such inconsistencies are nothing but lying.

According to what Shen Jianwan said before, Jiang Shanchuan had been in a coma for a long time, and there was a wedding dress that Shen Chunyu took off for him on the bed. What is the truth?

For a while, the big guys looked at the old couple of the Jiang family full of disdain, and the Jiang family members who had been speaking for the Jiang family also felt panicked pain on their faces at this time. How many things they said before to excuse Jiang Dafu and the others, their faces now It hurts so much...

The point is that no matter how eloquent Jiang Dafu is, he doesn't know how to quibble at this time.

Seeing that Jiang Dafu didn't speak, Shen Jianwan immediately chased after him and said to Shen Jie: "Brother Jie, take someone to search this old Jiang's house, we want to see where Jiang Xiucai is now.

Hmph, our Shen family has always been kind to others, but that doesn't mean they are easy to bully. Today, their Lao Jiang family wants to put such a big stigma of stealing people on their wedding night on the head of a little girl, Sister Yu, and they also want to look at us Answer or not! "

As soon as Shen Jianwan's words came out, the Shen family and the villagers of Qinghe Village all became excited.

[The stupid author came to update late at night, can you give me a vote~]

(End of this chapter)

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