Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 377 Wu Zhaodi's Threat to Shen Chunyu and Her Shameless Plan

Chapter 377 Wu Zhaodi's Threat to Shen Chunyu and Her Shameless Plan
Jiang Dafu originally wanted to explain to Wu Zhaodi that she just picked up the bracelet because she saw it looked good, but now that she heard Wu Zhaodi's words, she almost didn't faint.

And Second Aunt Shen was furious when she heard Wu Zhaodi's shameless words, "Really, our sister Yu still begged you to steal her dowry, Wu Zhaodi is really to blame for such shameless words.

Sister Yu, hurry up and tell me that you gave these two old men these dowries? "

"No... I don't." Seeing the attitude of the people on his side, Shen Chunyu of course knew to help his people.

At this time, Shen Yuan, who was sending the wedding ceremony, rarely came out to speak, "Aunt Jiang, our wedding team wanted to carry the dowry to the new house, but you and Uncle Jiang said that there are too many things to fit in the new house." , Then we said to put gold, silver, soft and various clothing materials, which are precious and do not take up much space, in the new house. As for the large pieces of furniture, they can be put outside for later use.

But you still refuse to say that it is fine to put them all in the utility room, and no one will steal them. At that time, we didn’t want to make a mess on this big day, although we thought it was inappropriate for sister Yu to put the gold and silver at the bottom of the box outside, But I endured it.

The sixteen dowries were carried by our senders into the utility room of your house before they left. The folks who sent the dowry, the matchmaker, and those who came to see the bustling Dashu Village at that time Everyone can testify, but now you say that you have no place to put it in the house of your old couple, which is obviously a lie.

You guys...don't bully people too much. "

Shen Yuan who was forced to speak blushed even though his face was flushed when he spoke, but he spoke in an unprecedentedly sloppy manner, explaining the situation clearly at that time, and even pointed to the dowry room where they put their dowry at the end.

And when Shen Yuan said that, the people who were present all agreed, so the old couple of the Jiang family couldn't find an excuse at all.

Seeing this, Wu Zhaodi simply continued to play tricks, "What's the matter with her Shen Chunyu's dowry? She should have expected this day when she wanted to marry high into our old Jiang's family. cheap thing.

Hmph, I am now reminding you Shen family members not to be so arrogant, she, Shen Chunyu, is now sleeping with that bastard Jiang Shanchuan, so she will not be allowed to live in our old Jiang's house in the future?If this makes things worse, she will have a bad reputation outside, but she won't be able to get a good reputation in our Old Jiang's house!

So Shen Chunyu, you little slut, listen to my old lady, if you still want to continue to live in our Old Jiang's house, just be sensible and drive away your mother's family, otherwise we will give you a divorce letter immediately. "

Aunt Shen and the others were all furious when they heard Wu Zhaodi's shameless words, but Shen Jianwan didn't get angry. Instead, he followed Wu Zhaodi's words and said, "As long as we leave now, you won't pursue the previous matter and treat her well, right?" ?”

Hearing that Wu Zhaodi was really fooled, thinking that Shen Jianwan was really threatened by him, she couldn't help but smugly said: "Hmph, it's a good idea, I left after slapping our Old Jiang's family, and I still want us to treat Shen Chunyu well. dream!"

Shen Jianwan: "Then why don't we pursue this matter?"

"Hmph, of course, if you don't pursue today's matter, our old Jiang's family will be merciful and accept Shen Chunyu as his adopted son and daughter-in-law. Otherwise, there is no need to discuss divorce right away."

"Oh, then how are you going to explain to the outside world that the groom has changed, and that it was because our sister Yu stole the groom on their wedding night?" Shen Jianwan continued.

"Of course!" Wu Zhaodi said without thinking.

Hearing this, Second Aunt Shen finally couldn't bear it any longer, she rushed towards Wu Zhaodi with a yelp and slapped Wu Zhaodi's face away, and then pressed Wu Zhaodi to the ground and rubbed her.

"My old lady made you, an old bastard, spit shit out of your mouth. Our Shen family would rather raise Sister Yu for the rest of her life than let you bastards spoil her like this. My old lady beat you to death, you bastard, thinking that your old Jiang's land is inlaid with gold. So unattainable."

Second Aunt Shen beat and scolded, the more she scolded, the angrier she became, Wu Zhaodi, who started to fight back after a while, was beaten by her until she had no strength to fight back, only screaming again and again.

However, when everyone saw this, they didn't sympathize with her at all, because they were all ashamed by the content of the conversation between her and Shen Jianwan, and they felt very relieved to see her being beaten at this moment!
Jiang Dafu saw all this in his eyes, and he couldn't help but look more hostile and serious at Shen Jianwan.

But at this time, Shen Jianwan suddenly turned around and bowed his hands to the village chief of Dashu Village, who had come in with Village Chief Yang behind him for an unknown amount of time, and saluted: "You are the village chief Zhang of Dashu Village, right? What happened just now?" Made you laugh."

Village Chief Zhang is a few years younger than Village Chief Yang, and they are still about the same age. At this time, he was called to watch almost everything with Village Chief Yang, and now he wished that the Jiang family was not from their village. people.

Now hearing what Shen Jianwan said, he quickly waved his hands, "Don't dare, don't dare, Shen's case is serious. It's the people in our village who are wrong. I'm here to apologize to you, the Shen family and the folks of Qinghe Village. .

"Village Chief Zhang is serious. We can tell that this is only the fault of the Jiang family and has nothing to do with the villagers of Dashu Village, so there is no need for Village Chief Zhang to feel embarrassed.

It's just that you must have heard what Mrs. Wu said just now. It's really not that our Shen family and Qinghe Village people deliberately caused trouble, but that their Old Jiang family really deceived people too much.

Originally, we also thought about whether Jiang Xiucai's exams are not easy, whether we should calm down and stay on the front line in everything, but there are some people who we dare to take a step back, and they will kill them all, so today, our Shen family has decided Report to the authorities for investigation. Do you have any opinions? "

"" Hearing Wu Zhaodi's shameless words with Village Chief Yang, how could Village Chief Zhang have the face to intercede for the Jiang family in front of Village Chief Yang? Not much to deal with, the two surnames also took the position of village head together back then, so village head Zhang would not offend Shen Jianwan and the others for the Jiang family.

Jiang Dafu didn't expect Shen Jianwan and Village Chief Zhang to settle the matter of reporting to the police in two or three sentences, and immediately said urgently: "Hey, if you have something to say, talk about it, if you have something to say, how can you let someone sue our family? Woolen cloth."

After talking, he apologized to Shen Jianwan and the others with a smile: "Families, the old woman can't talk just now, we will discuss it carefully if we have something to say, our Jiang family will definitely give you Shen's an answer that both of you are satisfied with, so this Is it possible to avoid reporting to the official, and it’s not good to bother the official with such a trivial matter, don’t you think?”

【Ask for a ticket~】

(End of this chapter)

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