Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 378 Shen Jianwan's Brilliant Ideas Almost Pissed Off the Jiang Family

Chapter 378

"Really, Mr. Lu, the mayor of the town, said that he was an official for his parents and pleaded for the people. He has always been extremely happy to solve the problems of the people, so Ah Wan doesn't think there is anything wrong with reporting to the official.

And the matter of our two families is really not a trivial matter, it is related to Jiang Xiucai's fraudulent marriage and the robbery of a huge dowry of thousands of taels, and you slandered our sister Yu's wedding night and stole people.

Taken out of these three things alone, none of them is small.

As for Uncle Jiang, you said that you would give us a satisfactory explanation for both of us, but Ah Wan no longer believed it at all.

After all, after hearing Aunt Wu's way of handling this matter just now, and having seen the inconsistencies and shameless acts of the old couple tonight, our Shen family will not know how we will die in the future if we believe you a word. , so this matter can't be private. "

Shen Jianwan stopped talking nonsense with Jiang Dafu, and called Shen Jie directly: "Brother Jie, let's go to the town to ask the doctor to see if Jiang Shanchuan in the new house is drugged, so as not to take a long time I can't see that the Jiang family didn't admit it.

Also, I just received the news that Jiang Zhili, who was said to be sick in the Jiang family, had an affair with someone in a place in the town on the night of his wedding. Is there anyone willing to go with him to help catch the adulterer? Our Shen family is willing to pay each person [-] Wen. "

As soon as Shen Jianwan's words came out, the people present went crazy!
Although they like watching the excitement and eating melons, but now they can still make money, so the enthusiasm is completely different.

Then someone asked loudly, "Case Chief Shen, is it true that everyone who follows will be given [-] Wen, and the children also count?"

"Because it is dark at night, children and the elderly over 60 years old don't have to go, lest they bump into it, and those with limited mobility don't have to force them to go. These people don't have to go to our Shen's house and give money, as long as they are People from Dashu Village and Qinghe Village can do it.

The other adults were paid [-] Wen for those who went with them, and those who didn't go won't get paid. "

Shen Jianwan is very generous and authentic, the total number of people in these two villages is less than 1000, even if each person is given 20 Wen, it is only [-] taels of silver, she can afford it!
And to buy so many people to watch with 20 taels of silver, to buy Jiang Zhili's reputation, to buy Shen Chunyu's clean reputation and their Shen family's good name with 20 taels of silver, it's not worth the money.

Shen Jianwan who can think of such an idea said that he is really a clever ghost!

I believe that if she provided twenty Wen as a reward, everyone in Dashu Village would be dispatched, and if she took money from their Shen family, as long as she hadn't lost her conscience afterward, she would definitely not be ashamed not to tell the truth according to the truth.

No, the result at this time was as expected by Shen Jianwan. The people at the scene were even more excited when they heard what she said. Everyone shouted about their Shen family's generosity and benevolence, and then hurried home to call for people.

A quarter of an hour later, there were only a dozen or so people left to guard the scene, including the old couple of Jiang's family and Uncle Shen.

Jiang Dafu and Wu Zhaodi, who was put into a mess by Second Aunt Shen at this time, thought that Shen Jianwan and the others rushed to the town with hundreds of people in a mighty way, even their Jiang family members were dispatched. , They couldn't help but smoke from the top of their heads.

Especially when they thought that all the members of the Jiang family were instigated by Shen Jianwan's [-] Wen money, and turned to help catch the traitor one after another, they were so angry that their mouths turned crooked.

At this time, Jiang Dafu cursed Shen Jianwan countless times in his heart for being too cunning and a thug, it is really despicable to buy their Jiang family with money and push everyone away!
At the same time, he couldn't help secretly praying that the person he secretly sent to inform Jiang Zhili would arrive at Lin's private school before Shen Jianwan and the others to inform Jiang Zhili, otherwise he couldn't believe that his son was caught and raped by Shen Jianwan and the others. What happened to the bed.

With these people caught in the middle of the night, it will be known to everyone!

Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on Jiang Dafu's head again, and he couldn't even sit still and wanted to go to Lin's private school to inform Jiang Zhili himself.

However, Second Uncle Shen and the others were looking at the old couple from the opposite side, and he couldn't leave even if he wanted to!
Besides, Shen Jianwan led almost [-] people to Qiushui town in a mighty way, and they shocked many people when they first entered the town.

No residents came out to ask what happened, Shen Jianwan didn't need to speak to them, and one of them immediately told the questioner about their going to catch rape.

Hearing that it was such an exciting thing to catch rape, the people who asked the question couldn't help being excited, and many of them joined Shen Jianwan's team of arresting rape, and even called their friends to watch the excitement along the way.

Although it was night at this time, it was still early, and many people in the town hadn't even fallen asleep yet, so the number of Shen Jianwan and their gang of catching rapes was increasing along the way.

And in the process of rushing to the Lin's private school in the north of the town, before Shen Jianwan could even take any action, people from Qinghe Village and Dashu Village "popularized" the newcomers one after another. Things that happened.

No, I heard that Jiang Zhili, who is also quite famous in the town, and his parents did such shocking shameless things as stealing dowry, and even on the wedding night, Li Daitao slandered the bride and stole someone. Everyone was also amazed, and then they also cursed Jiang Zhili and Jiang's old couple as scum, and their enthusiasm for catching rape increased.

And when the big guy arrived at Lin's private school team, he couldn't see the end at a glance...

Shen Jianwan was very satisfied with this situation. At this time, she asked Shen Jie to go forward and knock on the door of Lin's private school, and at the same time communicate with the king who was guarding outside Lin Yating's boudoir with spiritual power to start lighting a fire!
That's right, Jiang Dafu could think of someone to inform Jiang Zhili, how could Shen Jianwan not think of this.

So she had already asked the top-notch king to rush to the outside of Lin's private school and set up a mental barrier. With this mental barrier, no matter who knocks on the door or shouts, the people inside will not listen I can see you.

Even if there are people who climb over the wall to report the news, don't be afraid, the king only needs a thought and the other party stumbles and falls off the wall.

No, when they arrived, there were several people lying on the outer wall of Lin's private school who had come to tip off the news!
These people, she asked the king to give them a moderate trauma, which will not kill or disable people, but just don't even think about getting up for a while.

Even Shen Jianwan asked the king to block the cries for help from these people when they heard their movements, and let them continue to lie down!
And because these few people chose to dig through the three side walls except the main entrance, everyone really didn't find these people for a while.

At this time, after Shen Jianwan ordered the king to remove the spiritual barrier imposed on Lin's private school, the people inside finally heard Shen Jie's knocking on the door!

[The next chapter will be more exciting ~ ask for a ticket first ~]

(End of this chapter)

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