Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 379 Shen Jianwan didn't expect the scene of catching rape

Chapter 379 Shen Jianwan didn't expect the scene of catching rape

When the concierge came out cursing and opened the door, he had just opened the door and just drank Shen Jie and the others when he heard someone yelling that the water was gone.

It turned out that it was Shen Jianwan and someone in their group who noticed Lin Yating's boudoir was on fire!
So the concierge didn't care about cursing at this moment, and ran to the backyard where Lin Yating's boudoir was.

And the people brought by Shen Jianwan and the others rushed in after seeing the fire and rushed in, shouting to put out the fire.

Immediately, countless residents around heard the movement and rushed to put out the fire, and Lin's private school immediately poured in countless people.

However, when the big guys arrived at the fire site, they found that the fire was not as big as they had imagined. It was just a small kitchen in Lin Yating's yard on fire.

Some people from the crowd put out the fire completely in a short while, but the big guys didn't leave after the fire was extinguished, because they had melons to eat at this time.

It turned out that when everyone came in and saw the small kitchen on fire, they also heard a heart-pounding sound coming from Lin Yating's boudoir. Not only did some people not because of the movement outside, it became more and more intense.

Hearing such a hot movement inside, even if you haven't seen it, you can imagine how corrupt the scene is, which made everyone unable to help dismissing the children present.

Meanwhile, one of Lin Yating's maids was knocking loudly on Lin Yating's door, but the people inside still didn't hear her.

Second Aunt Shen sneered when she saw it, and when she saw Shen Jianwan nodding, she led a few women to the door and rushed to the back of the screen to catch Jiang Zhili and Lin Yating, a shameless couple.

However, the scene behind the screen was beyond the expectations of Second Aunt Shen and the others, and even Shen Jianwan, and everyone was stunned!
That's right, even Shen Jianwan didn't guess the scene inside.

Like Second Aunt Shen and the others, she thought that Jiang Zhili and Lin Yating were the only ones in the room, but she never expected that there was a third person inside!
Yes, besides Jiang Zhili and Lin Yating, there is also a woman who is about the same age as Lin Yating in the room!

The three of them rolled together in one place at this moment, engaged in...some kind of hot-eyed...movement on the same bed...

Well, even they are still playing the scene of two women competing for one man...

There were so many hot eyes at the scene that they blinded all the people who rushed in!

Following the "screams" and yelling of Aunt Shen and the women who rushed in first, they rushed out again immediately, and countless curious people followed in, and then many people behind rushed out to talk to Aunt Shen. They vomited in a corner of the yard.

Although Shen Jianwan asked Second Aunt Shen and the others to stop her from going in, but through the big guys cursing and the "screams" when she saw the hot-eyed picture, she could hardly comprehend what was going on inside.

At this time, Lin Shanzhang and his wife and several servants of the Lin family were also brought by another maid of Lin Yating. Originally, they came to put out the fire when they heard that Lin Yating's yard was on fire, but now they came to see this scene. He rolled his eyes and passed out.

However, Shen Jianwan saw that the other party was falling steadily on the body of the book boy behind him, and then she took a closer look and saw the trembling eyelids and hands of the other party.

For a while, Shen Jianwan: ... Seeing that Lin Shanzhang doesn't love Lin Yating, his only daughter, very much!

On the contrary, Lin Yating's mother-in-law, Mrs. Wang, still has some sincerity towards her daughter, but what she did made Shen Jianwan's eyes wide open again.

Because this person actually rushed forward and put on clothes for his own daughter to protect Lin Yating from coming out, but rushed in and pulled the hair of the other woman who was messing with Jiang Zhili, and then began to tidy her up and down.

And she beat and scolded him for stealing a man from her daughter...

The people who saw this scene were stunned again!

From Wang's words, they also understood the identity of the other woman Jiang Zhili was messing with.

It turned out that this woman was the widowed daughter of Lin Shan's eldest brother, named Lin Yiren. She had just died a few days ago and came to the Lin Mansion from the countryside to relax, but for some reason, she and Lin Yating got involved with Jiang Zhili Together.

Based on the enthusiastic "science popularization" of the neighbors around the Lin Mansion, Shen Jianwan and the others knew more about this Lin Yiren.

It turned out that Lin Shanzhang was born in a very poor family. He lost his father since he was a child. It was his widow mother Zhao who raised him and his elder brother and brothers.

At that time, the Lin family was desolate, and it was said that the people in the town actually just had a big tofu house in the town.

I heard that at that time the Lin family had only one kitchen, two rooms, and a yard where it was difficult to turn around, so the family had no property. Lin Shanzhang was able to study all the way, finally passed the exam and opened a private school because he married a good wife Wang.

However, although Wang's natal family is rich, they are also aggressive, so Lin Shanzhang has been living happily all these years, but in fact he dare not make a sound at home, even Wang's only gave him a daughter, Lin Yating, he dare not say anything, It is also in the past two years that as Lin's private school has grown bigger and bigger, he has also taught a few young talents who have gained some status in the family.

No, seeing that the widow of Brother Lin Shan's family dared to snatch her husband with Lin Yating, one can imagine her anger.

Even Shen Jianwan and the others learned a lot about Lin Yi people from the neighbors of the Lin family.

Although this Lin Yiren is now a widow, he is actually only young.

Unlike Lin Shanzhang and the others who live in a big house and call their servants, the life of the eldest family of the Lin family is not very good.

Even because Widow Zhao was rumored to have slept with all the men around in order to make a living, the eldest family of the Lin family who lived with her had a bad reputation.

Those women who suspected that their men had an affair with Widow Zhao did not dare to settle accounts with the wealthy Lin Shan's family, so they all vented their anger on the big house of the Lin family.

Lin Yiren's life was not easy when she was a girl, but she has a good mouth and Lin Yating has always gotten along well. Not half a year ago, she just married Meng Zixian, a girl from Dapo Village, under the help of Lin Yating and their big house. I heard that there is also a very talented Tongsheng named Meng.

Speaking of which, Meng Tongsheng was the only son of Meng Zixian's father, Meng Dashan, and his family background was said to be pretty good.

It's just that Meng Tongsheng fell down and died less than half a year after he got married less than five days ago.

And this Lin Yiren secretly went back to her mother's house the day after her husband died. If Lin Shanchang hadn't shown up at that time, the people in the Lin family's big house would have been demolished by the callers from Dapo Village.

Two days ago, this Lin Yiren lived in the Lin Mansion, saying that it was to relax and forget the pain caused by the death of her ex-husband.

Shen Jianwan heard more and more news about the Lin family and Lin Yiren from the people present, the more he listened, the more he couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching wildly.

And when she heard that Lin Yiren came to live in the Lin Mansion to relax and forget the pain caused by her ex-husband's death, she said directly: ...

Well, this ex-husband ran away before his body was cold, and messed with other men again within a few days, it's really sad!

At this time, the king finally rushed over from a certain corner of the yard and jumped on Shen Jianwan's shoulder.

[Ask for tickets~ The update is ahead of schedule, are the cuties surprised?Do you want to give a ticket to encourage it? 】

(End of this chapter)

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