Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 401 The Furniture Store Daily Jindoujin and Lao Liu's Promotion Banquet

Chapter 401 The Furniture Store Daily Jindoujin and Lao Liu's Promotion Banquet

Shen Jianwan remembered that Yang Shanchuan was stunned when he heard the question from Uncle Shen and Aunt Shen.

Then, as Shen Jianwan expected, he immediately knelt down on the ground with a plop and solemnly agreed to the marriage after he realized it.

So in the past and present, the lovers Shen Chunyu and Yang Shanchuan came together again.

Seeing it, Shen Jianwan couldn't help but lament the indescribable fate.

Because of Yang Shanchuan's situation, Mayor Lu said at the time that he could go back to Qingshi Town or stay in Qiushui Town, so in the end, Second Aunt Shen and the others decided to let their couple come to Qinghe Village to settle down after discussing with him.

According to what Yang Shanchuan's mother, Wu Pandi, said in the adoption document, she only hoped that Yang Shanchuan would have a good life, and that it would be fine if she could go back to sweep the tombs of the Yang family, and it was not mandatory for him to go back to Qingshi Town.

And after so many years, Yang Shanchuan has no clan members in Wanhua Village in Qingshi Town, and now he is a widowed person when he returns.

In this way, it is not certain how the couple will be bullied when they go back, so it is better to stay in Qinghe Village, where there is Second Aunt Shen and the others to rely on.

Yang Shanchuan is obviously not a machismo, and he has no resistance to staying in Qinghe Village.

So these days, he has completed the procedures for settling down in Qinghe Village, bought a piece of homestead next to Aunt Shen's house, and invited He Song and his family, whom Shen Jianwan and the others introduced to him, to build a house.

As for the money for doing this, it was the ten taels of silver that Second Aunt Shen and the others forcibly stuffed back to him.

What Yang Shanchuan meant was that when the house was ready to move in, he would come to the door to formally propose marriage to Shen Chunyu.

And in order to catch up with the process of building the house, he would rush back from work every day to work with the He family. Second Uncle Shen, Shen Yuan, and Shen Jie would go to help after work and school, even Second Aunt Shen and Mother Shen would often Go to the construction site and deliver all kinds of food to He Song and the others so that they can devote themselves more.

Because of limited money, Yang Shanchuan and Shen Chunyu originally planned to build a kitchen, a main room, and a room for two people to live in, and then build a simple latrine, and finally enclose a small yard for the time being. living.

After Shen Jianwan found out, he advanced Yang Shanchuan's wages for half a year so that they could build a few more houses and decorate the house more beautifully.

Second Aunt Shen and their second house are not in short supply now, even Shen Chunyu has a lot of dowry, but Yang Shanchuan insists that he is a man who has to support his family, and he is afraid that people will say that Shen Chunyu is cheating, so he insists on using his own money to build a house. silver.

They all expressed their understanding of Second Aunt Shen, that's why Shen Jianwan borrowed his wages.

As for now, Yang Shanchuan and Zheng Xiuwen live together in the backyard of Jinxiu Xinyi Furniture Store, and Shen Jianwan also gives him a salary of [-] Wen a month, including food and lodging, and then gives him a commission if he finds precious wood.

Having said that, since Shen Jianwan's Jinxiu Xinyi Furniture Store opened, they did not have any furniture in stock to sell to customers in the next few days, but they expressed that they could accept orders from big guys.

Unexpectedly again, after seeing all kinds of amazing trendy and beautiful furniture samples in the store, although it was a pity that they could not get the spot goods immediately, this did not affect their ordering.

This is not three days in a row, and there are no fewer customers who have booked than on the opening day.

Even because on the opening day, when Zhang Yaji brought Tang Yuanshan and Zhang Butou to congratulate the furniture store with gifts from them, they saw that the furniture in the store was really nice and novel, and after buying a lot of them back, people from the county came to hear the news What about buying furniture?

In just three days, Shen Jianwan's new-style furniture that had never been seen in Jinxiu Xinyi Furniture Shop spread around Qiushui Town, and even Pingyang County. Shen Jianwan received 400 yuan just for half of the deposit. Two more!

Seeing that the subsequent turnover of the furniture store was still so strong, the Shen family was completely stunned, and they all lamented that this is really a profitable business.

Especially seeing that the fabric furniture had been sold for hundreds of taels of silver, Mother Shen and Second Aunt Shen worked hard like chicken blood.

And when Shen Jianwan saw that the furniture store's business was four or five times better than she expected, she couldn't help but hastened to adjust the plan to recruit more employees.

So on the third day after the opening of Jinxiu Xinyi Furniture Store, she once again posted a notice to recruit ten more carpenter apprentices in the store. At the same time, she also thought about how to increase manpower for Shen's mother and the others in making fabric furniture.

What Shen Jianwan didn't expect was that her recruitment this time again inadvertently collided with Liu Zhiming's promotion banquet.

Originally, Liu Zhiming's promotion banquet should have been held seven or eight days ago, but for some reason it was postponed for several days.

And that day was right at the market, and the people in Qinghe Village knew that Shen Jianwan's furniture shop was recruiting again, and they heard that they only needed to have a basic knowledge of carpentry.

As a result, many people in the village who are skilled in carpentry are lucky, so although it didn't cause many people to go to Shen Jianwan and their fast food restaurant like the last time Liu Fengying's engagement banquet, the number of people at the banquet was greatly reduced, but there were many people at the banquet. They were all discussing about Shen Jianwan and their furniture shop, which made the old Liu's family very displeased.

Especially hearing people say how beautiful Shen Jianwan's fast food restaurant and furniture store are and how they are making money every day, this makes the old Liu's family feel heartbroken.

Fortunately, because this is Liu Zhiming's promotion banquet after all, his official position is a real tolerance even if he has no rank, which is much better than the less formal official position like village chief and pavilion chief.

So there was an endless stream of people who came to the old Liu's family to congratulate them, from the town to the village, as well as all kinds of relatives and friends of the old Liu's family.

So the old Liu's family enjoyed a rare scene, and the running water banquet was placed outside the courtyard gate, and there was an endless stream of guests from morning to noon.

When everyone in the old Liu family saw such a grand occasion, even Liu Ergou couldn't help laughing from ear to ear.

And Liu Fengying's future husband, Guan Tianyu, and the three members of the Guan family also came to congratulate. This time they also brought several boxes of gifts, but when everyone saw the Guan family's gifts again, they couldn't help but have complicated expressions. Obviously they all remembered the oolong betrothal gift at their engagement banquet last time.

Guan Tianyu's mother, Mrs. Zhang, saw that the faces of the old Liu family and everyone were not right, so she hurriedly smiled and opened the gift in the box courteously.

Different from the rags and rotten dishes at the engagement banquet last time, this time the Guan family really paid for it. Although the three boxes of congratulatory gifts were not as large and numerous as the previous box of betrothal gifts, they contained everything in it. It's a good thing.

I saw that there were not only exquisite sweets and snacks, but also all kinds of expensive tea, tobacco and wine, and even a large box of expensive silk and satin.

Seeing the big guy's amazement, Mrs. Zhang couldn't help being secretly proud, but before she could speak, a sneer sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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