Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 402 Clever Stone and Shen Jie 1 Sing 1 Harmony Liu 2 Dogs

Chapter 402 Clever Stone and Shen Jie sing together and faint Liu Ergou in anger
"It turns out that your old Guan family knows what good things are. Why did you use those rags to hire last time? Do you think Liu Fengying is a rag, so you come to propose with some rags?"

When Liu and Guan's family heard this and saw Shen Jie standing at the gate of the courtyard with everyone watching, their faces turned dark when they heard his words.

When Liu Zhiming saw it, he was instantly pissed off by Shen Jie's shameless rogue!

Shouldn't other people's families hide shamelessly when they see their rival's success? Why didn't Shen Jie hide quickly, and even brought his younger siblings and nephews to watch the fun?Are the members of their old Shen family shameless?

That's right, besides Shen Jie, there are Shishi, Daya, Erya, Shen Yuexia, and sisters Shen Yueyi standing beside him.

Is this the meaning of forming a group to see the excitement of their old Liu's house? !

For a while, Liu Zhiming doubted his life.

When the people around heard Shen Jie's words, they couldn't help coaxing a laugh.

Seeing Liu Zhiming, thinking of being beaten up by Shen Jie last time and framing him, he couldn't help but immediately cursed, but Liu Fengyue beside him was one step ahead of him and said with a smile: "Cousin Jie wants to come to our house to drink daddy's promotion wine Well, then hurry up and take Shitou and the others to pick a table and sit down. Otherwise, there will be too many people to eat, and the wine and food here are quite old. You should rarely eat such a rich meal. Take the opportunity to eat more."

Liu Fengyue's words were clearly for the sake of Shen Jie and the others, and she warmly greeted them for dinner, but in fact, she was insinuating that the life of the Shen family was not good, and Shen Jie and the others had never seen the world or eaten good food. Go to their old Liu's house to please the food.

Shen Jie couldn't understand the sarcasm in Liu Fengyue's words. Seeing that many people around heard Liu Fengyue's words and nodded in appreciation of her grandeur, he folded his arms and said, "Liu Fengyue, you are a whore!" Are you not tired of erecting the archway?

I want to say that the young master has never seen the world, so if he came to beg for food, just say it directly, why bother to make such a big detour.

But we really can't eat the food of your old Liu's family, my uncle and my father didn't go back to ask Liu Ergou for a bite of food when they were about to starve to death. If you are a child, you will betray your parents and be unfaithful and unfilial, so you should keep the food for your family. "

Seeing that Shen Jie stated his purpose directly in a few words, and brought up the old incidents of Liu Ergou's wicked things at his father's promotion banquet again, Liu Fengyue's expression changed involuntarily.Especially when she heard the people present pointing fingers at herself and the members of their old Liu family because of Shen Jie's words, she couldn't calm down even more.

At this time, Liu Ergou, who was so slapped in the face on the spot, immediately turned pale when he heard the words, pointed at Shen Jie and scolded Shen Jie with an appearance of righteousness: "Nie Zhan, did you call Liu Ergou? Just open your mouth." If your grandfather is so disrespectful, you won’t be afraid of lightning strikes. Is this what the master and sage books taught you?

Hmph, if I knew that Shen Minghai and Shen Minghe, the two little bastards, would teach you juniors to be so disrespectful, the old man should have strangled them to death when they were just born! "

Scolding his father at his son, what Liu Ergou said instantly made Shen Jie and Shitou extremely angry.

However, Liu Ergou has the identity of their own grandfather even if he is not a thing. The other party still uses his identity as their own grandfather at this time. Even if they take advantage of it and scold him directly, it will appear that they are too arrogant.

Seeing that Shen Jie was so angry that he wanted to scold Liu Ergou directly, Shitou thought of what Shen Jianwan said, if the enemy cannot be defeated from the front, then start from the side.

So he stopped in front of Shen Jie and deliberately pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Cousin Jie, is this grandpa of the Liu family our grandfather? Then why do all the classmates in the private school have the same surname as their grandfather? We and this Does the Liu family's grandfather have a different surname?"

"Grandpa who farts, Liu Ergou wants to fart. Our old Shen family has nothing to do with their old Liu family's half a penny. Back then, Liu Ergou married into our Shen family. Our father's surname is Shen. We Naturally, the surname is also Shen."

"Then why did Grandpa Liu join our Shen family?"

"Naturally, this is because many of his brothers in Liu Ergou's family were about to starve to death, and their parents were still shameless, so Liu Ergou came to our old Shen's family to find a way to survive. of."

"So great-grandfather, great-grandmother, and grandmother, didn't they save the life of Grandpa Liu?"

"Of course, it's just that some people are born with a wolfish heart and a dog's lungs, and they are unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. Our great-grandfather, great-grandmother, and grandmother rescued him, but he turned around and hooked up with Chen Cuihua, a shameless widow, and killed his grandmother, little uncle, and the others. He also robbed all of our old Shen's family property, so the hatred between our old Shen's family, his Liu Ergou and the old Liu's family is irreconcilable!"

"Hmm, this Grandpa Liu is indeed not a thing.

Great-grandfather, great-grandmother, and grandmother rescued him, but he killed his grandmother and little uncle in turn to rob our Shen family's property. The master said that such a person is ungrateful, ruthless, and will repay his kindness. Pigs and dogs are not as good as dogs. Go to hell! "

"That's right, we're just waiting for some people to be punished. If you do too much unrighteousness, you will kill yourself. Let's go after the fun is over!"

Before Shen Jie didn't realize why Shitou deliberately asked him some questions that they all knew, but after hearing it, he knew that this little cousin dog was deliberately teasing Liu Ergou, so after he realized it, he was very positive. Cooperate with the stone to bury and run on Liu Ergou.

And speaking of this, the six of them in a group also walked out in big strides without waiting for Liu Ergou's reaction.

When Liu Ergou was sung by Shitou and Shen Jie, he revealed his birth and what he had done in the past, and finally cursed him like that, and his nose turned out of anger. Seeing the big guy looking at him He was full of disdain, and even pointed at himself, he rolled his eyes and finally passed out!
After Liu Ergou fainted, the scene immediately became chaotic, so the promotion banquet, which had been going well, suddenly turned into a mess.

However, because of the previous conversation between Shi Shi and Shen Jie, the things that Liu Ergou did that were not as good as dogs were replayed for everyone again, and everyone listened to the shit that Liu Ergou did again. Under the circumstances, it is impossible for the big guys to accuse Shen Jie and Shitou of fainting Liu Ergou.

Especially the words Shitou said at the end, as well as the series of idioms, hit everyone's souls directly, and the people present couldn't help clapping and applauding, otherwise Liu Ergou couldn't faint after listening to it.

The big house of the Liu family was naturally very angry that the promotion banquet was held like this, but there were some things to do.They will continue to follow the plan!
(End of this chapter)

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