Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 428 The Newsletter of Shen Jianwan's Kindness to Guo

Chapter 428 Shen Jianwan's Reward for Guo's Kindness

Next, although Wang Xuemei wanted Guo to drink the medicine right away at Wang's house, she was more at ease watching him drink it herself.

However, Wang Erzhu was in a hurry to go back to work, and Mrs. Zhu didn't persuade them to drink the medicine before leaving, so she couldn't bear it anymore and didn't dare to ask the other party to drink the medicine immediately before leaving. She could only watch helplessly. They drove the ox cart away without eating.

And Wang Erzhu and his wife drove the ox cart all the way out of Qinghe Village, and when they arrived at the village entrance, they were working under the big tree at noon, having lunch and resting together. The villagers gathered together to say hello to the mountains, and saw a beautiful little chubby orange cat parked on his shoulders. The girl came from the direction of Shen's house.

And they also knew this person, it was Shen Jianwan who they talked about at home just now.

Seeing Shen Jianwan approaching now, the couple couldn't help being a little embarrassed to think that they didn't stop Zhu Shi from going out to speak ill of each other.

At this time, some villagers under the big tree saw Shen Jianwan and couldn't help but greeted him enthusiastically, so Wang Erzhu and Guo Shi learned from the conversation between the villagers and Shen Jianwan that Shen Jianwan was going to the barren mountain to see the big guy Open up wasteland, and now I'm going to the fast food restaurant in town to have lunch with the Shen family.

Seeing her fellow traveler, Mrs. Guo, who felt a little ashamed, couldn't help but call out to Shen Jianwan, who was walking, and said, "Miss Wan, do you want to come up?" By car, the head of the family and I will go back to Qingshi Town through the town, and we will drop you off at your fast food restaurant when the time comes."

Shen Jianwan, who was answering the villagers who asked her questions, turned around and saw a strange woman on a bullock cart talking to her, and couldn't help but look at her with some doubts.

Having been in the blacksmith business for many years, Wang Erzhu, who still has some eyesight, immediately knew that Shen Jianwan didn't remember the couple, and couldn't help explaining: "We are the second uncle and second aunt of your Wang family, Miss Wan, but we don't know who they are. Come back often, sister, you haven’t seen us for many years, your second aunt is right, it’s still a bit of a walk to the town, come up and we’ll give you a ride.”

Shen Jianwan's memory has always been excellent, and the reason why she didn't recognize Wang Erzhu and his wife immediately was because she didn't have much contact with them in this previous life after a lifetime.

But when she heard Wang Erzhu's explanation at this time, and the surrounding villagers also echoed Wang Erzhu's words to prove that they were indeed from the village, she immediately knew the other party's identity.

At this time, Mrs. Guo also echoed Wang Erzhu's words, and invited again: "Yes, sister Wan, come up, and let my second uncle and aunt take you to the town to save walking."

Seeing Guo's bright face, and after being reborn, she has become sensitive to people's kindness and malice, she can know that the couple sincerely invited her. For a while, Shen Jianwan didn't have cold eyebrows just because they were Wang's family. right.

Shen Jianwan always had a clear distinction between love and hate, what Wang Xuemei and the others did to her, she would not be able to vent her anger on this couple who seemed to have nothing to do with it.

Seeing that the other party expressed goodwill to her and took the initiative to invite herself to take a ride, Shen Jianwan saw Guo's state and the bad smell of medicine emanating from their ox cart, and finally she couldn't help it. He said: "Auntie, can I ask Ah Wan to take your pulse?"

Guo Shi was warmly calling Shen Jianwan to the car, but she didn't expect Shen Jianwan to say such a sentence at all, so she couldn't help being a little stunned for a while.

But soon she came back to her senses, inexplicably felt that the little girl in front of her was very delicate and cute, and her straightforwardness suited her appetite.

Seeing a fat little orange cat parked on the shoulder in front of her, a cute little girl who looks like Yuxue, Guo's motherly love is unprecedentedly high, and she couldn't help agreeing to the other party's proposal and said with a smile: "Of course, later Sister, do you think there is something wrong with Auntie?"

Guo was just talking casually, but she didn't expect Shen Jianwan's answer to surprise her again, "My aunt is not seriously ill, but maybe she passed the child back then and didn't take care of it and ate something that shouldn't be eaten. Looking at it now It just looks a little unhealthy.

Ah Wan wants to take your pulse now because she thinks that you are going to have a happy event, so she just wants to take your pulse again to confirm. "

Guo Shi was shocked when she heard that Shen Jianwan said a lot about her situation at once, and then she heard Shen Jianwan's words implying some kind of possibility before she had time to think about it, and she was so excited for a while. I can't help but my heart is pounding.

Wang Erzhu was calmer than Guo's. Originally, he was a little apprehensive seeing Guo's agreement to let Shen Jianwan take his pulse. After all, if they didn't want each other to heal and let them take their pulse, it wouldn't look good if they didn't stay for treatment after all.

Now hearing that Shen Jianwan's judgment on Guo's situation is so accurate, especially when the words behind it obviously imply some kind of possibility, he couldn't sit still immediately, and hurriedly reminded the stunned Mrs. Guo, "Aying, hurry up and show Miss Wan!"

After hearing Wang Erzhu's words, Guo Shi also reacted, and when she saw Shen Jianwan walking towards her, she quickly extended her hand.

The villagers holding their rice bowls and chatting about the mountains under the big tree heard Shen Jianwan's previous words, of course they had some guesses like Wang Erzhu and his wife.

Thinking that Mrs. Guo is more difficult than He Dalang's Mrs. Zhao in terms of heirs, they may be pregnant with a child at this time, and they are all very excited.

You must know that Wang Erzhu and Guo Shi have been married for thirteen or four years. They haven't conceived a child for so many years. In the eyes of everyone, they are simply labeled as infertile. So now they hear that Guo Shi may be pregnant. Can not be excited.

This didn't make Shen Jianwan want to see Mrs. Guo in public, and everyone couldn't help but stop eating, talking and watching carefully, and some even gathered around.

But Shen Jianwan was not affected at all, the king jumped and ran away before she approached Guo Shi, so seeing Guo Shi stretching out his hand at this time, she also stepped forward to give him a serious pulse.

After a while, she stopped feeling her pulse and said to Guo with a smile, "Congratulations, Auntie, you will be a mother soon!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent, and no one spoke for a long time, so long that Shen Jianwan was a little confused.

This time, Guo-shi was the first to come back to her senses. Seeing Shen Jianwan tilting her head and looking at herself with doubts on her face, she was instantly blushed and said, "Sister Wan, you said that Auntie... ...This is pregnant with a child...a child?"

Speaking of the possibility of being pregnant with a child, Guo couldn't hide his excitement, and he couldn't speak clearly.

At this time, Wang Erzhu and everyone else came back to their senses after hearing the words, Wang Erzhu immediately said excitedly when he saw it, "Yes, yes, sister Wan, is your aunt really pregnant?"

[Ask for a ticket ~ The following plot will be even more exciting ~ Recommended tickets and monthly tickets? 】

(End of this chapter)

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