Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 429 Diagnose the "magic medicine" given by Wang Xuemei

Chapter 429 Diagnose the "magic medicine" given by Wang Xuemei

As soon as Wang Erzhu's words came out, everyone in the audience could not help but hold their breath and look at Shen Jianwan, and then in the excitement of the crowd, they actually saw Shen Jianwan nodding again affirmatively.

"Yes, auntie is indeed pregnant, but it's only been less than a month, so auntie probably doesn't feel anything yet.

But Ah Wan seems to smell some medicinal herbs that shouldn't be there from your car, I wonder if you can show Ah Wan? "

Hearing Shen Jianwan's words, Wang Erzhu and his wife were completely shocked!

Because they didn't put the few packages of magic medicine that Wang Xuemei gave them outside, but because they were too precious, they wrapped them layer by layer and put them inside the bag, and even put many things outside to cover them.

And what Shen Jianwan said obviously smelled the existence of the magic medicine in their car, so how could they not be surprised?
If they still had doubts about Shen Jianwan's diagnosis before, now hearing what she said, the couple couldn't help but have no doubts.

However, they also noticed that what Shen Jianwan said was that their magical medicines seemed to be not good things, and the hearts of the couple couldn't help beating for a while.

So, before the two of them recovered from the ecstasy of suddenly having a child, their hearts were raised again because of those magic medicines.

This time Wang Erzhu came to his senses first, and quickly went to the side where Mrs. Guo was sitting to remove the clothes on top to reveal a bundle, then opened the bundle tremblingly, and then opened the layers of packages inside, finally revealing the five big clothes inside. Pack medicine!
"Wan...Sister Wan, are you talking about these medicines?" Wang Erzhu still tremblingly handed one of the packs of medicines to Shen Jianwan.

When Shen Jianwan saw that Wang Erzhu and his wife treasured these medicines for tigers and wolves so much, he couldn't help but secretly twitched the corners of his mouth, and nodded when he heard that, "That's right, can I have a look?"

Of course Wang Erzhu would not refuse, "Yes, yes."

Next, Shen Jianwan ate the medicine bag in Wang Erzhu's hand under everyone's scrutiny, then put the medicine bag on the bullock cart, and then slowly opened it to reveal the medicine inside.

"Is there... is there something wrong with these medicines?" Wang Erzhu couldn't help holding his breath when he saw Shen Jianwan carefully picked up the medicine inside and looked at it blindly.

When Shen Jianwan heard this, he put down the herbs in his hand and reconfirmed, "Are these medicines for my aunt to help her conceive?"

"Yes, what's wrong with Miss Wan?" Mrs. Guo said a little anxiously this time before Wang Erzhu.

"Well, the aunt must not drink these medicines, otherwise the child in the stomach will have a miscarriage, or even if the child can be born, it will be a deformed stillborn.

Moreover, my aunt may be in danger of her life when she gives birth. Even if she is fine, she may not be able to conceive a child again in the future, and even if she is pregnant, she will still be a stillborn freak. "

Everyone in the audience was shocked when they heard Shen Jianwan's words, and someone couldn't help but looked at the medicines with a look of fear and asked, "Sister Wan, this...what kind of medicine is this, why is it so vicious?"

Shen Jianwan was about to answer when Dr. Zhang from the village came out from the crowd. He had obviously been here for a while, so he couldn't help but also came up to look at the medicine on the ox cart, "Let the old man take a look too!"

Seeing that Dr. Zhang also joined in to see these medicines, the big guy held his breath and waited for the answer.

Doctor Zhang glanced at it briefly but asked Shen Jianwan with some doubts, "Miss Wan, these medicines do seem to be for helping pregnancy, why do you think there is a problem?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help picking up a safflower to confirm, "These are indeed safflower, peach kernels and other medicines that help women get pregnant."

Seeing Dr. Zhang's puzzled face, and everyone looking at him curiously, Shen Jianwan thought about it and analyzed truthfully: "There are indeed good medicines in this pack of medicines that can help women get pregnant, but these medicines have to be taken before pregnancy. If the aunt is pregnant and eats these blood-activating foods, it is easy to miscarry, and it is very likely to cause fetal malformation.

In addition, there are many poisonous medicines such as centipede and five-step snake in it. If these five big bags are drunk, the child will definitely become deformed or stillborn due to poisoning. In short, pregnant women must not drink it.

Moreover, these toxins will also be deposited in the pregnant woman's body after drinking. In the future, it will be difficult to conceive, or even if the child is pregnant, the child will also become an abnormal fetus due to poisoning.

Let me put it this way, except for some of these medicines that help women get pregnant, many of them are poisonous, let alone pregnant women, even normal people will suffer from bad health if they take it. "

Shen Jianwan's explanation was to try his best to speak in terms that the big guys could understand. It was very simple and easy to understand. As expected, most of the people at the scene understood it, and their faces changed drastically again!
And then Doctor Zhang looked at all the medicinal materials in the medicine bag more carefully, and finally affirmed that what Shen Jianwan said was reasonable, but he was far less educated and less familiar with medical skills and familiarity with medicinal materials than Shen Jianwan, so It's impossible to give a definite answer.

Although Doctor Zhang's words were mediocre, everyone could hear that he was biased towards Shen Jianwan's diagnosis. For a while, everyone looked at the medicine bags with more fear, especially Wang Erzhu and Guo Shi.

Although Shen Jianwan's medical skills have recently been recognized by the big guys, the habitual thinking of the villagers still subconsciously trust Dr. Zhang who is older and has been practicing medicine for a longer time. The Wang family asked Dr. Zhang to show Guo, too, to see if she was really pregnant.

However, Dr. Zhang laughed and waved his hands when he heard the words: "The old man doesn't need to worry about that. Erzhu's daughter-in-law's pregnancy is too short, even if the old man looks at it, he can't see anything."

When it was over, I couldn't help but gave Shen Jianwan a thumbs up and praised: "But Miss Wan, you can diagnose the child that Erzhu's wife is pregnant with in such a short period of time with a short pulse diagnosis. The old man really admires this skill, admires it." ah!"

When Shen Jianwan heard the words, he hurriedly returned the gift, "Doctor Zhang is absurd, the younger generation doesn't dare to be the one, and what I said just now was just Ah Wan's own opinion. To be on the safe side, I suggest that you, Aunt Wang, go to the town to find other doctors to see if it is right." I'm really pregnant, and what's going on with these medicines, maybe the doctor in the town's medical center will know better.

It's getting late, so Ah Wan won't stay here and say goodbye! "

As Shen Jianwan said, she saluted again, and before Wang Erzhu and his wife could react, she cast "Teleporting Flying Step" and flew away, disappearing from everyone's sight after a while.

Shen Jianwan was just trying to repay Guo Shi's kindness in giving her a ride, but she didn't have the idea of ​​deeply meddling in the Wang family's affairs.

[Ask for tickets~The plot will be more exciting~]

(End of this chapter)

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